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News Briefs 06-08-2004

Remember folks, neither Jameske or I believe or support every article that we link. We never have. The articles that we link are not our personal editorials and we don’t write them; we just find the subject interesting and hope that the article will inspire an intelligent discussion among you. Sometimes it works.

That being said, enjoy the Friday news ……..

  • The only human species left on earth is the result of an historical accident rather than Darwinian competition.
  • An ancient site dates grain use to 20,000 BC.
  • Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 4,000-year-old Barbie of the Bronze Age, the world’s oldest toy.
  • A mountain hiker stumbles on to a tomb that’s nearly 5,000-years-old.
  • Builders laying the foundations for a mosque in north-east Cairo found a tomb dating from the Pharaonic period intact but submerged in ground water up to the ceiling of the tomb. This find was blessed by the Head of the Supreme Council for Antiquities.
  • A discovery in Sardinia causes the history of wine to be rewritten.
  • Modern quarrying is a threat to Stonehenge.
  • Mars appears to have been volcanically active more recently than previously supposed.
  • Whoever, or whatever, is responsible for the August crop formation at Silbury Hill, borrowed the design in its border from the Aztec God Xochipilli.
  • Either gargoyles or flying dog-faced kangaroos terrorize a family in Chile. Your call, but remember people laughed at Chupacabra until somebody killed one.
  • Turkish cameras have recorded some so-called UFO images in the sky for the third time in the last 15 days. This story would be better with some so-called UFO images because they may be a hoax.
  • Canadians are near a record number of UFO sightings.
  • Those that pour over photographs of Mars and see worms, trees, UFOs, pyramids, subway stations, giant fungi, fossils, buried cities, and faces are not necessarily fraudulent evil bastard liars, just merely deluded.
  • Sexual contact with aliens occurs frequently. Yeah, but those alien chicks get better looking when the bar starts to close.
  • ET’s coded messages may be inside our bodies.
  • Rebecca Rosen doesn’t see dead people, but she does see their energy.
  • Rumor has it that Bill Gates lusts for the Mario Brothers.
  • The UK has a water pistol plan to save the great bustard.
  • Can human intelligence be amplified with a brain-booster machine?
  • A U.S. company claims that is is cloning cats. Yeah, we need more cats. Why don’t they clone aardvarks?
  • Federal safety officials urge the use of black boxes in automobiles.
  • GM cotton cuts herbicide use in Australia. That’s a good thing. See Cernig’s story yesterday on the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • A search in the deep sea finds species surprises and plastic bags. And you thought big corporations were the polluters.
  • WANTED – A court jester to fill a post vacant for 350-years since England executed its king.
  • Nigerian police have arrested 30-witch-doctors in a raid on fetish shrines where over 50-decomposing bodies and 20-human skulls were discovered. What year is this?
  • Singapore scientists are looking at how the body can generate electricity to run mobile devices. Oh great, we’re batteries. :o( You know how this movie ends. While we’re on the subject, skin is used to transmit key data.
  • Brain scientists unravel the mysteries of the night to determine what dreams are made of.
  • The US army has commissioned a new supercomputer to simulate complex weapons systems. A robot guard will smoke out villains. SkyNet reads TDG, you know.
  • A researcher hopes to zap a laser beam at a couple of chickens freezing them in mid-cluck, their leg and wing muscles paralyzed by an electrical charge created by the beam, even as their heart and lungs function normally. This interests the Pentagon.
  • Can anti-Semitism ever end?
  • Will the Temple Mount in Jerusalem lead to World War III? Would Islamic extremists target the Dome of the Rock or the al-Aksa mosques and lay the blame on Israel? Terrorists don’t play dirty, do they? Is this article anti-religious?
  • Scientists have worked out the formula for the perfect scary movie. And the winner is ………………
  • The world may appear a more colorful place to women.
  • Two Texas rivals, the Longhorns and the Aggies, join forces to build a telescope, Texas size.
  • A human-like baby is found inside a sheep.
  • The key to life on Mars is in the meanest deserts on Earth.
  • The Mars rover Spirit has found no signs of a past lake in a crater. But, Spirit did reveal a magnetic Mars.
  • Hey, it’s a space race. A second team goes for space prize.
  • Dramatic differences found in matter and antimatter. We suspected that there might be differences.
  • A plan to celebrate the ‘Year of Physics’ by shining lights into the night sky has upset some astronomers.
  • Our solar system may be an exception, not the rule. Feel lonely?

Quote of the Day:

Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth.


  1. are you infering to my commen
    are you infering to my comments to you Billy? I hope not. maybe when i poke at your satire towards the links, it infers this. again, i hope not, but then… what does it infer?

    dd Let’s put the blame where it belongs: On somebody else.

    1. are you infering
      Hi DD,

      No. My intro statement was not addressed to you. You have been around here long enough to know that we often link articles that we don’t necessarily endorse.


      1. that
        is cool, thanks. i tend to be hard on things sometimes. more than i really ought to be too. like when i jumped on Greg over the underwear article.

        dd An American’s a person who isn’t afraid to criticize the President but is always polite to traffic cops.

