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News Briefs 28-01-2005

We’ve been here before, but not yet.

  • A new find supports the idea that the Aztecs cooked, skinned, and ate humans. It’s a cultural thing.
  • Prehistoric cannibalism triggered human evolution.
  • An ancient sanctuary of Hermes has been discovered in central Greece.
  • The Shroud of Turin is much older than radiocarbon tests suggest, according to new microchemical research. Does that make everything much older than radiocarbon tests suggest?
  • Musical instruments known as lithophones, thought to be about 3,000-years old, have been found by a team of Vietnamese archeologists.
  • An Ethiopian national treasure, the ancient Axum Obelisk that was plundered by Fascist Italy in 1937, will be returned by Rome in April.
  • Another great myth bites the dust. George Washington’s false teeth are not wooden.
  • Science skeptics meet on climate.
  • Atlantic El Niño warm up winters. Maybe the skeptics are right.
  • The British government says it is now working on a strategy to adapt to the effects of increasing climate change. Hula skirts and luau leis for Manchester residents.
  • A critically endangered tiger might have to be killed after a man reached through a chain-link fence at a zoo and was bitten by the animal. May we vote on this one?
  • The seedy mystery of why size matters.
  • The secret of the Venus Fly Trap has been revealed.
  • A new study suggests that it is difficult for a human to contract mad-cow disease.
  • The history of humanity is inseparable from the history of epidemics.
  • Sex pheromone spray boosts senior romance.
  • ‘Doctor Death’ to teach Australians how to make their own suicide pills.
  • Los Alamos scientist Steen Rasmussen plans to one-up nature by cobbling together a brand-new creature that reproduces and evolves.
  • A mechanical ear makes its debut.
  • Scientists hope to build an experimental fusion reactor, a miniature star on Earth.
  • Germans fail to find a place for Einstein.
  • Gun-slinging robots gear up for Iraq. Someone please notify Sarah Connor that it has begun.
  • Airless tires? Consider the Tweel.
  • Shoes that vibrate to signal a rise or fall in share price have been created by Australian scientists.
  • When the world understands the concept of vortex mechanics, the doorways to free thinking and free energy will be unlocked.
  • Three leading French physicists claim to have made a sensational breakthrough into the mysteries of how UFOs are powered.
  • Clouds of dark matter may float through Earth.
  • Scientists are scanning the new data from Titan in search for its source of methane gas.
  • A universal translator might be needed to understand ET.
  • Giant sunspot named NOAA 720 bathed the moon with nearly light speed solar protons in a days-long proton storm.
  • Wanted: Fake Moon Dirt.
  • Europe’s SMART-1 lunar mission has beamed back its first close-up pictures of the Moon. Why is this news? We’ve been there many times.
  • Pluto’s moon Charon may be the child of a cosmic hit-and-run.
  • NASA observed a moment of silence across the country and in orbit in memory of the 17-astronauts killed in America’s three spacecraft tragedies.

Quote of the Day:

The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday has become the wisdom of tomorrow.

Sir William Osler

  1. put him down
    Yes Bill I would like to vote on this.About the endangered tiger.
    It is obvious that the man must be put down immediately.
    His brain cells need to be tested to see if there are actually any there.


          1. Eye of the tiger
            If the tiger were running for President of the USA, I’d vote for it, even though I’m an Australian. I vote for the tiger to live, and for it to be fed stupid people on a weekly basis.

    1. Brain Boosting Tiger?
      I say give the man the rabies shots . . .a few nice sessions of excruciating abdominal shots are sure to increase his IQ by at least 100 points!


      1. He’s mine!
        Oh Kat, that’s my Sylvester I lost years ago, I think someone stole him.He is so cute.
        Thank you.
        How are all your cats?
        Still telling you how to run your life?
        My animals do.


  2. Maybe the Skeptics are wrong
    Since this fresh Study Bolsters Greenhouse Effect Theory. Of course, environmental Russian roulette can be rationalized and we can always blame anything but ourselves.

