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News Briefs 07-08-07

12 Monkeys featured today…

  • Timebomb diseases that scientists are breeding in our labs.
  • The dream of time travel.
  • The Sudarium of Oviedo – better than the Turin Shroud?
  • The origin of tektites.
  • The downside of diversity.
  • The origins of Europeans: the teeth tell the tale.
  • Lightbulb: a kinetic sculpture.
  • Rutgers scientists debunk panspermia based on dirty snowball comet model.
  • 8 million year old bug is alive and growing.
  • Sightings of mysterious bird in San Antonio.
  • Scientists reveal secret of levitation.
  • The world’s most advanced bionic arm.
  • Has SETI been barking up the wrong tree?
  • Largest known planet befuddles scientists.
  • Alexander the Great’s gulf outpost uncovered.
  • Ancient ruler’s tomb, gold trove found in Bolivian pyramid.
  • Hardtalk: Richard Dawkins interviewed on Atheism and Religion.

Quote of the Day:

Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.

Oscar Wilde

  1. time travel and space travel
    I said this before about time travel.

    Suppose we could manipulate our position in time. Say, going back 1 year or so. The solar system move in space kinda fast, rotating around the galaxy. The earth moves around the center of the solar system, none too slow either.

    If we could not manipulate our position in space according to the motion in time, we would end up in some empty space, where the solar system was, 1 year go. And you would have to be very very precise, in coordinating all 4 dimensions.

    So perhaps it is possible to travel in time with some precision, just that all these people get lost in space when they do that.

    You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

    1. interesting
      But do you think we can separate time from space, or viceversa, or that they are two indivisible parts of a whole? I mean, from our third-dimensional perspective of everyday life, we can’t really divide up-down from left-right, we can do it in a piece of paper and with the help of carthesian mathematics, but in reality x,y,z coordinates are indivisible in normal human experience.

      Or maybe time is just a construct from our mind, to prevent us from perceiving that EVERYTHING is happening at the same time.

      Maybe even space is “imaginary” too, as some physicists argue to explain the problem of entangled particles that can share information regardless of the distance that separate them, and therefore seemingly contravining Einstenian laws.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. right
        You say :

        But do you think we can separate time from space, or viceversa, or that they are two indivisible parts of a whole

        and that is more or less my point. If you want to travel in time, as one of 4 dimensions, you have to consider what that does in the other 3 dimensions.

        Looking at the easier spacial dimensions, if you throw a rock or shoot a rock with a rocket into space, it keeps moving from the point of your origin. Independent of how the point of origin moves.

        If you throw a rock with a sling, it goes straight from the point where you let the sling go. It doesn’t keep the rotating momentum of the string.

        So, if time is equivalent to the spacial dimensions, then all the angular motion and linear motion of the galaxy, solar system, earth and so on, would not be preserved either.

        Also there is the interruption of gravity, when all those things move away and the time travelling thingy is not moving with them.

        That’s why I think arriving at the same relative position would be tricky.

        You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

        1. Caballo de Troya
          There’s a spanish writer named J.J. Benitez. He’s not well known in the english-speaking world, but in latin america he has almost a celebrity status amongst the UFO enthusiasts; he jumped into fame when he was working as a young journalist for a newspaper, and was sent to report on the claims of a peruvian contactee named Sixto Paz (ever heard of him?). After that he wrote a book called “OVNIS: SOS a la Humanidad” (UFOs: SOS to humanity), and the rest as they say, is history.

          Anyway, the reason I bring him up is because he wrote a series of books called CABALLO DE TROYA (Trojan Horse). In this “novel” the plot deals with a super secret project run by the american military that develops among other things a method to travel through time, and so the hero of the story goes with another “chrononaut” to the time of Jesus Christ to record the last days of his life, his death and to find out if he resurrected or not.

