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News Briefs 20-07-2005

Sorry about the shortness of the news. Busy day.

  • Dark chocolate may sweeten the way to health.
  • Brain cannabis has a novel approach to stress. Brain cannabis is a good name for a progressive rock band.
  • The myth of the suicide bomber.
  • Interim report on Deep Impact. Plus Deep Impact and Shoemaker-Levy 9.
  • Humans may have put life on Mars. There’s nothing like an informative article.
  • Ancient Peru city reveals 5000 year-old writing.
  • British have changed little since Ice Age. And if there was no Ice Age then they probably haven’t changed in much longer.
  • Don’t mess with lightning.
  • Bizarre boulders litter Enceladus surface. I guess Richard Hoagland is already typing.
  • Rawls, Habermas and Bobbio in an Age of War.
  • On both sides of the Atlantic, the political class has become convinced that the people do not know what is best for them.
  • Propped up research base prevails. The Antarctipede is what it should be called.
  • Ancient Aryan civilization achieved incredible technological progress 40 centuries ago.
  • Mountain dwellers live longer.

Quote of the Day:

To err is human, to forgive is infrequent.

Franklin Adams

  1. suicide?
    Suicide bombers are also a good way to include the bomber among the victims, especially from the point of view of the bombing faction. But also from the point of view of neutrals, who see these things as a continuing conflict, and perhaps don’t see any particular bombing as initiating violence.

    And it’s not new either.

    1. science talks
      But does it always make sense in what it says.

      I have it on good authority that all alcoholics and drug addicts begin by drinking milk.
      Now there’s a link they should be investigating.


          1. statistics
            This is not the fault of using logic, but of mistaking correlation for causation. You are making the same mistake twice – you observe an incorrect use of logic, and then conclude that the problem is the logic.

          2. Not so
            The use we make of logic is the culprit, not logic itself.
            When I say we can prove anything with logic, it implies an intention and the interpretation of the data is already tainted.

            You see what I mean?

            Logic like any other instrument can be useful insofar as the data remains untainted and there is no agenda to steer it in a direction. That is very hard to do for ideology enclined entities.

            Another problem with logic (which I am adding as an edit) is that it is conditioned with partial data. If the data set was complete, there would be no need for logic as we would rather be implying a simple constatation. Logic implies an empiric approach that attempts to climb the latter from the base up to ‘prove’ something.

            Logic requires a certain level of assumptions and that is where it is flawed. So, I probably have to retract my ‘Not so’ affirmation by a ‘I insist’ statement. 😉

          3. I know
            I know you are proposing a different approach. But as we have discussed before, I see a problem with that approach in that it relies on knowledge of infinite amounts of data, and infinite amounts of time. As these things are not attainable in the forseeable future, we have to make do with logic 🙂

          4. Make do with logic
            I agree that we must in the mean time.

            No harm in being aware of its potential pitfalls when we use it though. That is why I insist so much in not believing, even not in what seems obvious out of logic.

            Still can use it but with an open eye.

            If we were to stop using logic before the time, we would get nothing achieved.

  2. 5000 year old writing
    1. Pyramid-shaped public buildings were being built at Caral, a planned coastal city 180km north of Lima, at the same time that the Saqqara pyramid, the oldest in Egypt, was going up.

    2. …the existence of the quipus pointed to a sophisticated, organized society where information like production, taxes and debts were recorded.

    3. The remains of jungle fruits, cactus fiber and shells revealed trade with distant regions…

    1. Ruth Shady, the archaeologist leading the investigations at Caral, said, “They came up with their own system [of writing] because unlike cities in the Old World which had contact with each other and exchanged knowledge and experiences, this (city) in Peru was isolated in the Americas, and advanced alone.”

    2. “Man only began living in an organized way 5000 years ago in five points of the globe…”

    It still amazes me that the juxtaposition of the facts in the first three sentences with the ‘facts’ in the last two statements isn’t a source of cognitive dissonance for mainstream archaeologists.

    Does this remind anyone else of biologists’ theory of the spontaneous generation of life, before microbes were proven to exist?


    1. old cultures
      While I don’t find these pyramid connections convincing in the least (I think people just like to build hills, or “mounds”, and the egyptians liked theirs pointy), I think it is likely that the pre-city cultures were more knowledgeable than they are giving credit for.