  2. OK! here we go again…
    When you say, “This find was blessed by the Head of the Supreme Council for Antiquities”, well that just shows that you have a problem with the very person that holds that office. Whats you real problem? His Egotistical Maniac attitude towards the position that he holds? Or what? heheh

    dd Egotism is the drug that soothes the pain of stupidity.

    1. eh?

      I wouldn’t believe that so very fast. Problem with a person in eyes of some another person is because that other person perceives words in a way that leads to that conclusion, in entirely different view of world.

      Why would a description of a moment (somebody “blessed” something) be negative? Is it because people tend to believe others to be negative when they simply have a different perspective of the world, or is it because some other person truly has a negative tone in what he or she says? It is something that you cannot really know for sure, not on the internet. Yes, there are things that are in realm of possibility when concluding something from text, but there are also things that are impossible to say based on text.

      You see, humans evolved to understand emotions based on tone of voice, expression of face and expression of what another person does. Text as a substitude for this is merely something very primitive, and does not go hand in hand with how we evolved to understand.

      1. yep
        i agree. and hope i never offend anyone for what i have said in text. except someone that i meant to offend in textual format.

        dd If God had wanted you to go around nude, He would have given you bigger hands.

      2. I would disagree with the full blown variance of perception
        Rawsom, you suggest that each human being views the world in an entirely different manner? I tend to disagree on the ‘entirely part.’ Be it specific to practicality, mysticism, etc, you should well note that all perception has some form of synthetic judgement which compliment one another. When Socrates spoke of truth, did he not narrow down the design of destiny through reason? What sort of idealism is encouraging your so called entirely different perception? I do not think you meant to suggest what you did, because in doing so you’re agreeing to disagree- Please do not teach fools that, they love it! Instead, reason the will of Bill and compare it to the reason of the Dragon man, for it seems one is lacking in objective thought. Though if you wish to be the lawyer and make comfortable a fallacy of ‘different perception,’ take into consideration that your empiricism promotes hippies.


        1. you comment was fair, yes.
          My view was based not on fundamental patterns of thoughts, but on results of different perspectives of world that we perceive (which do include identical pattersn, but not all are identical). We all have different perception because we see different things. We see different things because we have experienced those differently, in which environment and our genes has a part. I am not a hardcore determinist either, I believe in quantum consciousness, although only when certain requirements are met; if ever.

          I believe I understand your view about the fact that encouraging certain groups is bad, I didn’t encourage them on purpose. I wrote my comment in quite a hurry. However, I am also not a big fan of taking _everything_ into account as human being simply cannot do that. Everything encourages something, and some are merely perceived to be good propaganda and some are not. I am not purely objective either, nobody is. But this defence is pointless, I can see from your post that you understand a lot.

          this is an edit afterwards, that I want to add: Well, I do not attack persons, I just bring my view into public. In this case I do not care what some editor of this site does and what he or she does not. I skip things I don’t want to read. There is no such person that would not have a political side. Even science has political side, you have to get a funding. Results of any scientific study are different thing altogether (not that there wouldn’t be biased studies.).

  3. An ancient site dates grain use to 20,000 BC
    I have always said, “The Human Race is older than dirt”. I have always believed that we arrived here, and are not directly related to this Planetoid. We are far too complex. Nothing around us comes close to our complexity. We are from an older part of the “Stellar” System. We derive from a point much deeper in (older), towards the Galactic Center of this Universe than what came from this relatively newborn solar system on the outer arm of our Galatic Center, in this Spiral Galaxy. Can’t you all see that? If not, then I can show you how you can see it.
    If your Mother is still living. Go to her. Then, turn her towards you, gripping her shoulders with both hands, and state, “Mother, I need to speak to you”. Then, look closely into her eyes.
    There, you will see the depth of the Human Race. The Longevity of it, from front to back, end to end.
    Because, Women carry the genetic code.

    dd Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.

    1. I agree
      Digital Dragon, I agree with you on the age of the human race.
      I don’t know how I know, I just do.
      It doesn’t make sense to me that we have only been functioning as thinking beings for the short time the scientists say we have.
      I wish I could now offer some amazing proof but I can’t.


    2. Expotential complexity
      Is it possible that conciousness allows us to observe our own potential complexity? Imagination, invention and our own evolution gain expotential momentum from these observations in a similar way to the speed of technology and information processing increasing as we apply ourselves to it?

      We see life and the universe evolving around us so maybe consciousness itself is evolving along the same lines. We are very complex but we still need more complexity before we travel the galaxy, our progress on Earth is possibly just a start rather than the result of intersteller migration.


  4. To BILL
    It seems that you want to justify your work and DUAT’s nature:
    why thi worry? I think that if somebody don’t appreciate your
    work and what can find in DUAT: it i free to go away and read
    what can find somewhere else.
    About the truth: who wants the truth?
    Many people is so anchored to their illusions…

    It seems that you

    It seems that you want to justify your work and DUAT’s nature:
    why thi worry? I think that if somebody don’t appreciate your
    work and what can find in DUAT: it i free to go away and read
    what can find somewhere else.
    About the truth: who wants the truth?
    Many people is so anchored to their illusions…

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