          The first book was published in 1987 I think, and the last book ad 9th of the series will be released next year (20 years!). Now, an interesting thing about these books is that

          a)they are pretty lengthy in trying to explain some of the most technical aspects of the technologies the chrononauts use in their travel, and the customs and way of living of the jews in the time of Jesus. So, at least you have to credit Benitez for being thorough in his research of the historical period he’s describing.

          b)Benitez has always claimed these books are no mere works of fiction and that there is some hidden truth in what he has written; although he has never stated which sources he has used (he’s over 60 now and says he will leave an affidavit to explain it all so the truth will be known after he dies). Nevertheless it is obvious there’ a big deal of influence between what he describes and the so-called Book of Urantia.

          c)When dealing with the way time travel was possible, the story tells that in the 1930s scientists realize that there was a fundamental particle in the Universe which they called the “swivel” and that all the subatomic particles physicists were constantly observing and discovering were nothin more than “swivels” that changed their relative “angle” (in other words: an illusion). By a method of “inverting” the angles of the time machine swivels the relative time of the craft and its occupants changed (the swivels were in fact TIME itself); a translational change was also needed (as you have explained in our posts) and it was also performed, but it does not explain how they managed it.

          d)It seems Benitez used many of the concepts that were estabished in the famous (or infamous) UMMO letters as a source of inspiration for his idea of the “swivels”. Now in a very loose way I do believe these swivels seem to have some relationship with current string-theory discussions in trying to determine if the true nature of matter is actually “strings” of energy vibrating in 11 or more dimensions. But we have to remember the UMMO letters were received by several european UFO researchers and enthusiasts in the 1960s. And that many scientific concepts the letters stated were later found to be false or inaccurate but deemed plausible at the time they were received.

          e)Although the majority of UFO researchers have come to believe the UMMO case was a hoax, or even some sort of mind game undertaken by either the KGB or the CIA, Benitez still feels there was some truth in the sightings of UFOs which displayed a strange “H” like letter which, according to the UMMO letters, was the symbol of the planet of these space visitors who arrived to our planet in the 1950s. These sightings apparently occured all over the world and not just in Spain or Europe. Incidentally Benitez has just wrote a new book about UMMO which I’m trying to obtain.

          I don’t know if the CABALLO DE TROYA books were ever translated to english, but I think they are worth reading them. If nothing, I have found them truly entertaining and they have even defined some of my moral and religious views (they are one of the reasons I decided to question the authority of the Catholic church as a youngster).

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

          1. Time Travel: Sorry, this is definitely fate.
            Thoughts themselves don’t originate from the brain. Deep thoughts, hence Theta waves, and Delta waves, can be traced deeper and deeper into the brain with no apparent source. Our brain can be thought of as an organ with the purpose of reporting our world, through perceptions, to our consciousness. Science and modern thought claim that this consciousness is due to the brain, but recent discoveries have proven otherwise. The brain is our consciousness’ transmitter back and forth into what we call “reality.” Our world of time and space and matter. Thoughts themselves are not of this realm. They exist beyond the Ain Soph Aur. They are not due to the Ain Soph Aur, it is because they are. Our collective consciousness is the only “true static”, that is that it exists with or without everything else.

            That being said, these so called swivels, or gravitons, or tri-muons, are all only part of the construct of the consciousness, and these particles are the most basic of building blocks of all 11 of the dimensions(thus far discovered). This includes time, as it is separated from space. Space(representing matter, particles), and Time(representing motion or energy, waves), and everything we have observed exists simultaneously as both. (Particle Wave Duallity). This being proven by many with “Bell’s Theorem”.

            Thus, everything we have observed in our “reality” is both particle and wave, and thus effected by time and other elements of reality, except for collective consciousness. The one true static. This should sum up that all of time is “in fact” (if that is a plausible statement) one immeasurable moment(as I stated in a previous blog).

            Finally, all of this taken into account, it does seem very likely that we will be able to travel through the dimension of time. However, philosophically we can obviously observe that it would do us no good, whatsoever, in completing the wills of our egos.
            Say one could travel back in time. Arrive at a place in our known world at a period of our history that we desire. Then imagine that we effectively change something at will.
            Bypassing all time paradoxes and loops and whatnot (for that we require a glitch in the collective consciousness, which is not the case, it is beyond everything and can therefor adapt to anything). The event that was “changed” could be no change at all. It happened before the event of time travel, thus not a change, it was the original event. If the effect occurred before the cause then that is retro-causality, more a working of time that we don’t fully understand to date, but it is real. Thus Fate. Anything we do to change our past can only lead to the original event, because it happened already, ‘before’ our intentions to change it. Hence nothing can really be changed, and we should all just live out our lives in love, as Aleister Crowly said. Take in every moment of pain, joy, hate, love, lust, or anger as an orgasmic gift from beyond a single entities capacities to understand, only when the ‘self’ is unified with the ‘others’ can we perceive beyond realms of physical understanding. Time and Space. And we most certainly can.

