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News Briefs 19-02-08

Detecting the invisible…

  • I have Alice In Wonderland syndrome.
  • Lorenzo’s oil for autism.
  • An invisibility cloak found for sound?
  • America’s satellite killing missile.
  • Nature Of Consciousness: How Activity Of Single Neurons In Human Brain Reflect Conscious Perception.
  • Russian scientists contact netherworld.
  • Iran’s great wall mystery.
  • Ghostly phenomenon of the northern lights.
  • Wisest of humans, Dr Gene Ray’s time cube. And the second wisest.
  • Have scientists found a way of peering into the future?
  • The towns where people live the longest.
  • Chaotic Callisto.
  • Ancient city discovered in India.
  • Quicksilver clock could revolutionize physics.
  • Laser light may be able to detect diseases on the breath.

Quote of the Day:

You are educated stupid – an evil ANDROID, your opposite brain destroyed by Evil ONE.

Dr Gene Ray

  1. Lorenzo’s oil for autism
    I have a cousin who lives in the States, and has a son with autism. I once sent his wife an article that appeared on ‘Discover’ magazine that also made te case on the link between this disease and problems with the immune system. She was grateful but it was clear she was tired of given different opinions and what she perceived as false hope.

    So, I’m tempted to send her this new article, but on the other hand I’m reluctant to do so. I hope the scientific establishment hurries with the clinical trials to either prove or disprove this new treatmean works.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Me Too
      I have a 9 year old daughter with autism. My wife has always thought that it was associated with vaccines, but she has assumed it was a direct cause. I hope this research moves forward quickly.

      My apologies go out to all who were just offended by this hostile, confrontational and completely unreasonable post.

      1. So sorry
        I’m sorry to read that your daughter is also stricken with this malady, Anon. I really hope she and others in the younger generations get to improve thanks to this or other new discoveries and investigations.

        It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
        It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

        Red Pill Junkie

        1. Vaccines and Autism
          In the UK the big controversy over vaccines and autism concerns the triple MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) jab. The argument is that, if given separately, the problem doesn’t occur.
          The argument is well entrenched on both sides, science claiming there is no link. My own feeling is that the problem may be that science hasn’t found it yet, so automatically discount it. But it is a highly emotive discussion here.

          I’m fanatical about moderation

          Anthony North

    1. time cube
      err… could you help me out here, Jameske? I don’t understand what this guy Gene is trying to explain with his Time-Cube theory (I tried to read it but his big-ass font types gave me a headache with my LCD monitor).

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  2. Anthony! You cannot. Miss. This news link.
    The one about peering into the future, I mean. If you haven’t read it yeat I strongly suggest you do so. I’m certain you will find it right up your alley -)

    [quote]But for Dr Nelson, talk of psychic machines is of far less importance than the implications of his work for ordinary people. We may all be individuals, he says, but we are also part of something far, far greater.

    “We’re taught to be individualistic monsters,” he says. “We’re driven by society to separate ourselves from each other. That’s not right. We may be connected together far more intimately than we realise.”[/quote]

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

  3. Single Neuron Activity
    > How Activity Of Single Neurons In Human Brain
    > Reflect Conscious Perception.

    No. They didn’t test the other neurons around* it to make sure they weren’t doing the same thing.

    Single neurons don’t process anything by themselves. It takes a collection of them working together (“synchronized”, by ~40 Hz gamma waves) to process even the most rudimentary signals. We call them “Hebbian cellular assemblies” after D.O. Hebb, who first theorized and described them. He was proven correct many years ago. This means they happened to tap into one of a bunch (1000 to 10,000 typically) of neurons working together. They’d have gotten the same by tapping into any of the others in the active assembly.

    [* “Around it” can be as far as several millimeters, which is miles away at the neuron level.]

    No, I am not the brain specialist…..
    YES. Yes I AM the brain specialist.

  4. Sleeping pill wakes up some brain-damaged minds?
    Speaking of things that can unexpectedly help some suffering minds, check this article on how the sleeping medication zolpidem (Ambien) can help as many as 60% of people with brain damage, and even coma victims:

    I suspect others here may have read this one too, since it’s at the newsmonster site that contains some of the other stories mentioned here (random number generator sensing some future events, etc.), but in case anyone didn’t see it.

    I speculate that the mind-waking effects that zolpidem has on some brain-damaged people, may be related to its side effect of causing, in other people, sleepwalking, sleepdriving, etc.–maybe it wakes part of some “average” brains too, that the person was unaware of suppressing.

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