A couple of days ago I found a very interesting tweet on my feed. It was written in Spanish, and...
“Wæs þu hæl” is an Anglo Saxon toast meaning “be thou hale” (“be in good health“). The toast, if not...
Bavaria is a land of festivals. The wheel of the year is turned by celebrations such as the raising of...
Something weirdly this way comes: The new season of Hellier, the ground-breaking, independent paranormal series produced by Dana and Greg...
The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics to have occurred in human history, killing as much as...
When the QAnon movement began garnering more widespread attention a couple of years ago, a number of game designers pointed...
We can’t stop it. We can’t bargain with it. Even if we don’t remember what the ritual is. The ritual...
(Sony Pictures 2018, directed by Sylvain White, 93 mins.) I was not looking forward to watching this film. As long...