            In the absence of truth, there is restriction of nothing.

          2. interesting
            Caballo de Troya also deals with what you mention as “retro-casualty”; giving the impression that God is so vast and the Universe so mgic, that even though we have free-will, none of us can escape our fate. A paradox as counterintuitive as quantum physics statements.
            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          3. amazon
            This author sounds very interesting. I lookd on amazon, there are a few of hist titles. Must make sure I can get them in english or german, I don’t read spanish well enough to do them any justice.

            perhaps you can advise on that.

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          4. sorry
            It’s my inderstanding that his books have never been translated to english, and that’s a real shame, because he’s a very interesting writer and an important UFO investigator; true heir of guys like Aime Michel and Antonio Ribera.

            Maybe you should look in his webpage or contact him.


            His books are published by Editorial Planeta, maybe they can inform if they can provide translations of his books.
            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          5. planetabenitez
            I took the link to planetabenitez, and found several interesting pages — which, considering I don’t speak a word of Spanish, was surprising.

            I’m assuming that all the artwork on these pages has been gathered from all over the world. I’ll post the links in hopes that red pill junkie will post a brief overview, telling us what it’s all about.

            Excerpts (I think) from El Hombre Que Susurraba a los Ummitas (Sept. 2006):

            And here’s one other page that peaked my curiosity:


          6. Benitez: the last globetrotter
            Your assumption is correct Kat. Benitez is a very rare example of a dying species: a field reporter. The kind of guy that goes to the place of a sighting, kneels and grabs the soild, sniffs the air, observes the trees, talks to the neighbours. He has traveled all over the world and circle the Earth like 5 times or more. He has researched anything from UFOs, Atlantis, Easter island, the ayahuasca, Tiahuanaco. He’s the “being-there-done-that” of the unknown 🙂

            Yes, I know. My fandom is pouring out of my skin!

            This book he has written about UMMO is his 50th, which pleases him greatly as the UFO has always been his dearest of mistery subjects.

            The first page you link tells about some sightings in South Africa (1952) and Curitiva (1954) where people reported UFOs that had markings simmilar to the famous UMMO “H” letter. But there were also a report from Denmark (1960)where a witness reported a landed craft and 4 beings with suits like divers and 3 vertical lines in theri chest (the middle one slightly larger than the others). The beings were approximately 3ft tall and moved with elegant pace, as if swimming (!).

            There were also some hunters in Mexico (1964) who witnesssed a silver disc 260 ft (80 m) above ground, and that it also had a strange dark “H” like marking on its belly.

            And so it goes telling of more reports from all over the world of people describing UFOs with strange “H” like markings in their underside. I hope you will all forgive me if I don’t translate the whole content of the page, but as you can see it would take quite a while 😉 But as yu can see with the other two pages, Benitez is a thorough investigator; he has searched on this UMMO thing for at least 40 years, and only now he decides to retake this case from Ufology’s trash can.

            The page that peaked your curiosity is an interview some guy named David E. Sentinella made to Benitez. In it he tals about the beginnings of the UMMO story, and how after many investigators deemed the whole thing a complete hoax, he still thinks there’s something more about the case that needs to be explained.

            BTW that’s Benitez in the photograph; now I ask you folks (and be hones here): does that man look like he’s OVER 60 YEARS OLD to you?? And does he look like a man who has spent a lot of time in the Palestine Desert, in the Amazon jungle, in the planes of Peru and God know where else? I’m 33 myslef and I really REALLY would like to know what’s his secret for keeping himself so young…

            Ok, that’s all for Benitez right now. Kat maybe you should write to him and ask him if his books are available in english or something. If you guys would like it I could write him myself, as I would like to know why the hell has his latest book not arrived to Mexico yet.

          7. More Benitez
            Thank you, red pill junkie, that was very informative!

            >>If you guys would like it I could write him myself, as I would like to know why the hell has his latest book not arrived to Mexico yet.

            Since nothing on his website is in English, I suspect he’d rather receive an inquiry in Spanish. Here’s the contact page — What a great photo! And you’re right – except for his slightly graying hair, he looks about 45!

            I wouldn’t mind searching for English translations of his books, but my search would probably be more fruitful if you could translate a few of the titles into English for me, especially the title of the one I linked to in the excerpts, above. Here’s his book page. Perhaps you could ask if any of his books are soon to be published in English — and tell him you know of a website (ahem!) that has several thousand visitors a day who would enthusiastically welcome those English-language books.

