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News Briefs 31-01-2011

What the bleep?

Thanks to Greg, RPJ & Kat

Quote of the Day:

The age of nations has passed, our task now, should we not perish, is to build the Earth.

Teilhard de Chardin.

  1. Broken link…..
    The link to the article on “What planets might look like from earth if they were the same distanace as the moon” doesn’t work.

    Any chance of a fix – it sounds interesting.

  2. Of Gods & Geeks (Is God an alien mathematician?)
    A very fine example of a high intellect blinded by its own arrogance.

    This guy first makes an analogy of why trying to understand how an artilect –his own word for a god-like AI– might think like is as pointless as a dog trying to imagine that humans are much more intelligent than a dog, and therefore they must have many more bones lying around than dogs do.

    But *then* begins to rant about the idiocy of ancient religions because HE cannot comprehend how a loving god would allow so much suffering in the world!

    BEN: In a nutshell, how does your deism differ from conventional religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and so forth? And how does it differ from Buddhism, which some have argued isn’t really a religion, more of a wisdom tradition or a practical philosophy?

    HUGO: Traditional religions such as the above, that were invented several thousand years ago, after the agricultural revolution and the growth of cities (with their occasional genius level priest-theologian) I find ridiculous, utterly in conflict with modern scientific knowledge. The cultural anthropologists of religion have shown that humanity has invented on the order of about 100,000 different gods over the broad sweep of history, and across the planet. These many gods are so obviously invented (e.g. New Guinea gods have many pigs, etc) that their human origins are obvious. However, the fact that every primitive little tribe has invented its own gods makes one deeply suspicious that human religiosity is in fact physiologically based, and hence has Darwinian survival value (e.g. if you can believe in a loving god, you are less likely to commit suicide in a cold, indifferent, callous universe, so religiosity-inducing genes would be more selected for).

    This dude may look down on dumb primitive agricultural tribes and their silly gods, but he seems to miss the point that all he has done is concocting another idea of god, that might fit better the aesthetic tastes of his technological tribe.

    Posthumanists can be as obnoxious in their arrogance as any religious fundamentalist.

    1. quantum gods
      I agree, this is a fine tradition started long ago, and continued until this very day.

      The unexplainable world is explained in terms of the current hi tech and frontier science, only just beyond it. And it was created that way by someone like Dad, only more powerful and intelligent.

      But hey it works – to explain the mysteries we don’t understand at all, just say they are extensions of mysteries that we almost understand but not quite.

      This has the advantage that people sort of understand what you’re talking about, but can’t contradict your conclusions.

  3. egyptian secrets
    I still say that Egypt has long had more interest in the magnitude and mystery of the secrets of the pyramids than in finding out what the secrets actually are. And that’s not just Zahi, this is a long tradition, going back to the builders of the monuments.

    After several thousand years of building up the tension, the real explanation almost has to be disappointing. So it is much better to keep the story and mystery alive.

    1. Patterson Footage
      I have watched and rewatched the P/G footage and read and watched everything I can about gait analysis, etc. I think that is not a human in a suit. It is some pretty damn amazing footage really. The deathbed confession of the “confederate” of hoax turns out to be itself a hoax which just makes the whole affair all the more intriguing. There are some people who don’t want no sasquatch talk out there, and I can see why as the sasquatch sighting database correlates so provocatively with UFO sightings, and we know that has been suppressed all these years too. Uncle Sasquatch leads to UFO’s and other shady doin’s. Uncle Sasquatch is in all likelihood an ET project – exploratory probes with alternate hominids to see how they’d do if the sapiens sapiens turn out to have been a really bad idea. Best not talk about it unless it is to laugh and snicker.

    2. Re: Egyptian Secrets
      It is likely that whatever real secrets are lurking in Egypt will require an elevation in consciousness to apprehend and comprehend. It is not just a matter of opening a tomb and finding some implements or science tomes. Consciousness has to be ready for the next new thing which in this case will be an old thing newly rediscovered. The “secret” is right out in the open anyway. It is just that we haven’t the eyes to see it with at the moment.

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