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News Briefs 04-08-2009

Short and sweet.

Quote of the Day:

All things are subject to interpretation – whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.


  1. flood
    The article misrepresents the thesis about the Black Sea sea level raise. The sea level is thought to have risen because a connection to the Mediterranean opened suddenly, not (as th article says) because of rain. Consequently this would have been a regional flood. However the water levels would have risen quite fast, and people living on the coast would have had to move.

    My guess for the ubiquitous tales of a big flood is that there were many big floods, and they all folded into one legend. Wouldn’t be the only time this sort of thing happens.

    No amount of cursing at the round earth will make it flat.

  2. Riding Bareback
    Should we really take a Scotsman’s word on this matter? After all, they haven’t fully adopted PANTS!

    Someday we’re gonna have to figure out where they get funding for this sort of research.

      1. Good Question
        The gist of the report was that unprotected sex was more ENJOYABLE. No mention of matrimony. On these two counts, I would doubt the Papacy’s involvement. However, anything is possible.

        I am also fairly certain that Catholic schoolgirl outfits aren’t officially sanctioned for, ahem, enjoyable purposes!

        1. I don’t buy it
          In this day and age, to have unprotected sex can induce a very stressful feeling of regret that might last a very, very, VERY long time.

          Now the HIV tests are pretty fast, but there was a time when you had to wait a week or so to learn whether you were infected or not.

          That week is a god-damned nightmare, I don’t care what those egg-heads say.

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

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