            Btw, what does UMMO mean?


          8. UMMO
            WHAT DOES UMMO MEAN???

            Tsk Tsk Kat, shame on you 😉

            Ummo is pretty much forgotten by now, and it didn’t receive much attention outside the spanish speaking community I reckon, but there was a time it was one of the most important and controversial cases at the beginnings of this crazy endeavour we call Ufology.

            Think about the 60’s. This was the age when people were already familiar with the UFO phenomenon. All the newspapers talked about it; it wasn’t still a subject of (much) scorn and ridicule. Also, the late 50s and 60s was the age of “contactism”, when ordinary people came out to the limelight claiming they were receiving communications from the Space Brothers. The most recurrent form of info reception was through Automatic Writting or other types of “psychic connections” between the so-called contactees and the pilots of these space ships -here we have once again to be mindful of the context, Vallee’s ideas about UFOs were still rejected by most of the researchers who easily explained the sightings as advanced vessels piloted by extra-terrestrial beings who came to Earth possibly out of scientific curiosity or to try to warn us against the dangers of Nuclear weapons. They came as saviors.

            In this sense the UMMO case is different. Instead of psychic links, people were receiving real (in the sense of material I mean) letters that were type-written in plain paper. But in it there was information that described the arrival of a group of scientist-explorers that have come to Earth from a planet that (supposedly) orbitted the star Wolf 424; the name of this planet was UMMO.

            Their first landing occured in the late 50s in France, and thanks to the fact that they were in almost all respects simmilar to us human beings, they quickly blended in our society to study us; they were what we modern UFO enthusiasts would call “nordics”.

            These letters stood out because they were written in a very intelectual manner, the UMMITES apparently were very technical in their descriptions of their society and science. Quite the Space nerds, but not quite geeky since they seemed to be devoid of a sense of humor! The letters were also full with strange words that were said to be the original languages of the Ummites; these guys had these pretty loooong words with a lot of vowels, like IBOZOO UU and things like that, maybe the Ummites had a problem with their tongues, probably the reason they eventually turned telepaths when they reach adulthood…

            And so the people who got the letters formed these little reunion groups in Spain, where people would sit and read and discuss the phylosophical,religious and scientific implications of the letters. You could plainly see it was slowly becoming like a cult.

            Well, I don’t want to extend myself here. Suffice it to say some researchers came to the conclusion that the whole thing was a hoax, and later a man called Jordán Peña claimed to be the author of the letters.

            There is also the suspicion that at least some of the original letters (the ones that dealt mostly with science) were even “planted” by some foreign or government agency. The KGB or the CIA perhaps, to study how a UFO cult would spread and respond to the info they received. Sounds familiar?

            But there is something here worth noting.

            It is the fact that, before the letters were received, there inded was at least one report of a UFO that landed somewhere in Spain, with multiple witnesses, and that people reported the underside of the craft had a weird looking “H” like marking that was much darker than the rest of the vessel. Researchers did find markings on the ground that were apparently left by something that was heavy.

            So I suppose a man like Benitez thought this whole UMMO thing had more in it that was easily seen. I suppose it’s like that with all major controversial cases. There might be the tiniest slightest speck of truth in cases like the MJ-12 papers, Serpo, Dulce, the Caret files and all those others we here at TDG are familiar with. It might be that the purpose of these bogus files is because, like the Deep Throat character of the X Files said once: ” the best place to guard the truth is to bury it between two lies”.

            You should check out this wikipedia link,


            Now, the translation for the book Benitez wrote is “The man who wispered to the Ummites”. He has other books that have recently been compiled into what is called the “Enchanted Planet” series; among them are “The astronauts of Yahweh”, “Lucifer’s Rebelion”, “The Gospel according to St. John”, “Ricky B.”, “My favorite Enigmas”, and of course his most famous books of the “Trojan Horse” saga; I started reading those when I was 15, so you can plainly see I have been “hooked” on Juanjo (as he likes to be called) for quite a while, and I personally consider him to be a guide and a huge influence in my life.

