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News Briefs 07-04-2008

Is it spring yet?

  • Miracle talking fish, ‘work of Satan’, butchered. Maybe this is what they found inside (Billy Bass is the real work of Satan IMO).
  • Witchdoctors have been murdering albinos to use their body parts in magic potions designed to bring people good luck. Are white rabbits in short supply?
  • Fancy a date with an emotional robot? Maybe if they were as sexy as this. But with scientists teaching a computer to recognise attractiveness in women, where does that leave the geeks?
  • The maths behind the beauty.
  • Top 5 recreational drug experiments. That’s one helluva bong at no. 5, and the mind-altering effects appear in rainbow colours (courtesy of the MRI!). Toke, toke it up, man.
  • Turtle has a smoking habit. Tobacco companies see an opportunity.
  • Now where did I leave that city?
  • Let’s hope Rupert Sheldrake’s attacker wasn’t carrying a copy of Catcher in the Rye.
  • Hearing voices? Perhaps one of these would stop them?
  • Virtual reality reveals paranoid thoughts.
  • Oh no! not another ‘alien autopsy‘ video?
  • Jesus Crust!
  • Maybe Bigfoot’s wife should be named for another part of her anatomy?
  • Solar ‘tsunami’ caught on film.

Quote of the Day:

Courage is knowing what not to fear.


  1. Spring…
    The hot and cold conditions we are experiencing here in the UK is a sure sign of climate change happening to this part of the world. Not saying it is ‘Global Warming’ but certainly it is changing our climate since I was young.



    1. right
      Right, the climate is changing. But that is normal, the climate is always changing, and not in “cycles” as some people say.

      if everything is under control, you are not going fast enough (Mario Andretti)

  2. Bigfoot’s wife
    LOL! Do you think “Bigboob” would be politically correct enough for the times we live in? 😉

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. talking fish
    [quote]”So if messages through a fish seem an eccentric way for God to communicate, it is important to remember that the Higher Intelligence has been attempting to communicate with us for thousands of years through more conventional and low-key means, such as books. So a fish makes an excellent loudspeaker for a Torah reading.”[/quote]

    But doesn’t that imply that God is learning from the failed attempts to communicate through more ordinary channels, which is in fact an anatema, since God is perfect and flawless?

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Nope, he’s just
      Nope, he’s just adaptable.

      Anyway, the fish is an ancient religious symbol. Here are a few examples, beyond the better-known Christian one:

      I love that Jakers! gets a mention on the Salmon of Wisdom wikipedia page. Anyone else out there a fan?

      1. adaptable
        [quote=Perceval]Nope, he’s just adaptable.[/quote]

        How can God be adaptable(perfectible)? Isn’t He/She/Them/It already perfect?

        I have never been able to reconcile myelf with the Old Testament accounts of God ‘changing His mind’ about things, like regretting the Creation of Man and bringing the Flood upon the world, or expressing His disappointment to Moses about the hebrews and telling Moses that He would rather destroy them and give Moses a new people and descendency from scratch. But I digress…

        Or maybe it’s not that God is evolving, but rather than WE are evolving, and we are merely just noticing the messages that have always been there?
        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

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