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News Briefs 05-11-2004

Congratulations to President George W. Bush on reelection. All those wishing to leave, please find the nearest exit.

  • A Chinese fish fossil tells a tale of evolution.
  • America’s first immigrants shared the land with mammoths, giant sloths and saber-toothed cats.
  • It’s not often you find the grave of a god so one shares the experience.
  • Two dozen countries in the world are experiencing a shortgevity crisis.
  • Researchers make an annual pilgrimage to Twinsburg, Ohio, to study the world’s largest annual gathering of twins.
  • California researchers have pinpointed a molecule responsible for nicotine addiction. Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em. How about a smoke-free cigarette?
  • Valerian was first epilepsy drug.
  • A method to stretch the flu vaccine five times further has been revealed.
  • Lab-grown sperm fathers baby mice.
  • NJIT’s smart gun moves closer to completion with $1.1 million grant.
  • Man tried to convert lions to Christianity. Lions remain unrepentant.
  • Male fish are producing eggs in the Potomac River.
  • Alaska’s lone elephant will stay put.
  • Human activity causes 10-times more erosion of continental surfaces than all natural processes combined.
  • Swedish scientists discovered a fascinating connection between one’s memory and teeth.
  • As if there weren’t enough of them in the world already, scientists have succeeded in cloning flies.
  • Genetically engineered hot mice that lose weight when they eat more have been created by Australian researchers. Good on them.
  • An eco-friendly disc stores data on corn. Yes, corn.
  • A spectacular volcanic eruption under an Iceland glacier has forced airlines to divert flights. The Bbc has the best pics I could find.
  • Robots learn ‘robotiquette’ rules.
  • Weather heats-up under wind farms proving, once again, that no energy source is ‘free’.
  • Scientists in Japan have made the first device that can convert solar energy into electricity and then store the resulting electric charge.
  • The largest field of impact craters on Earth has been uncovered. Guess where. Aw, go on – guess.
  • New astronomical results refine the geological time scale.
  • Osama bin Laden belts out a rendition of Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York in a children’s pantomime.
  • The U.S. presidential race took the wind from the sails of a whole host of beloved election superstitions.
  • Thousands of people have been thronging to a Catholic Church in Ghana where they claim the image of Jesus Christ has appeared on a wall.
  • Gen. Wesley Clark – Has he been briefed about UFOs?
  • The star-like objects seen from a watchtower in Hooper, Colorado, may not be of this world.
  • Is Dugway’s expansion an alien concept?
  • The myths and folklore of vampires.
  • The U.S. Air Force takes a look at teleportation.
  • Scientists lift the veil on Beagle 3. They figured-out the air bag trick the hard way.
  • A spacecraft intended to blast a hole into a comet so scientists can see what lies beneath is being prepared for launch at the end of the year.
  • Hubble spots triple eclipse on Jupiter. Great pic.
  • A hunt for shadowy Kuiper belt objects is all set.
  • Astronomers untangle black hole radiation.
  • The mystery of magnetic stars is solved.

Thanks Kat.

Quote of the Day:

It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand days as a lamb.

Roman proverb

  1. Nobody at airport?
    Well I headed down to the airport yesterday to wave at everyone that said they were leaving if Bush were re-elected but sadly nobody showed up. 🙁


    1. W
      I read the Daily Grail every day Bill you brain dead fool your comment at the start of the page disgusts me. You need to exit. Dennis Harrison Igou Culp Creek Oregon

      1. Bush

        Certainly here in the UK, Bush’s re-election has left many with a feeling of unease.

        However TDG is not a place for politics, so I for one will not say any more on the matter.


      2. What’s wrong with what Bill s
        What’s wrong with what Bill said?

        There were so many people so vocal about leaving the U.S. in the event Bush were re-elected, he is just commenting on that fact. Why is it disgusting? Were you one of them?

        The fact that you are from Oregon though speaks volumes.

        BTW, where were you upset liberals when Jamske, Cernig and others were filling TDG full of left leaning propaganda a month or so ago? Suddenly it isn’t comentary that suits your agenda so now you bitch?


        1. Um
          Hi Thrustbucket,

          > “filling TDG full of left leaning propaganda”

          “filling” – I think you may be engaging in hyperbole here. And the “propaganda” bit may be a bit strong as well, e.g. Cernig often presents both points of view (even if some partisan thinkers skim over the stories agreeing with their point of view) and react to the one they don’t agree with.

          But I agree that Bill is more than welcome to congratulate the President on his re-election. I have no quarrel at all with him doing that.

          Peace and Respect
          You monkeys only think you’re running things

        2. Words from the Wise
          Hi Thrust.

          Where were they? Reading the bitching from you and other upset rightwingers maybe? :-)You gave me a really hard time, remember?

          I DO intend to leave the country, taking my american family with me…it will just take a few months to organise is all….look to see the Thursday News posted from Scotland sometime in spring.