            Ok, I’m going to write to the webpage administrator and inquiry about translations. Maybe I might even dare to write him via normal post office. Who knows? This is such a strange world I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these days I stumble with him here in Mexico city! Benitez taught me that there are no such things as “coincidences” 🙂



            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          9. Totally on board with your comments!…like you I was also 15 when I stumbled on first Caballo de Troya…back then it blew my mind and I thought it was sci-fi but I couldn’t wrap my head around JJ Benitez level of knowledge for all it encompassed in his books…I became aware of the Urantia controversy yet still gave my full attention to Benitez…He is my most favorite writer….it’s been 38 years so far and I have read his books more than once at different times. It is perplexing to see what I thought as sci-fi back in 1981 is now very real. I still follow his interviews and about to start reading his latest book. His books make total sense to me and my own years of investigation have led me to conclude his books are not mere entertainment or great read!…

        2. simple really
          as I have suggested before, our reality is constructed of atoms which are, themselves magnets. All individual constructs therefore are magnetic with a unique frequency. TIME is the construct of a frequency barrier. To time travel one needs to be either above this frequency construct or below it. This of coarse makes interaction tricky but does allow for observation. Our universe, like the others, are spherical and isolated by this frequency barrier. To travel through time and all other universes requires the frenquencies of the centre universe.
          Just a little food for thought.

          “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          1. almost
            I almost understand what you are saying floppy1.

            Not sure whre the frequency comes from with the magnets, but that is secondary. So here is my real question:

            Does this adjustment in alignments, above or below the normal frequency, also apply to spacial coordinates?

            Suppose I want to travel in space, would I want to adjust those frequencies to be where I want to get to, as opposed to where I am?

            Not asking how to do this, just asking if that is the correct concept.

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          2. frequency?
            everything vibrates…..hence has a frequency, sound. So if you wish to go to a planet that you know the frequency off, and you were in a magnetic pulse ship, you would tune the directional attraction to that planet and whooosh…you are there faster than light.

            We now can measure the EMF of electrical cables and so forth. We have not yet discovered how to measure all magnetic frequencies. We can measure the earths frequency and static magnets though. The reason why is because no one has tried looking yet.
            Remember what I keep saying…everything is a magnet. This is why structures stay in as they are. This is what creates molicules. Gravity is a magnetic force tuned to a range of frequencies. It will attract all things in that range. But because it attracts a large range of frequencies it is a passive force. The frequency of your body is an aggressive force, but will only attract atoms in your own body frequency.
            eg: if you could change the frequency of your body to match a frequency of a wall, theoretically you could pass through that wall.

            Does that help?

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          3. Floppy’s Theory
            Good morning everyone,
            Floppy, I’m beginning to like your theory. If I’ve got this right, would you say that the universe would seem to work as science already sees it, but your ideas are the ‘next stage’ on the layers of knowledge?
            If this is so, then it is surely valid as a hypothesis, as it doesn’t conflict with the stage of science at the moment, but nudges it on.
            I’m interested in what were your thoughts when coming up with the idea. Did you have an ‘agenda’ – something specific you wanted to explain, or did it come as a complete holistic package?
            One final question: how would consciousness fit into this? Do you see it as an energy, within the system, or something distinct, separate?

            Reality, like time, is relative to the observer

            Anthony North

          4. floppy and holistic
            I listen to Floppy. Dont agree with him all the time, and sometimes we butt heads.

            I have a hard head, and some padding around that. So we get along.

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          5. goodmorning to you Anthony…..
            holistic…….this theory(floppy’s theory) only conflicks with present theories that have a dead end.
            As far as an agenda go’s…I am only trying to open minds to an approach of looking at the universe and all that is in it, from another angle.
            24 years I have been working on this to close all the gaps. I am now at that stage. Thought is a magnetic energy frequency as well. It will attract a responce from the universe. People that sence how others feel are feeling a form of this as well. Everything everywhere is full of a form of magnetic energy. Some call this the aether. It could also be the “higgs bosom” that science needs to give weight to sub-atomic matter. To have weight you need a force applied. The frequency range of “space” is very narrow so attracts little. The frequency of the sun is tuned to certain objects,eg: Earth, Venus and other bodies flying through space. The space frequency allows a buffer zone between these bodies giving a repulse force that allows for orbits and the distance maintained by our planets orbits.
            It is complex but simple at the same time.

            I will try to answer any questions you ask.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          6. it is so simple
            well, no it is not so simple

            Floppy1 has a theory that is going to change our understanding of the universe. It will take some time until that theory is ready for the rest of the world.

            My thing about how memory works, well that will take some time too. If it works like that at all.