      These old cultures invented boats and beer. Cheese and bread, agriculture and astronomy. They just didn’t write much, at least on durable materials.

      Why do people want to believe that writing was only invented once? People re-invent stuff every day.

  3. dark chocolate
    Hi Jameske,

    When you put a link to a chocolate story at the beginning of the news I don’t get much further.I had to go out and buy some.
    Mmmm delicious.

    Thanks for the news, Jameske,


  4. Add Arkaim and a few other places
    Back to Shady’s point that man only began living in an organized way 5000 years ago in five points of the globe – Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China and Peru…

    Make that six points.

    It’s only 40 centuries old, but Arkaim was built according to a previously projected plan as a single complicated complex, which also had an acute orientation on astronomic objects.

    Arkaim turned out to be not only a town, but also a temple and an astronomic observatory.

    The ancient town was equipped with the storm sewage system, which helped Arkaim’s residents avoid floods. The people were protected against fires as well: timbered floorings and houses themselves were imbued with fireproof substance.

    Each house had a well, an oven and dome-like food storage in every house. The well was branching out into two underground trenches: one of them was directed to the oven and the other one ended in the food storage. The trenches were used to supply chilly air to the oven and to the food storage. The cool air from the trenches was also creating a very powerful traction force in the Aryan oven, which made it possible to smelt bronze there.

    Ufologists are studying Arkaim’s mysterious phenomena: inexplicable fluctuations of voltage, magnetic field tension, temperatures and so on.

    Or maybe civilization sprang up spontaneously in 7 points, if you include Bolivia. 50 points show that the basis for Plato’s tale of Atlantis could come from a people and region in South America. (The link on orichalcum is interesting, too.)

    Arguably, any ancient civilization would have to be organized in order to build megaliths or pyramids. Which means the folks who built Stonehenge, which is as old as the Great Pyramid, should be included too, even if they didn’t have a written language. But there are just too many megaliths around the world to list, so let’s just look for pyramids…

    There are pyramids on Tahiti, Somoa, and Java, as well as the pyramids in several other places in North and South America. Nice photos.

    Then there’s that odd pyramid at Silbury Hill, smaller pyramids in the Canary Islands, and three pyramids near Milan, Italy, dating back to 3,000BC, and in the same alignment as Giza and Orion. Nice photos of all those too.

    I’m losing count… How many ancient civilizations does that tally to so far?

    Oh, and here are several great photos of an underwater pyramid off Japan. The divers offer a good perspective of the size. Does anyone know how old that pyramid is?


    1. it just goe’s on
      I think they have a very big…..TOO HARD BASKET…..

      DISCLAIMER:the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and do not nesessarily reflect those of others.

  5. Suicide bomber myth?
    Mr. “Impatient’s” article about the “myth” of the suicide bomber is a repulsive anti-Jewish rant that even stoops to saying the Holocaust didn’t happen. Its author doesn’t cite any proof of his beliefs–in fact, he simply labels everything he says as his “belief”. Sorry, “beliefs” like this don’t cut it.

    He reveals his ignorance when he says he can’t understand why suicide bombers/ terrorists would target civilians, toy stores, etc., and why the attacks are so disparate and scattered, and since he can’t understand this tactic, he says the logical conclusion of his confusion is that they can’t be suicide/terrorist attacks. Fact is, terrorism is largely aimed at civilian populations, against people in everyday activities, not just military targets. Attacking civilians is meant to make other civilians worry whether the same could happen to them anywhere, at any time, and so to get them worried enough to petition or otherwise influence their government’s treatment of the group or nation responsible for the terror attacks. It’s really pretty simple, and it’s so obvious and well-known that I feel silly for having to explain it. Terrorist attacks take place against big and small numbers of people, not just the ones the article’s author in his wisdom thinks should be hit–he seems to fancy himself to be knowledgeable in military tactics, and so can’t see why other people would fight a war in ways other than those he imagines. We can argue whether certain attacks were committed by the people being blamed, or by certain intelligence agencies (for which there is some evidence), but for anyone to say that ALL these incidents are carried out by Israel, the US, etc., since Mr. Impatient thinks radicals wouldn’t do these things, is just dumb.

