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News Briefs 25-10-06

Short, strange and RAW.

Quote of the Day:

It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea.

Robert Anton Wilson

  1. Exoskeleton
    The race for exoskeleton armies among nations will be dwarfed by the race among exoskeleton civilians.

    I want an exoskeleton now. As soon as they are on the market, everyone will want one. Who doesn’t want to be Superman or Wonder Woman? The Germans will make a luxury version, the Japanese will introduce a precision, economy version, and the US will make a powerful fuel-guzzler. With after-market products one can really pimp their exoskeleton out with chrome-plated accessories, on-board communications packages, and sound systems. Cheap knock-offs will be produced by China requiring other manufacturers to export production to third-world countries.

    Since technically it is a vehicle, governments can tax it, it will require insurance, and technicians will be required to maintain it. More powerful microprocessors will be required to walk, read, communicate, lift, pull and chew gum simultaneously. New industries will be born. Everyone will want one. Your dog will want one.

    I will require one that includes a 45-foot wing set and a 10-foot tail/rear stabilizer for airborne capability. We should consider running lights and collision avoidance software for night flights. Link me to a global NAV system and we’re all set.

    Once again, thank you DARPA.


      1. or the Borg
        But long before Borg, Inc. becomes the world’s largest corporation, the pharma companies will begin marketing their next mega-bestseller — a drug to ‘manage’ an epidemic of the latest DSM-V-defined mental illness, formerly known as touch depravation.

      2. You’re right
        Probably a little before your time, Jameske.

        In the Year 2525 by Zager and Evans

        In the year 4545
        Ain’t gonna need your teeth, won’t need your eyes
        You won’t find a thing to chew
        Nobody’s gonna look at you

        In the year 5555
        Your arms hanging limp at your sides
        Your legs got nothing to do
        Some machine’s doing that for you


    1. oh this is fun
      On the up side for the environmentalists, we won’t need cars any more. Or if you want, the cars are just a lot smaller and have no wheels. This is good, no?

      Then as you say, we will need a walking licence, wich can be revoked by the government. Unless of course, you surrender your priviledge to walk by yourself, and only walk in your exosceleton under government direction.

      File a walking plan with the local Ground Traffic Control officer.

      But as for DARPA – Bill, you could not talk to me without DARPA, you know that.

      1. DARPA
        [quote=earthling]But as for DARPA – Bill, you could not talk to me without DARPA, you know that.[/quote]

        Of course, Earthling. My “thank you” to DARPA was quite sincere.

        BTW, it would probably be necessary to set speed limits on walking.


        1. actually
          Actually, the world might be a better place if we used small walking machines to cover the small to medium distances, instead of big driving machines that are more appropriate for longer distances.

          People get themselves to the grocery store and back, to carry their personal 75 kilos (their bodies) there, and their 3 kilos of food (13 if you include the beer). To do that, they use a vehicle, known as a “car”, that masses about 1500 kilos. This is silly, from an energy point of view. There must be a better way.

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