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          7. Sound
            Hi Floppy,
            Like Earthling, I’m not sold on it, but that is besides the point. It doesn’t mean you’re not onto something – and the more I hear, the more ‘attractive’ it becomes (yes, that is both serious, and a pun).
            For a long time I’ve instinctively felt that the ancients had a simple technology that science hasn’t even tried to grasp. Others feel the same, and it is ‘sound.’
            As I say, it’s just a feeling, with no scientific credibility as yet at all. It would explain so many engineering feats if they had had a way of manipulating through resonance.
            Most natural forces, science has turned to engineering practices, but never, really, with sound – except as a passive energy. This itself suggests to me that, if other energies can be manipulated, why not sound?
            Would such a manipulation fit into your theory?

            I’m certain of only one thing. Nothing is certain.

            Anthony North

          8. apart from these things
            we have different thesis about how the universe and the mind works. It seems strange but they dont seem completely incompatible. There are similar features.

            While I am at it, I will try to cause trouble with the train strike in germany. Feel free to join me. Right now 🙂

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          9. many forms of sound……
            there’s far more frequencies we don’t hear then we hear.
            As for “the theory”, I’m not trying to sell anything, nor am I trying to convince anyone. But I do have a universal, complete theory of all. Just imagine, for a moment, knowing and understanding the frequency of all structures. There would be nothing you could not accomplish. Weight would be no obstical nor would anything else.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          10. I missed it
            I missed the sound stuff. Dont think I talked about it at all,
            but I need sleep. so we talk tomorrow

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          11. I was
            replying to Anthony’s questions. But you have a good sleep and have my theory on your mind when you go to sleep….you might wake up with an inspiration.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          12. Echo of Tesla
            >>Just imagine, for a moment, knowing and understanding the frequency of all structures. There would be nothing you could not accomplish. Weight would be no obstical nor would anything else.

            That’s almost exactly what Tesla said.

            Which reminds me…

            Tesla’s book ‘My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla’ has just been republished, and is available at Amazon US.


          13. funny you should mention that
            through the generousity of a very dear friend I have very recently aquired a copy of that book. Tesla was fascinated with electricity and the frequencies of that. I strongly believe that electricity is very dangerous to us and the enviroment. If my thoughts are similar to his, then I am very flattered as he was the greatest mind the world has known.
            There is an unlimited supply of passive energy all around us and it’s all to do with what everything is made off.

            BTW I have not read any of his work that ressembles what I said in that previous comment yet.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          14. Tesla… mistery man
            Is it true that many of Tesla’s patents are now the property of the United States Government?

            BTW Don’t you think David Bowie was awesome as Tesla in the movie “The Prestige”?

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          15. sound… vibration
            The idea that sound manipulation (and therefore vibration manipulation, because in the end that’s all sound really is, as long as it is in a range our mid ears can perceive it) had been used by ancient people to erect their mssive buildings is really appealing.

            In Whitley Strieber’s “The Grays”, there’s a part when a young boy is being abducted by these little guys, and he founds himself hearing a strange sound. He realizes he’s actually floating and that the sound comes from a pair of headphones connected to an ordinary Ipod (!). When he removes the headphones, he falls to the ground.

            Oh incidentally, there was just recently a news story about some scientist developing a way to turn heat (disordered energy) into sound (ordered energy) that could then be used to run a small electric generator. Interesting heh?

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          16. Ancient sound
            Hi Red,
            It’s not just sound to erect ancient monuments I’m talking about. Also, could sound have been used to create many of the intricate stone work decoration that seems to baffle engineers to this day.
            As I say, there’s no science to back this up. I’m just amazed that we’ve never manipulated this energy. Perhaps it is because the tech would be so simple we’ve never thought of it.
            Which would commend it to being known in the past.

            I’m certain of only one thing. Nothing is certain.

            Anthony North

          17. sound is
            frequency, Adjust the frequency to what you are working on and you can manipulate that structure. Dr Who’s sonic srewdriver??????

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          18. i wish
            Realy i wish i could have enough to verify or break your theory.

            Even breaking it would get us much further, dont you think ?

            We have to discuss this some more.

            I will go to the CPAK, which has nothing to do with this. Ask Greg.