          Other than the above, I intend to make my final comment on the past election by leaving the words to the wise of years past. Both Dems and Reps are from the same mould. US Democrats wouldnt know a real liberal if it bit them:

          “We’re not a democracy. It’s a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we’re a
          plutocracy: a government by the wealthy.” : Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General


          “Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is
          the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy” : John Pierpont Morgan


          “I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed
          corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.” : Thomas Jefferson


          “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and
          causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” :
          Abraham Lincoln


          “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial
          element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.” : Franklin D. Roosevelt

          Funny thing, I truly respect you, Khefre and others for the depth of your beliefs, and often agree with you on non-political matters. Nuance is a great thing, eh?

          Regards, C

          1. Cernig,
            I didn’t mean to say

            I didn’t mean to say that you post that kind of stuff anymore. I think TDG has gotten much better with its political postings since all that ruckus a couple months back. Whatever the reason for it, I’ve appreciated it.

            As for you leaving, frankly I’m shocked that anyone feels that way. But if you do, I admire that your a man of your word and are actually doing it. I wish more had the conviction you do.
            My only issue with the whole moving thing is that I don’t understand why Bush being re-elected is the trigger. Most of your quotes are true, but electing Kerry really would have meant nothing in changing that. He really was not different enough from Bush, in my estimation, to mean anything radically different for most of your concerns as I understand them. It sounds to me like you should have left long ago. What is wrong with this country for you, can’t be fixed by any known political party. They are both guilty of the problems.

            But again, best wishes and I hope it all works out for you wherever you end up, and the government isn’t nearly as corrupt, powerhungry, evil and selfish.

          2. Burning Times
            Hi Thrust,

            Simple enough, my friend. I dont object to living in Rome in the times of Empire. However, all the experts agree that the primary reason Rome was so successful was that they allowed religious tolerance. I fully expect the USA to move further towards a Christian Fundementalist state over the next four years, and as a practicing pagan have no wish to be here when the current trends in religious intolerance lead to legislation for the burning of witches again. Dont be fast to scoff on this one – and I dont intend to take the chance, for my beloved wife or my family. The wedding of right wing Imperialists to fundemental religionists has never boded well for those disagreeing.

            Regards, C

          3. Interesting.
            I may be total

            I may be totally ignorant, but could you give me some examples of how you are descriminated against or suffer from religious intolerance from the Bush administration?


          4. American Taliban
            Hi Thrust,

            I am a Druid, which nobody knows well enough yet. Everybody thinks it’s about white robes and are fuzzy on the details so I get no real hassle as yet from the radical religious right. My wife is Wiccan and has been accused of being a Satanist, told she should be burned on the basis of a bad translation of Greek (The actual line in the NT should be translated as “Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live” but King James had an axe to grind)and her co-religionists have suffered far worse. I have reported on some of the persecutions in TDG News. These are Mr. Bush’s core support, and he will have to give them their quid-pro-quo. Gays, single mothers, rape victims, AIDS victims, athiests and evolutionists have also felt the sting of their influence on Republican policies. I predict that in the coming years their influence will only increase. If I am wrong I will be more than happy to eat crow in four years time…remind me then, if you would.

            Regards, C

          5. Cernig,

            I live in an extre

            I live in an extremely concervative place where people are extremely religious.. Christians. However most of what you are saying still doesn’t apply to the people I know around me here. All the people I know, although yes they are very religious, they are also very tolerant, for the most part. We have one of the highest concentrations of Wicca here in the country. I have many Wiccan friends as well, I don’t ever hear them complaining of discrimination, if anything, I hear them enjoying the extreme flavor of our religious people.
            Maybe it’s just the flavor of the sect that is promenant here, but most of the hard core religious types here are very tolerant of other peoples beliefs. The only group out of what you listed that may seem discriminated against would be Gays, most people around here don’t believe in advancing the gay agenda, but won’t cast gays out as ‘evil’. Other than that, I know many of the other groups you listed and could not imagine them ever getting the social short end of the stick by the hard core christians I know.

            So my point – maybe social cruelty and discrimination are hallmark traits of SOME Christian sects in SOME geographic locations. But lets try to remember that not ALL christian right wingers are bad and will make your life hell if you are different than them. That is a 1500 old myth that is no longer as true as it once was. I just don’t see the extreme intolerance your talking about from where I stand. But I will admit, I stand in a strange place compared to most of the country.

            Also, I just still can not buy that because Bush is president you are going to see descrimination against single mothers, rape victims, AIDS victims, athiests and evolutionists. They are not an ‘immoral’ minority to any Christian group I know of, so I don’t know why they would feel danger of intolerance towards them because Bush was re-elected.

            The act of a man humping another man being taught as a valid lifestyle in school is much different to most Christians than someone that simply believes something else than they do.


