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News Briefs 03-02-2011

If 5 millenia of human ingenuity can become endangered in less than a single month, what can that tell us regarding the possibility of vestiges from far older civilizations?

Thanks Rick, Kat & Greg.

Quote of the Day:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away”.

Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

  1. Dr. Kaku Chose His words Carefully!
    Red Pill,

    In 2006, President George W. Bush put a gag order on the National Park Service to prevent it from releasing information about the Yellowstone Volcano; because, it was getting very active. President Obama has not removed that order. Dr. Kaku has stated his opinion to calm everybody down. