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News Briefs 12-08-2010

Aaah… I <3 the smell of TDG in the morning!

Thanks to Greg, Kat, Perceval, Olympus, Todd, and the Woz (who just turned 60).

Quote of the Day:

“The picture that we’re going to paint of Australopithecus is being transformed completely. We can now imagine them walking around carrying their tools. Tools that were the precursor of every tool that we have today.”

Zeray Alemseged, director of the department of Anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences.

“Australopithecus was a very primitive, ape-like early human. The fact that they were using tools and eating meat indicates this was something that was widespread very early in human history.”

Craig Stanford, professor of Anthropology and Biological Sciences at USC.

  1. What a piece of work is man…
    What is this quintessence of dust?

    Part of the space station could be re-purposed for future asteroid mission.

    New find pushes Age of Stone tools back a million years.

    “Australopithecus was a very primitive, ape-like early human. The fact that they were using tools and eating meat indicates this was something that was widespread very early in human history.”

    The Dawn of Man — 2001: A Space Odessey.

    Excerpts from Arthur C Clarke’s diary:

    July 28, 1964. Stanley: “What we want is a smashing theme of mythic grandeur.”

    September 26. Stanley gave me Joseph Campbell’s analysis of myth The Hero with a Thousand Faces to study. Very stimulating.

    October 2. Finished reading Robert Ardrey’s African Genesis. Came across a striking paragraph which might even provide a title for the movie: “Why did not the human line become extinct in the depths of the Pliocene?…we know that but for a gift from the stars, but for the accidental collision of ray and gene, intelligence would have perished on some forgotten African field.” True, Ardrey is talking about cosmic-ray mutations, but the phrase “A gift from the stars” is strikingly applicable to our present plot line.

    Excerpt from Robert Ardrey’s African Genesis (1961):

    …that remarkable killer, Australopithecus africanus, the last animal before man…our last direct ancestor in the animal world…. Man is a predator with an instinct to kill and a genetic cultural affinity for the weapon. (166)

    Arthur C Clarke’s The Sentinel (pdf), 1951 Avon Periodicals Inc.

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