          6. Intolerance
            “I fully expect the USA to move further towards a Christian Fundementalist state over the next four years, and as a practicing pagan have no wish to be here when the current trends in religious intolerance lead to legislation for the burning of witches again. ”

            Apparently YOUR religious intolerance is the only type you feel comfortable with. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

          7. Bush policies
            Is everyone forgetting about Bush’s actions after 9-11?

            He bombed Afghanistan in a supposed attempt to punish Al Qaeda and the Taleban for their involvement. Yet, at the same time, even before military action had started in Afghanistan, the US Government had repeatedly refused to act on intelligence as to the whereabouts of OBL. Indeed, the Taleban had repeatedly tried to engage the US government in an unconditional handover of OBL to try and prevent military action being brought against them – all their attempts fell on deaf ears, and OBL is still at large, and troops are still dying in Afghanistan. Perhaps it was more to do with a certain pipeline construction that the military action was taken?

            Bush and Cheney continue to insist that Iraq was in collusion with Al Qaeda and international terrorism, and that Iraq had an advanced program of WMD. The Duelfer report has finally put the truth out about that one, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps there was more to it than that? No-tender multi-billion contracts for Haliburton, control of one of the largest oil fields in the world? And it looks like Iran might be next on the hit list.

            How long are the American people going to continue accepting this president’s foreign policies (which seem to me to be examples of regime change, US state sponsored terrorism i.e killing of thousands of civilian Iraqis and Afghans) and the bill for all this “oil-mongoring” is footed by you, the US tax-paying people, so that Bush and his corporate cronies can get their hands on more money.

            I realise that Kerry may not have been any better than Bush, but I think the important thing is that Kerry has not yet proven himself to be a corrupt SOB, running the White House for his own financial gain. Bush has.

          1. Jameske,

            I took a politica

            I took a political leanings test once and I came out very libertarian domestically.
            I agree with you. George Bush, for the most part, is way too liberal in most of his policies for most Americans. But as we saw in the election, he wasn’t quite as left as Kerry, which is why he got elected.

        3. Congrats President Bush
          Hi Thrustbucket,

          I was looking for Robert Redford to return to Ireland, and Kim Basinger to flee to Canada. Michael Moore and Larry Flint were to leave also. No word from Barbra Streisand and Cher.

          But then, I’m still waiting for Alec Baldwin to leave from the 2000 election.

          Nobody at the airport, huh? I feel cheated. ;o(


          1. Look Sharp
            Hi Bill,

            Keep on your toes, looks like the Dems have realised they still have some strategies left:

            Michael Moore: “Michigan voted for Kerry! So did the entire Northeast, the birthplace of our democracy. So did 6 of the 8 Great Lakes States. And the whole West Coast! Plus Hawaii. Ok, that’s a start. We’ve got most of the fresh water, all of Broadway, and Mt. St. Helens. We can dehydrate them or bury them in lava. And no more show tunes!”


            Peace and Respect
            You monkeys only think you’re running things

          2. Hehe, I actually live about 1
            Hehe, I actually live about 15 miles from Robert Redford. Nobody here likes him and we all wish he would move away.

          3. I agree, Bill
            If spoilt self-centred vain egotistical actors are leaving America, then I hope Australia closes its borders and accepts no more migrants — we have enough actors who think that getting paid millions of dollars for playing make-believe makes their political views more valid than everyone else’s!

            People sneer at Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he’s one actor who had the balls to actually do something with his political viewpoints instead of shoving his politics down everyone’s throats every time he promotes a new film on Letterman.

            Perhaps all these actors and celebrities who said they’d move out of the USA if Bush were re-elected should consider Africa? Maybe then they’ll wake up to their narrow-minded crap and wake up to the realities of the world.

    1. Smart Gun
      Hi Cernig,

      Yeah, the “somebody” was the Department of Justice.

      Most cops don’t want these things. Fingerprints – what if you’re wearing gloves? Chips – what if the technology fails, as it did when both Colt and Smith & Wesson demonstrated their smart gun? Jewelery – what if you’re injured and have to shoot with your off-hand?

      Most knowlegable consumers wish they would drop the idea.


  2. actually, the door is closed
    Canada warning those heading north they won’t get “special treatment”

    Just liberal whackos they’re afraid of storming the border? Or this:

    U.S. Preparing for Military Draft in Spring 2005

    During the Vietnam era, 23,000 Americans fled north to Canada annually.

    Maybe the Canadians DO know something we don’t know. Or refused to cognize prior to the election.

    Steven Mizrach
    Academic, Pop Culture Junkie, Grail Recycler

  3. Facist Right
    Hey Bill,

    Less than a week after the election, the dollar is at an ALL TIME LOW against the EURO, and GOLD is at a 16 year high, and our defict is set to continue skyrocketing. Methinks Bill has a lot of gold coins in the closet to be such a Bush supporter. If you had to actually work or try and make money in today’s economy, methinks you would sing a different tune.

    If you are already rich, you have nothing to worry about except for social insurection. Bill, I know you like firearms and I’m betting a lot of your guns are especially for rioting hoards. . .most likely, you won’t think twice to pop off a few rounds at roving bands of desperate starving looters.

    If you aren’t already rich, get ready for the biggest skrewing of all time. . . .

    Name withheld to protect the innocent.

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