    Mr. Impatient says that since suicide attacks aren’t a documented part of Muslim history (“why is the suicide tactic not as old as war and territorial occupation itself?”), there’s no way they could happen today. How is that even a remotely logical argument? And how does he know suicide fighters are only a recent invention? He even contradicts himself by citing a previous suicide fighter, the Japanese kamikaze ( I imagine Mr. Impatient floating over each conflict that’s ever taken place between humans, and taking notes–“Nope, no suicide tactics here.” How else could he have gained the knowledge that the suicide tactic isn’t as old as war itself?

    He pretty much reveals his agenda when he states : “[The Jews] come out of these terrible wars richer and more powerful while the power of the white world was diminished.”

    Israel may be treating the Palestinians like dirt, but that doesn’t mean there are no suicidal Muslim terrorists.

      1. RENSE
        Yeah, rense is garbage. I really would like to see stuff from that site not posted on TDG if possible. This is an enlightening place, and the hatred that rense puts out stains this good site.


        1. Bombing the suicide bombers
          We’ve had this argument many times over the years, and I recall I was one of those leading the charge against Rense. BUT… TDG represents a wide range of views and opinions, and we must respect freedom of speech. If you don’t like a link, don’t click on it.

          As for suicide bombers — anyone who deliberately kills innocent people to make a political or social point is a murderer, no ifs or buts about it. The bombers in London were educated young men living in a society that enjoys freedom of expression — they had other options to make their point. George W. Bush wasn’t on that train. Tony Blair wasn’t on that train. As Salman Rushdie wrote, to blame Western foreign policy is to ignore one of the most basic moralities — the individual is responsible for their own actions. I strongly believe in this, and I also believe it applies to everyone involved in the Terrorism War — West, East, Left, Right, and everyone in between. This is my opinion, and doesn’t reflect TDG, its editors, or readers.

          Peace and respect,


          1. I see where you are coming from
            Hi Rich,

            I have to agree with most of what you wrote,but the last couple of years Rense has followed a strong anti-Semite bent.
            This is enough for me avoid that site.I only go there now to see if they have any new UFO pics.

            As for the suicide bombers, yes that is most definitely murder.At the same time, although I strongly disapprove of it, I understand their frustration.
            If your country was overrun by a super power and hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children killed just because they live in that country,and there is no earthly way to remove them, then I think I would be doing everything in my power to let the world know what I think.
            Remember also that it was not just the murder of the inhabitants but the utter desolation of their history and culture.It has been a determined effort to remove from the face of this earth the fact that Iraq was the cradle of culture.
            With a whole bunch of lies the Coalition of the Willing is systematically wiping out a race,taking it’s wealth,and setting up a Golden Arches extension to the US.

            How would you act if this was you and it happened in your country?

            I know if it was my country and my family and my culture, I might be chucking a few bombs around too.

            America called it’s attack Shock and Awe.This is the result of that attack…Shock and Awe from the other side.

            Why are people surprised?
            And why are they angry?
            This is the Old Testament talking….an eye for an eye.


          2. With a whole bunch of lies th
            With a whole bunch of lies the Coalition of the Willing is systematically wiping out a race,taking it’s wealth,and setting up a Golden Arches extension to the US.

            Wow…. Are you for real? Do we live on the same planet? Do you live in some alternate reality?
            I try very hard to be tolerant of others beliefs and views, but nothing your saying seems grounded in any facts, and it’s downright frightning me.
            Where on earth would you get such information besides a few of the more extreme mosques??

          3. Yes that’s exactly what I said
            Thrust, what about your own people that are being sent to their deaths daily with no chance of survival?
            Try as I will, I cannot seem to get the TV off the channel that shows the latest US dead every day.Someone in the house keeps putting it back.
            Each time I see the face of the latest young dead person…today…he loved dogs, and left pics of dogs all over the house until his parents got him one….I feel such a huge lump in my throat and chest that I feel I will burst.
            These people belong to someone, they are someone’s brother/sister/son/daughter…they are not faceless armed robots.

            What Jameske said about the lives of a few must be sacrificed for the rest shows it’s truth here.That works very well if the ones sacrificed are not your sons, your daughters, your sisters or brothers.
            Every death is a death…every body is a corpse, a dream destroyed, a family broken up.

            You can look at Islam as evil if that is your choice and it seems that it is,but the people are as real and alive as your Americans who are being sentenced to death so the oil barons. the Bushes, can have more oil, more wealth.