            You can observe a lot, just by watching. (Yogi Berra)

          19. Thanks
            Thanks for that, Floppy. It’s good food for thought.
            Earthling, a few ideas about which I wish I could have enough to verify or break a theory:

            Big Bang
            Evolution through natural selection
            Behavioural genes
            Subatomic particles

            And yes, I know science has its verification system, and it’s a good thing, too. But not so good is the way science refuses to even consider other areas they collectively – by majority – deem unworthy.

            I’m fanatical about moderation

            Anthony North

          20. just a little more thought food…..
            vibration creates sound…..all atoms vibrate……a freqency is obtained. To match or mis-match (oppersite) freqencies can be damageing. Oprah singer and the crystal glass…..Jericho’s walls…..and even the blast wave of an explosion will cause damage.

            People are attracted to other people…a magnetic attraction…all frequency related.

            Computers are rated as a frequency in htz.

            I ask you to just think on it and find something that would not fit this theory.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          21. Resonance
            Hi Floppy,
            It’s the resonance of voice and shattering glass that leads me to suspect as yet unkonwn engineering aspects to sound. Although I wouldn’t accept your Jericho idea as evidence.
            Jericho is in a rift valley, prone to earthquakes, which I think accounts for this story. The reason being, there is a strange statement in the Bible that the Israelites crossed the river ‘on dry land.’
            Interestingly, an earthquake in the region in early 20th century caused the Jordan to dam.
            I think there’s a lot of truth in the Old Testament, when you look at it without the ‘cultural’ aspect.

            Sin is what you’ve done once you’ve been caught

            Anthony North

          22. yeah…….
            I just chucked that in there without thinking……but there is many applications of sonic waves that are good as well as very harmful.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          23. floppy & Castaneda & Strieber
            Floppy’s idea has a simmilar vein with Castaneda’s concept of the “Punto de Encaje” or Fixation Point, which is an element of our energetic body from which we perceive several “lines” of energy of the Universe. By changing the alignment of our Fixation Point with other energy lines, we perceive other types of reality, as valid as what we call “normal”.

            This I found was also simmilar with some ideas Whitley Strieber exposed in his book “The Key”, in which he discusses a conversation he had with a very strange old man. You definitely should check it out.

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          24. thanks for that Red
            I will check out that book. I’ve not read any of his books.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          25. Zero-larity
            I can’t think of any instances where your theory doesn’t work, but I do have some issues with the basics of it. First of all magnetism is caused by opposite polarities, and yet not all atoms and molecules equal zero (on their own anyway, I do realize that all numbers are only so many units from zero with nothing defining an exact unit, meaning that anything of measure is still only itself relative to zero; and if something exists other then zero, then zero does not exist for it is the absence of anything, meaning that the something has nothing of relativity to compare itself to, giving an immeasurable state.) This is reallity. It is immeasurable. We could easily start studying and documenting the magnetic frequencies of things that are known, but when it comes to time travel, you must adjust also the frequencies of the unknowns. Even knowing the ‘central frequency’. What I’m saying is, those molecules that don’t equal zero are attractive to their frequency opposites, but have not attracted them (obviously or we wouldn’t be observing them as separate entities) because of other forces. We can’t just program one frequency and expect it to override all the others. Like you said, most of sound we cannot hear, most of light we cannot see, just as most of our reality (which is all made up of waves, thus having it’s own frequency) is not observable either. We know anti-matter exists, and we know there must be as much anti-matter as positive matter, but we haven’t got a clue where it is. Why hasn’t it attracted to the positive matter and anihilated, because there are other forces at work. Take black holes, they have a gravity so great that not even light can escape, yet they put out a form of radiation. Meaning that even the strongest form of attraction yet discovered is not complete.
            All of time folds in on itself, because consciousness is it’s source. Without any subjective perception to view this mist of aether particles, there is nothing to decipher the matter and the space between. It all comes back to us. The one thing we know for sure, is we exist. Everything else is secondary, even attractive forces. Energy itself is only possible if there is a lack of energy to compare itself to. I’m talking about looking beyond duality. This is not to say singularity, for if there is one, it will lead to two. One has no shape, it is only a lonely point, two creates a line of some discernable measure, but still has no shape, three brings shape but no possibility for motion, that comes with four. I’m going to call this new frontier zero-larity. Hence, the ain soph aur. All of time folds in on itself, explaining that we have free will, but if all moments happen at the same instance then the future has already happened, and we’ve already made all of our free-will decisions, leaving no room for adjustment, denoting fate. It’s the same with history. If we do find a way to travel through time (which the subject of this article has actually already done on the atomic level using light), we will only cause our current history, not change it, because it happened before we did. The effect merely happened before the cause, negative cause and effect or retro-causality. Watch “12 Monkeys”(thank you Terry Gilliam). We can change nothing, but are the cause of everything. Without us there is no reality. So, let’s make the rest of it what we want.
            And as for sound being the secret tool of the ancients look into “Coral Castle”.
            In the end everything equals zero, for it is the only thing that exists beyond everything else, no matter what the number is, it is still only that distance from zero. Without the omnipotent zero to compare itself, it cannot be. So what is this omnipotent zero, the eternal constant, which is, as I said before, the only thing we really know, our selves.
            Stating the WE are beyond energy and all of its effects, like matter and the existence of time-space. A true “static”, completely stationary and unmovable by any force, for they are all merely effects of it.
            Time is all also part of perception, so if you altar perception, you can therefor altar time. And we know how to altar our perception. Hence, we can all time travel through our consciousness, but still cannot effect change.
            In the absence of truth, there is restriction of nothing.

