Welcome your dead. One day, they will do the same to you. Thanks to Greg. Quote of the Day: The...
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If this is the level of evidence they have for UFO recovery programs, then I feel sorry for the people...
When the latest “military whistleblower” starts yapping about ‘blue avians’ and the Galactic Federation, you just know the Disclosure movement...
Encounters: Experiences with Non Human Intelligences is professor of religious studies Diana Walsh Pasulka’s second foray into the UFO topic,...
Don’t you hate it when the people talking about UFO disclosure turn out to be just as secretive as the...
Scouring through past news linked on our website in 2023, as I was thinking on writing a tentative article about...
Being dragged into the holiday mood, grinch by grinch… Quote of the Day: UFOs don’t need legislation, & legislation won’t...
Hello, anybody out there? Quote of the Day: This “AI debate” is pretty stupid, proceeding as it does from the...