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News Briefs 04-09-07

As 911 anniversary approaches are we any the wiser as to what actually happened?

  • Hardfire: 911 debate – Fetzer vs. Roberts. Part 1, part 2 and part 3.
  • The year the global warming hoax died.
  • One child foreign policy. Or a veiled rivers of blood speech.
  • No plan to excavate Qin Mausoleum.
  • The return of the Doomsday machine?
  • Ancient humans dodged super-eruption.
  • Archaeologist provides alternative theory as to how first cities grew.
  • Exploring the extreme.
  • Earth’s heat buoys up its crust. Lets hope there’s no weather inside the earth – would an asthenospheric cold front sink New York? Or cause an earthquake in Peru?
  • Washington and Lafayette: should revolutionary ideals be imposed on others?
  • Hunt for Noah’s Ark takes on a new dimension.
  • Oldest living thing found in ice.
  • The neuropsychology of synaesthesia.
  • Fiery UFO blows up off New Jersey.
  • UFOs really do exist out there.
  • Famous rocket scientist saw Roswell spacecraft.
  • Holes in space.

Quote of the Day:

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

Bertrand Russell

  1. 9/11
    Where are all those cable guys? Why haven’t we read any interviews where they’re all saying, ‘Oh, yeah – me ‘n my buddies here – we’ve been working for XYZ Cable Co. for years – and got the pay stubs to prove it. Yep, about two dozen of us were the ones who worked the whole weekend before 9/11, upgrading the internet cable in the WTC. What a F%#@ing waste of time that was! But hey, I’m not complaining about the overtime pay.’

    Or the dog trainers…
    ‘Oh, yeah — perfectly normal to pull the bomb-sniffers out of the building for two weeks out of the year. Dogs need vacations too, ya know.’

  2. Global warming
    Now I know this is a pretty hot issue (no pun intended) around here, with people on both sides of the trenches. I’ve read the posts and seen the blood stains.

    And it’s not that I intend to start a new debate here, right now what I want to point out about the particular article included that dealt with global warming is this:

    “The United States refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and, at one point, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution rejecting it. This has not kept the U.S. from spending billions on so-called “climate research” intended to address climate change with the aim of reducing or capturing CO2 emissions. Had that money been devoted to maintenance of the nation’s infrastructure, tragic events such as the collapse of the Minnesota bridge over the Mississippi might have been averted.”

    It’s almost as if the writer is implying that people who suscribe to the idea of global warming are indirectly responsible for the tragic demise of the Minneapolis bridge. I find this idea irresponsible and preposterous.

    If I wanted to play the writer’s game, I could easily put the blame on the Space Station for what happened in Minneapolis! Yeah, sure, those evil inefficient pencil-pushers back at NASA are sucking the government bussom dry of precious resources that are so desperately needed in infrastructure. All the billions that are spent mantaining that useless tin can up in the air could be used in education and health programs.

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. sorry about the repetition
      Red Pill, I think you were not present when I started saying this stuff.

      But for you, and the rest of the world – the recent major political decisions about CO2 hased been based on a scientific report, from the IPCC.

      This was back a few months. I forget, it May or June of 2007.

      The actual report is coming out on November 7, of 2007.

      People have voted on this thing, not knowing what it is. And this has really big consequences.

      I beg, really, beg, the Green parties of every country, why ?

      Yes yes there are so many reasons to reduce pollution. We need to breathe half-way clean air, and we need to drink halfway clean water.

      But let us try to be honest about this.

      Wanderer, kommst Du nach Liechtenstein – tritt nicht daneben, tritt mitten rein.

  3. Re: Bertrand Russell quote
    So 9/11 conspiracy theorists are “fools and fanatics”, and those who doubt the conspiracy are wise? 😉

    I’ve got a better quote for you:

    “Wiser is he who knows he does not know.” – Socrates

    1. Hard Fire Hit Squad
      Well I took the time to watch the 3 videos on Jim Fetzer debating 9/11 theories, and I can only say that it was a complete waste of time and what looked like a setup hit piece. Especially when the host tells you he is biased at the start. Shouldn’t he shut up then and merely be a moderator allowing time for each party to speak not turn it into two on one? Jim was consistently talked over by either the host or Roberts and whenever he interrupted them they got all offended. Unlike any debate I’ve ever watched. A number of points I’d like TDG readers to consider though.

      1. The next time Fetzer goes on a show like that he should bring all his references and media with him. That way he won’t have to rely on his opponents materials to try and disprove them. Or bring Alex Jones with him 🙂

      2. Trying to argue a small part of the conspiracy doesn’t seem to work. While everyone knows the main points on 9/11 are about the collapse of the towers and WTC 7 it’s all the little points that let you see the big picture. For example Roberts tried to argue down Fetzer about the terrorists being on the passenger lists for the flights. Why not have the BBC and other news stories about supposed hijackers still being alive after 9/11? Who cares if their name is on the list? If they are still alive they obviously weren’t on board the planes. Show the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it comes down. Show them the video of WTC 7 collapsing not a sheet with photo frames on it. See point 1.

      3. Completely brushed over the pentagon. Eg. No marks on the lawn meaning that someone supposedly was flying a jumbo jet at 550 klicks an hour a few feet of the ground to hit on that angle yet the Roberts would have you believe that it is no probs for a guy who has trouble flying a cessna size aircraft? Also why not show them the pictures of the pentagon immediately after the hit. Nice 16ft hole that a commercial airliner has disappeared into. And they would have you believe that the most secured building on the planet only has one camera capture the event with only five frames. How many cameras do you think the pentagon has? Doesn’t seem to bother Roberts though. Thats just conspiracy.

      4. Roberts and the host kept stating that how many people have to lie about what happened to allow Fetzers version of the truth. Well doesn’t the same apply to their version of the truth. Roberts can claim to have as many witnesses as he wants but that then means that the hundreds of first responders, military, civil and academic experts who have come down on Fetzers side of the fence are all lying and fabricating evidence. At least I’ve seen their video testimony.

      5. They spoke about the Osama tapes being credible evidence but Fetzer failed to point out that with todays tech available to the proponents of the official story would it really be that hard for them to concoct a video of anyone saying anything they damn well liked. Quick example the Haiti UFO hoax. And if you think that black ops groups don’t have better tech then we see commercially then you are a extremely naive.

      6.Don’t believe me, Fetzer or Roberts. Do your own research.
      but if you’d like a guide to 9/11 check out vids like
      Loose Change 2nd ed.
      9/11 In Plane Site
      or websites like 9/11 Scholars for truth, infowars or prison planet,

      And for those who have seen these, Alex Jones new film End Game is out soon as well as Loose Change: Final Cut

      One day we may know the truth but we have to fight for it.

      Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
      John 8:32

    2. con
      The official government version of events is a conspiracy also, as several 911 truth researchers point out. Fools and fanatics more properly belongs to government than to 911 truth researchers, as at worst, the 911 truth researchers are only wasting their own lives, whereas the government has wasted hundreds of thousands of others on a dodgy conspiracy theory.

      Socrates’ humility. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. Not so humble a statement as it first might seem. How many can claim to know nothing? One-upmanship from a tramp with bad attitude. 😀

      1. Socrates never bathed
        Socrates never bathed either, don’t forget that. Unless you’re calling me a tramp, to which I agree. I even have a stick with a handkerchief tied to it holding all my worldly possessions. I forgot a can-opener though, and can’t eat my spam.

        I just wanted to point out that the Russell quote goes both ways. Conspiracy theorists should practice what they preach, but they’re so sure of themselves their dogma is no different to Bush Co. It really is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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