          26. do we??
            “The one thing we know for sure, is we exist.”

            There are days when I even doubt that! 😉

            It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
            It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

            Red Pill Junkie

          27. magnetism is
            the measurable and observable force between to opposite polarities. Yet this force allows a magnet to cling to certain materials with no known sorce of rejuvenating energy. Physics states that when energy is used it must deminish yet the magnet prooves this wrong.

            It is the force I refer to not the cause of the force. The energy exists without the opposite polarities. But when opposite polarities are used we then can observe the force at play. Your body is not held together by superglue, it is this magnetic energy of your personal frequency at an atomic level.
            Blackholes and light: light is a reflection off the aether(magnetic resonance energy)produced by a frequency source. It is manifested as heat when it is shed by non translusent structures or denser molicules. The magnetic aether passes through everything but drops its reflection only to build up this reflection again slowly once free of the dense or solid structures. Simple experiment is to hold up a stick between the ground and the sun, the higher you lift the stick the less sharp the shadow becomes.
            This is why science believes light is a partical that acts as a wave. It is really two destinct things, one being a form of partical and the other being a reflection of that partical(the wave). With the understanding that science has of gravity is why the belief of blackholes being collasped matter compressed so much that it’s gravity captures light. Yet radiation is measured from a blackhole. This is a contradiction. If light can not escape, radiation certainly isn’t going to. But if a magnetic frequency anomally like a wirlpool in water is formed in space then certain amounts of light are shed from the aether as it passes through.

            Lets not forget, we have yet to actually “see” an atom. The effects sure, but an atom, no. The aether is smaller still.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          28. Yes Black Hole Radiation is smaller than light
            Light is only one instance of particle wave duality. Everything, all measurable space down to gluons and muons exist as both particle and wave, much smaller than electrons and protons. It is believed that yes, the attraction is caused by a particle smaller still that we have not proven yet, but are pretty sure that must exist, because of ‘Bell’s Theorem.’
            This denotes that something is moving faster than the speed of light. Hence, blackhole radiation, which does certainly exist, we’ve seen it in quasars. A form of particle/wave that can escape the gravity of a black hole. This is not that dificult to understand, if you believe that these aether particles do exist, being every particles source of gravity and hence mass. Even your magnetism would draw it’s energy from this source(the zero point field).
            Look into “When an elephant approaches a black hole.” It explains this thoroughly.
            Whether a black hole is a ‘magnetic swirl’ or collapsed matter is not important in my statement although a very sound observation, the importance in what I said is that something smaller than light is escaping still, signifying the unknowns I spoke of. Too many unknowns to control, I believe anyway. Time will tell.
            I still stand by the idea that it would do us no good. It would only cause the event we tried to change.
            Also thoughts in the brain are measurable as magnetic wave form, but as you follow the wave closer to the source, it disappears before we reach it, hinting that our brain is only our minds filter into reality and not the source of our consciousness.
            The occult discovered all of this through the philosophical application of the mathematics that science discovers.
            Hence the mantra, “Our body is light, we are eternal.”
            In the absence of truth, there is restriction of nothing.

          29. Not really disagreeing.
            I’m not really disagreeing with your concepts, just the trouble with controlling something that is as vast as all of time. You would need to make everything resonate to a frequency that you design, seems pretty tricky.
            Attempt time travel in your mind.
            In the absence of truth, there is restriction of nothing.

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