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News Briefs 09-12-2010

Vengan juntos!

Thanks to Kat, Rick, Greg & The Walrus.

Quote of the day:

“People sometimes think that to take a cargo spacecraft and put a crew into it requires this enormous amount of magical pixie dust. This is not at all the case. If there had been people sitting in the Dragon capsule today, they would have had a very nice ride.”

“If there really are people who are going to still find a way to cast aspersions on what was done today, I pity them, because they’ll be fighting on the wrong side of yesterday’s war.”

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX.

  1. Busted
    Can’t wait to see the Mythbusters episode. Love how Obama wants them to build a working death ray…you know…just for fun…not for attacking foreign enemies or anything…;)

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