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News Briefs 09-11-05

That stone of the south looks like it just hadn’t been broken down yet. Quarry the size you require and you have the approximate amount of material you require.

  • Italian villagers are hoping for a mirror to bring light into their lives.
  • Ancient Penguin DNA reveals microevolution on ice.
  • Europe set for mission to Venus.
  • On the brink of hearing the universe?
  • Is science driven by inspired guesswork?
  • Electric wind in the laboratory.
  • Why we don’t glide instead of walk or run.
  • Mummies of Egyptian Pharoahs mysteriously disappear from pyramids.
  • Buddha meets Freud.
  • Zundel trial begins in Germany.
  • Earthly origin for Richat structure?
  • On proving ancient megalith construction.
  • Dalai Lama and Neuroscientists build bridges.
  • Women lie back and think of space travel.

Thanks to Pam and Holger

Quote of the Day:

Everybody loves to talk about calmness and peace, whether in a family, national, or international context, but without inner peace how can we make real peace? World peace through hatred and force is impossible.

The Dalai Lama

  1. Quote
    Inner peace cannot stop war. Only political activism can. The Inner Peace idea is a Buddhist-influenced New Age cop-out.

    You talk about hatred. What are you, a psychiatrist?

    Hatred didn’t start the war in Iraq. It’s all about the politics of oil.

    1. Wow
      What angry place have you crawled out of Lee?

      I am certainly not into New Age but I believe that without Inner Peace we all might as well go and live in the jungle as per Lord of the Flies.
      It is only with Inner Peace that we can be civilised human beings.
      War with oneself is often the prerequisite for wanting to wage war with others.


      1. quantity vs quality
        shadow, for Inner Peace to prevent wars we would need almost everyone to acheive this. When only a small minority don’t you get crime, riots and wars. It doesn’t take very many “deviants” to create these problems.

      2. In Her Peas?
        OH! Inner Peace, last night when I was gathering news for Jameske I ran across this article and emailed it to my daughter. Here it is: Washington Times
        by Jennifer Harper
        “Thoughts about God, deep personal convictions and social values — it does a body good. Literally. ‘Reflecting on meaningful values provides biological and psychological protection from the adverse effects of stress,’ states a report released yesterday by psychologists at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). ‘Our study shows that reflection on personal values can buffer people from the effects of stress,’ said Shelley E. Taylor, a psychology professor who led the research, which was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. The study found that even brief introspection actually reduces the levels of cortisol — a hormone released during stressful events — in the blood. ‘This is the first finding showing that reflecting on ones personal values reduces cortisol responses to stress,’ said David Creswell, one of the articles authors.” (11/08/05)
        —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

    2. I think you’ve
      I think you’ve misunderstood. Don’t think beautiful music and people listening to harps playing and running daintily on their tip toes through the fields of green. Suffering won’t end, but force and hatred are of governments, and you are correct, political activism is important. But one must understand that government is force, and only peace with ones lot in life will allow letting go of the strong influence of government in ones life. It’s not all about the politics of oil, though. It is, has and will always be about control.

      1. The individual
        Hi Jameske, The control aspect is correct. The worst way is the way that was forced upon me. The man said “I will lie, cheat, steal and kill to gain power and control.” It was an awful moment in my life. When confronted with my demise I was in fear, immediatly I allowed myself to remember my own childhood death (NDE) and not allow myself to fear death. It was in the living, facing injury, enduring it and the results of the injuries, going through the healing and rehabilitation (mind and body as well as my spirit) finally forgiving my enemies and the hardest part was loving them anyway. I don’t want to discount the suffering as it was a true education, it forces one to change in order to do what is necessary to survive. Doing it without causing harm to myself or to anyone else. There are bad guys everywhere, negotiating oneself through the maze that constitutes their paradigm forced upon us is a task. It is life. The lesson learned is to persevere despite the setbacks.
        I really liked the link to the information provided by slimebug. They poured the cement for the foundation of my house last week and it was a fascinating process. They made an error and poured nine trucks of cement instead of the six normally used. One thing is for sure, it will be there for quite some time. It’s like the old addage of “chop wood and carry water” we just need to add a bit to it with “and make cement” and there you have the basics.
        I also had an alternate thing going on in my head simultaneously. Cement … Semen T … See Men T … Sea Mint … Si Mean T. Semantics? (Main Entry: se·man·tics Pronunciation: si-‘man-tiksFunction: noun plural but singular or plural in construction1 : the study of meanings: a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development b (1) : SEMIOTIC (2) : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth
        3 a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings)
        Just another thought, I’m sorry I made you mad. Did all the links come through? I stayed up all night trying to time my emails here to arrive to you before you awoke over there. Hope it worked. I promise, I will never make you cry out in pain ever again. Love, Pam —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

      2. Flower Power
        Don’t think beautiful music and people listening to harps playing and running daintily on their tip toes through the fields of green.

        I just had a very disturbing image of you with flowers in your hair, J! 😉

  2. Pining for your Mummies
    One can imagine researchers’ disappointment when they unsealed Cheops’s sarcophagus and found a small statuette in lieu of a mummy.

    What? Did I miss something? Just when was a statuette found in the Pyramid of Cheops? And when was there a sealed sarcophagus? Pravda’s making stuff up again. Who would have thought?

    1. disclaimer
      Now, just to cover myself, I did post to Jameske that it was PRAVDA. Like Rense we shall have to put those warnings up again like we used to. —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

      1. The Sphinx I thinx
        I think Pravda mixed up the Sphinx with the Pyramid. A statuette of Khufu was found buried between the paws of the Sphinx, hence Zahi jumping up and down like a hyperactive Mexican jumping bean on amphetamines screaming that this is holy proof Khufu built the Sphinx. Somehow they got lost in translation.

  3. Oblivion based cosmology
    What can any person who thinks this life is an illusion help any political struggle? It is not the western tradition to seek nirvina. We seek meaning thru works and understanding. La La land is for those whose reality is quite different than mine. We must work for a more humane world. Action speaks much louder than words. Shine forth brave souls! Respectfully, Dennis(from Oregon)

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