            If you can prove this is wrong I would be happy to hear it from you.


          4. my heart bleeds
            hi shadows, yes we must not loose sight of the individual death and what it means to so many connected to each and everyone. Statistics, percentages and large numbers tend to desencitise the one lose.
            But we must not fall into the trap of religious damnations. Islam is as much about Abraham as Judism and Christianity is.
            none related: just herd on the 4:30 news….Chief engineer.Scotty past away today….no more ” beam me up scotty ” I read his book, he had a very interesting life.

            DISCLAIMER:the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and do not nesessarily reflect those of others.

          5. Shadow,
            The reason I find wh

            The reason I find what you are saying offensive is because, yes I do have family and close friends over there. And the ver suggestions that they are out there to ‘wipe out an entire race’ is not only perposterous but just downright offensive.
            Now you seem to contradicting yourself. In your previous post you tried to draw all kinds of paralels between my friends and families actions and selfless sacrifices for those in Iraq to the TERRORISTS that target and destroy their own children to ‘prove a point’ as you put it.
            When American troops decide to target a guided missle at an American school because they want to ‘prove a point’, then you can start making those type of insane paralels.

          6. I find you offensive…
            …because you are running off at the mouth here and know nothing of which you speak.
            Go and read some literature that will tell you what is really happening and come back and I might deign to argue with you.

    1. Remarks on terrorism
      Terrorism is the similar whether it comes from a suicide bomber or from a B2 Bomber. The only difference is that one has to die for what they believe in whereas the other can fly back to base. In fact the terrorism committed in the last 50 years has been predominantly from the Western Powers.

      Saddam was a tyrant, and one the Western Powers supported whilst he butchered hundreds of thousands. But the West when it wised up, responded with sanctions that had the effect of killing hundreds of thousands. Smart move that. When I think of Terrorism I think of the people who would not do it regardless. And that means those who would not join an army to kill and those who would not join a militia or a cell.

      It took Britain 1000 years or so and the government is still at it. It took that long to leave most of its citizens alone from terrorism – not all, but most.

      There is a solution to all this. Stop funding big governments. Liberty means responsibility. Let George Bush and Tony Blair go and fight in Iraq if that is what they want. It is curious that they remain so protected from the violence they would dish out to others. They are cowards. They get protection that most Britons and Americans would never be able to afford, and yet it is only their position that is imporant – not them as specific people.

      Big government is the scourge of the world. Liberty is the cure. In liberty there is intelligence. Big government would have to have a commission to work out what the word means, and the definition would at least be a fudge, unrecognizable to anyone, and at worst, a lie.

      Work it out.

      1. You have fingered the real terrorists Jameske
        Well done Jameske, you have named the real terrorists for us.

        I recently saw Bush welcome Aus PM John HOward to America and say what a tough man he is for the wonderful support in the annhilation of Iraq.
        As a reward,and this is in the words of CNN, the Americans are going to fast-track the trial of David Hicks, an Australian citizen who has been held for 4 years in Guantanamo Bay.

        I also saw Howard running to greet his son whom he had not seen for 6 months.I notice this son is not fighting in Iraq, and neither are Bush’s daughters and Blair’s kids.
        We are sliding on a banana peel down to another Dark Ages and no one, media or politician has the guts to stand up to these murderers.


        1. Cause and effect
          The actions/attitudes of Bush/Blair/Howard doesn’t excuse bombing people on London Streets, and the London bombings doesn’t excuse Iraqis getting killed on Baghdad Streets either. As much as I dislike Bush and what he stands for, I dislike even less those who would excuse suicide bombings as the actions of frustrated, desperate men. No offence Shadows, but NOTHING can justify what these bastards have done in New York, London, Madrid, Bali, Jerusalem … and nothing can justify what Bush is doing either.

          Just as America, UK and Australia must come to terms with its warmongering and foreign policies … so too must Islam. There’s no right or wrong side in this, the West and Islam are BOTH to blame, and both need to grow up. I’m so sick and tired of all the criticism being levelled at the West — yes, Bush deserves the criticism, but so too does Islam. Islamic leaders must show some balls, stand up, and denounce suicide bombings.

