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News Briefs 04-02-2005

Everything’s right here – the good, bad, and ugly. Oh yeah, don’t forget unexpected and strange.

  • In the name of poking holes in the theory of evolution, a man says he will pay $10,000 for one of the most mysterious artifacts ever dug up in Wyoming — the Pedro Mountain Mummy.
  • Was the Aztec and Mayan practice of human sacrifice as widespread and horrifying as the history books say?
  • Archeologists plan to search for what they believe an ancient lost city in Malaysia’s dense jungles.
  • A unique book that purports to explain the past existence of giant beings referred to in the Bible as the Nephilim is skyrocketing up online best-sellers lists. Patrick Heron’s web site is here. The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse is available at Amazon US and UK.
  • An Arabic-language web site carried a hostage photo this week of a toy soldier with a gun to its head. All your toy soldiers are belong to us.
  • Iran has conducted successful experiments on a crucial triggering mechanism for a nuclear weapon. We suppose the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty that Iran ratified is off.
  • Australian scientists are working on ways to make voice-operated booking systems, like ordering a taxi, recognize when callers are angry or stressed.
  • Food scarcity predicted with rising temperatures. Seems to me that growing seasons would be extended in some places, but that’s not mentioned.
  • Coral reefs may start to dissolve in 30 years.
  • What shall we do with all the notorious carbon dioxide? How about carbon burial in ageing oil wells?
  • Lava lights up new spots on the Hawaiian coast. Wow, great pic.
  • Older people get the big picture faster, and they are less inhibited.
  • Tiny single-celled organisms are found beneath nearly 7-miles of water in the deepest part of the ocean.
  • That damn groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, has forecast six more weeks of winter in the US. Animals clue weather watchers into trends.
  • How do they all turn at the same instant? A study has revealed a remarkably simple mechanism that allows flocking birds, schooling fish or running herds to travel in unison without any recognized leaders or signaling system.
  • In a place like no other place, where the Andes meet the Amazon, where icy peaks plunge straight down to steamy jungles, a monkey like no other monkey is discovered.
  • Sour apples extend lifespan.
  • The great evolution debate rages on.
  • When mushrooms go wild.
  • Home PCs to find Einstein’s gravity waves.
  • Lasers can help us fill in the gaps in one of Einstein’s key theories on how particles move a century after he first published it.
  • A South Korean professor has developed a series of artificial chromosomes that, he says, will allow robots to feel lusty, and could eventually lead to them reproducing.
  • Do you need speed? Here’s a compendium of the fastest things the world has to offer, and a celebration of the technological breakthroughs that feed the rush.
  • On Wednesday, Jameske gave you a link to an article that claimed that birds aren’t stupid. Allow me to show you that birds are very clever. You look like you need to laugh anyway.
  • A new study suggests that race fear isn’t hard wired.
  • A mirror is being developed to show you what you will look like in five years’ time if you take no exercise, eat too much junk food and drink too much alcohol. Why is all the fun stuff bad for you?
  • What should one make of the prophetic secrets of Fatima?
  • Man holds mysterious stones that he believes may have once been alive.
  • Here’s a list of all of the scientists and microbiologists that have recently died under ‘mysterious circumstances’. Make of it what you will.
  • It is possible to say now that the Sun will cause a mess on Earth in the near future?
  • Officials at the British defence ministry are refusing to rule out the existence of alien life forms visiting Earth.
  • Researchers with the High Frequency Active Aurora Research Program (HAARP) project in Alaska tickled the upper atmosphere to the extent that it glowed with green speckles. Sometimes things don’t like to be tickled.
  • Alan Boyle has some great pics of Mars that were snapped by NASA’s Mars Odyssey probe. The newest face on Mars looks like Bugs Bunny; close friend Marvin the Martian should be around somewhere.
  • A night-side glow has been detected on Mars.
  • Britain’s ill-fated Beagle 2 Mars probe should never have been given the go-ahead by the ESA. Hindsight is always easier, isn’t it?
  • Injecting synthetic “super” greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere could raise the planet’s temperature enough to melt its polar ice caps and create conditions suitable for sustaining biological life. This GW might even work because Mars has no green plants.
  • In the most precise reading of Saturn’s temperatures ever taken from Earth, a new set of infrared images suggests a warm polar vortex at Saturn’s south pole – the first warm polar cap ever to be discovered in the solar system.
  • Like dew or dust caught in a spider’s web, much of the universe’s ordinary matter appears to be trapped in a vast lattice of intergalactic gas clouds.

Quote of the Day:

The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing.

Aleister Crowley

  1. The Nephilim — — and MJK
    Although Patrick Heron said he’s a born again Christian and sounded a little to much like a Southern Baptist minister for my taste, I still enjoyed listening to this Radio Interview about ‘The Nephilim’. (You’ll need Real Player.)

    Since he refers in the interview to the book ‘The Bible Code’, here’s an interesting article on how that book came to be written; and here’s a whole website called Scientific Refutation of the Bible Codes.

    The most interesting thing I found was this detailed review of ‘The Nephilim’, posted Feb. 3, ’05 at the salon-blog ‘Bartholomew’s notes on religion’, which quotes numerous “pyramidolgists” who came to different conclusions, talks about a few other Nephilim books, and discusses several things from Heron’s book that are not mentioned at Heron’s website. (Click down a little to find it, under the title ‘Joseph Farah’s Pyramid Panic’.)

    While reading The Tyranny Response Unit’s brief note about ‘The Nephilim’, I noticed this there: Maynard James Keenan and Fibonacci Sequences, and thought you might be interested.


  2. scientists and microbiologists that have recently died
    So what is the alleged goal of these scientist whackings?

    Aaron Elder

    “Think for yourself. Question authority.”
    -Timothy Leary

    1. End of the World
      From what I understand, the purpose behind the killings of the microbiologists is to ‘blow-the-brains-out’ of the human race, in regards to being able to figure out how to quickly put a stop to a rampaging super-bug. The conspiracy that I’ve heard says there is a force (US, Russian, German, Old Nazi, Israeli, Shadow Government, take-your-pick) that wants to dominate the world. The way they propose to do that is by unleashing a terrible plague on the world, while they are the only ones who have the cure/vaccine. By killing off the world’s best microbiologists, they increase the likelihood that their plague will continue without anyone being able to stop it or even slow it down. This will make them, holders of the cure, kings of the world, or just the last few left in it. . . . at least that’s what I heard.

      Peace and may these no-goodnik conspirators not get away with it!!


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