    When one is afraid to lose something, he will lose it.
    If our Western culture is afraid to lose its life style, it will lose it by rebound, through its over steering.

    The best lies are those that match expectancies and desires. For instance, we Westerners like to make nice big statements against slavery, yet we are prompt to adopt economic stances that create just that. As individual, we like to hide behind the collective shield of this society’s system and ignore our personal responsibility. Therefore, when Oil lobbies want to sell us the idea that we have no impact on the environment, we certainly don’t mind so much if we feel there is a prospective material gain. Even war can be part of the agenda and for the same principles, as it has been and as is still is.

    We are like careless inconsequent teenagers who don’t want to know who will get the bill, so long as we get our way. Like brats, we cling to the most insignificant semblances of an advantage even in the face of prospective system implosion, economically or environmentally. There are balances that are very fine in their cycles. Tipping the balance sometimes doesn’t need to be much more than what seemed like a nudge. Attaining the critical mass after we put the last brick can’t be blamed on nature putting all the other bricks. Past weather age cycles were due in great part with a dynamic that came with young Earth. As the planet is maturing, some processes are modified in their frequency. Same thing goes for the Sun. What we do not know cannot be downplayed as insignificant until proven. Yet, this is the attitude we like to adopt since it is the path of the lesser effort.

    1. GW Mythology

      Hi Richard,

      Nice link. Thanks for posting it. It fully supports the thesis that many of these Global Warming (GW) investigators are bending the data to support a foregone GW-conclusion rather than gathering and developing a thesis from the evidence. The Pied Piper of Globalism is still playing his flute, and despite the lack of evidence the people still follow him down to the river of One-World Government.

      From the article, ………….

    2. Previous studies suggested that this particular ice age happened during a time that should have been very warm, when volcanoes all over the earth’s surface were spewing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
    3. But, critics have countered, if CO2 truly raises global temperatures, how could an ice age have occurred when a greenhouse effect much greater than today’s was in full swing?
    4. The answer: This particular ice age didn’t begin when CO2 was at its peak — it began 10 million years earlier, when CO2 levels were at a low.
    5. The fact that the deposits were found in three different sites suggests that sea levels may have been low all over the world at that time, likely because much of the planet’s water was bound in ice at the poles.
    6. From this, Matthew Saltzman, assistant professor of geological sciences at Ohio State, concludes that CO2 drives the climate.

      So when we had an ice age the atmosphere was loaded with CO2. But Saltzman concludes that the ice age began 10-million years earlier when CO2 in the atmosphere was low, the CO2 being locked-up in organic compounds in the ocean. The volcanoes spewed this CO2 into the atmosphere, peaking in the ice age. Thus, Saltzman concludes that CO2 drives the warming/cooling. If we follow these leaps of dubious logic, we’ve got 10,000,000-years before the cooling catches up with us.

      This reads like the assistant professor has already reached his conclusions before he has examined all the data. All he needs now is more grant money so that he can visit Russia — where he hopes to find more evidence of sea level drop — and in parts of South America and North Africa. With a trendy idea idea like global warming he will probably get it. Since climate data doesn’t support the GW myth, the GW folks are desperate for anything that appears to support the thesis. He would really arrive at the truth if he accepted that ice ages and warming cycles occur on a cyclical basis. But that, of course, is not going to appease the Globalists.

      If we can put the GW mythology aside for a moment and look at real data, it appears that seawater is increasing in temperature while the atmospheric temperature is not. We really need to get off this GW myth and consider that we may be entering an ice age. The Gakkel Ridge might be a worthwhile investigation where twelve volcanoes have been recently discovered. Also, the cyclical warning and cooling could be associated with the Procession of the Equinox. Pay close attention to the Milankovich effect. Recent ice core data suggests that ice ages occur on an 11,500-year cycle. This happens to be half of the full processional cycle. This could be this is more than coincidence.