          It’ll never happen, and round and round we go …

          Peace and respect (sincerely),


          1. There are innocent people suffering here on both sides
            Rich, the women and children of Iraq did not fly those planes into the WTC, and neither did the country have WMD.
            You are right about religion.
            If we were forced to discard all religion and just get on with living I think there would be a very different perspective.
            When we begin arguing about who is to blame for this particular war now, the War against Terrorism,Christianity against Islam,I think we might find some very murky beginnings.
            That’s why there is no use fighting over it.
            I respect your point of view but I partly disagree with it.
            But I know that if someone came into my country I would defend it.

            Peace and respect to you too, mate, because I can see how deeply hurt you are on account of all this kerfuffle going on.


          2. Cheers, Shadows
            I may not make much sense with my political ramblings (blame Bono!), but I do feel deeply about the mess our world is in. I prefer to stay out of the big political arena, and just concentrate on my own little world — if I can improve myself, and treat other people I encounter with respect and dignity and kindness … anything is possible.

            The Daily Grail is a great place to start … 😉

          3. I blame Bono too
            Sorry Rick, I have been calling you Rich.
            Making a difference in your own little world is the only thing you can do,and the difference you make there reaches into others’ worlds and so on.

            The Daily Grail is a terrific place to start because we get to say how we feel and hopefully get it off our chests.
            I am grateful for it every time I put finger to keyboard.


          4. and so, give up on big govern
            and so, give up on big government. At least we can do that for ourselves. That way, the force must come from individual wealth.

          5. Big Corporations
            Oh, I gave up on Big Government a long time ago! I should practice what I preach, but I like the phrase “You can’t change the world, but you can change the world in yourself”. If more and more people practiced this little bit of wisdom, we could be in for a better future.

            Alas, I’m a cynical bastard. 😉

          6. keep thinking long term. You
            keep thinking long term. You may not live to see it but what you leave behind…

          7. G’Kar
            ‘Some must be sacrificed for all to be saved.’ First I took that as a revelation for the future. Now I see that it is as much about how we got here as about where we are going. I think that one sentence is the greatest burden I have ever known.

          8. Absolute crap
            All buzz phrases,whether sounding wise or otherwise, are just that…buzz phrases.

            I see it as an excuse to do what you please as long as you use the buzz phrase to OK it.
            Politicians are excellent with them…If you’re not with us, you’re against us.
            They mean nothing except the English they are written in.

            That sentence is a huge burden Jameske because those who say it, say it as if it was true.
            And it ain’t.


          9. Nah you got that dead wrong.
            Nah you got that dead wrong. But you are allowed to be wrong. Sacrifice means just not living to see something. It does not mean dying in battle – it could mean that. But it does not in this case. Think before you drink your milk.

          10. I am afraid of drinking milk
            knowing that it leads to alcoholism.

            PLease explain to me why I am wrong.I think I have a little inkling of what you mean but not quite.



          11. Most of the time sacrifice is
            Most of the time sacrifice is rather ordinary. It is someone not saying something when they feel they should. Or it is not getting what you want even though you may set up the conditions for it for someone else. Sacrifice is much more common in the living than in those about to die.

          12. I get it
            I know what you mean Jameske.
            And it works too.
            It seems to be a small thing but over a lifetime can be immense sacrifice.
            Thanks for posting that.It is something I have spent a lot of time thinking about over the years.


          13. well said
            a round of applause from me to you, Rick. very well put.
            They are all murderers. And I have no doubt that Islamic leaders could do alot more then they are to stop this bloodshed.
            Look at Iran, they are taught to hate America and Americans rather then hate what America stands for. There is a difference.

            DISCLAIMER:the opinions and veiws in this post are mine only and do not nesessarily reflect those of others.

      2. You forgot one thing

        Islam needs to take responsibility for its bullshit too.

        As for economic sanctions killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis … Amnesty International disproved this years ago, Jameske. Iraq had the money and the goods — it was the elite, the Baathist elite, who chose not to give it to the people.

        They’re both to blame, Islam and the West, why can’t anyone acknowledge this instead of picking a side? Now THAT is frustrating. We need more balanced, objective people in this world.

        1. Rico, I totally agree, you ar
          Rico, I totally agree, you are the only one making any damn sense here.

          I come across these arguments all the time from your standard run-of-the-mill America haters. They will tell you all day they don’t hate America, they just hate conservative neo this and that. But trust me, they despise, resent and envy America. Realizing this is the only way you can get rid of that look on our faces-like we just saw them bite the head off our dog-when they speak.

          “America is slaughtering quadrillions of innocent people… blah blah blah… America is the biggest meanest baddest oil guzzling emperielistic baby killing evil in ever the history of the known universe…..blah blah blah.”
          It’s getting really old. And most of what they say still isn’t any less distorted than it was when it started.

          It isn’t even worth trying to discuss it because they seriously live in their own reality that can’t be comprehended by anyone but them. Either let it amuse you or ignore it.

          1. You are very young aren’t you Thrust!
            You are showing your youth Thrust, and your lack of life experience.
            If I were you, and people were saying that about my country I would be hell-bent on finding out why.
            Hasn’t it ever occurred to you?


          2. Shadow, thanks for saying 30
            Shadow, thanks for saying 30 is young. I’ll take it as a compliment.

            Yes I know why people say those things. Yes I do find a lot of bad things that my government does. Yes I know America has made bad decisions for about 150 years around the world that are now biting them in the ass. Similar decisions every major power in the history of the world has made, I might add.

            However, I can see the reason those poor decisions were made, even if it does not excuse them. I see both sides. I see poor decisions and I see the poor decisions of others as retaliationt. Everything we see on the news is poor decisions and their result. This is all Rico was trying to say, and I agree.

            It gets old hearing people trying to blame it all on America, as much as you would like to, you can’t. I say the things that I do to try and balance what you and others say that are so anti-american and finger pointing extremist. You mentioned your just going by the news you watch. Well maybe you shouldn’t. A lot of what you say has truth to it, but it doesn’t excuse the other sides actions. If you feel everything is America’s fault, that’s fine, your allowed to have that oppinion, but I happen to feel that oppinion is obtuse and narrow, and I will be vocal about it.

            Ultimately, you and I and everyone need to grow up and stop pointing fingers and start realizing that everyone is to blame in this world situation. It isn’t one man, it isn’t one country, and it isn’t even religion.

            If that is an immature point of view to you, then I’m sorry we probably won’t ever get along. Because I find statements like ‘America is wiping out an entire race’ incredibly immature as well.

          3. I reiterate
            Go and seek some information.Also learn to read what people post and not what you think they post.
            YOU need to grow up Sonny Jim, and soon.

            The situation in the world today has nothing to do with poor decisions and I thought even you had enough sense to see that.

            Denial is not a river in Africa as you think.It is alive and well in you and people of your ilk and is obviously the only way you can cope.
            It is still no excuse for not maturing.
            I was reading today about America being a nation of adults who won’t grow up,and children who are made to grow up too soon.

          4. Hehe
            Hehehe. You obviously have far far different sources of information – that I probably wouldn’t consider any more realiable than Saturday Night Live. Because I spend most of my day seeking information of all flavors. And I believe none of it 100% because everyone has an agenda, EVERYONE. And that alone greatly reduces any ‘sources’ reliability

            I find the hollow earth theories more believable than the accusations you spout. (which is why I come to this fine site)

            I’m in denial? I suggest getting a pry bar for your eyes and go back and re-read what you just posted in this thread. Remove the filters man.
            Wow. Just wow.

            I guess you feel you have the amazing ability to find truth and know truth about Iraq and terrorism and world events minus propaganda and agenda machines. Which would make you the only person on earth that can do that. Congragulations.

            There is no sense in trying to discuss things with someone that is cemented in belief. Just like religious discourse.

            Lets just agree to live in what each of us consider the others twisted, false, propaganda generated reality….ok? (Wink wink)

          5. Oh by the way… I can admit
            Oh by the way… I can admit everything I think I know could be wrong. Can anyone else?

            I was raised to think that way as the cornerstone of being a well rounded, teachable and humble person. I’m starting to feel nobody else was.

          6. Just out of interest, how do
            Just out of interest, how do you feel about the innocent people who suffer the consequences in Iraq? Are they merely unlucky. Ever thought your family might REALLY ever be in the same position. Pick your MOST loved person in your life, and then let them die in Iraq (in your imagination) and then ask yourself if it is still worth it. There are people in Iraq for whom this is true every day. Use your imagination and really use it.

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