      If one is ready to explore alternative theories and consider other explanations rather than the orthodox GW thesis being pushed by the Globalists, investigations into the link between seawater warming could include a reading of Not by Fire but by Ice: Discover What Killed the Dinosaurs…and Why It Could Soon Kill Us by Robert W. Felix, available at Amazon US and UK.

      Welcome to alternative thinking.


      1. Precession
        Hey, Bill,

        That is a great data point re the 11,500 yr cycle. My wife is reading “State of Fear”. I’m looking forward to having a go at it when she is done. Keep the data coming.

        BTW, do you have a source for the actual CO2 levels and their fluctuations via ice cores or other reasonably valid measurements?


        1. Cycles

          Hi X_O,

          BTW, do you have a source for the actual CO2 levels and their fluctuations via ice cores or other reasonably valid measurements?

          Things should be so simple, but they’re not. When it comes to GW one has to trudge through all of the deceit, lying, and bogusness to get to the truth.

          The data presented at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and published by Nature looked much like this, claiming that high CO2 concentrations caused GW. However, it wasn’t long before several of the unsaved demanded higher resolution graphs. The unsaved then applied high-tech instruments (straight edges) to the hi-rez graphs. Lo and behold, the graphs showed that the warming period preceded the CO2 build-up, thus implying that the warming caused the high CO2 concentration, not visa-versa. The GW folks are in the process of recovery, trying to prove that the data are in error.

          I do hot have a source for the high resolution graphs. But I do like this piece from The Association of British Drivers. Felix is pushing the 11,500-year cycle, I don’t know if it true or not. It is in his book.

          Either you or your wife must write a review of State of Fear. Send it to me and it will be published on TDG.


          Being in the minority doesn’t make one wrong, just unpopular.

          1. GW and Crichton
            “trying to prove that the data ARE in error.”

            Ahh, sign of a TRUE researcher: DATA ARE plural 🙂

            I will take you up on Crichton’s effort, and thanks for the links.


      2. Precessional ice ages & solar flares
        Hi Bill,

        If ice ages are caused by out-sized eruptions of solar flares at certain points in the precessional cycle, shouldn’t scientists be looking for whatever is affecting the sun at those points? Does our whole solar system cyclically pass through an intense area of cosmic rays or something like Earth passes through the Perseid remnants?

        Pardon me is I missed an explanation of this in one of your links. That was a lot to take in at once.


        1. Precessional ice ages & solar flares

          Hi Kat,

          shouldn’t scientists be looking for whatever is affecting the sun at those points?

          Absolutely! We need to stop this GW myth and investigate what really drives the ice age/warm period cycles. Meanwhile, I’m buying my wife a new SUV.


          1. Precessional ice ages & solar flares
            Hi Bill,

            Meanwhile, I’m buying my wife a new SUV.

            Will you be adding this bumper sticker? 😉

            Prevent an Ice Age
            Burn Hydrocarbons

            If elevating atmospheric CO2 can cause global warming, when another ice age comes, will some future generation be cursing us for using up all the oil, or will they just mine the methane under the oceans?

            On the other hand, if we don’t develop an alternative energy soon, the coming oil wars could make that a moot question.


          2. Precessional ice ages & solar flares
            Hi Kat,

            Good bumper sticker. ;o), but it would just make people angry.

            Most of the GW crowd mean well, but they are being manipulated and mislead. The leaders of the GW movement want to rule the populace with scare tactics and GW-goblins. Pointing this out to the GW crowd just seems to infuriate them.

            Carbon dioxide emissions break-down as follows: 96.5% of all are from Mother Nature, 3.5% are from mankind, with 0.6% coming from fuel to move vehicles, and about 1% from fuel to heat and cool buildings.

            Production of CO2 could noticeably change the climate if we increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by several orders of magnitude. This will not happen because the human emission will never be large enough and because there are green plants.

            And no, it’s not better to be safe than sorry. My drinking water and the drinking water of 30 other states is oxygenated with MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) that was added to the gasoline due to the Clean Air Act. The air didn’t get any cleaner and the water is poisoned, but we’re better safe than sorry.

            The Pied Piper continues to play. :o(


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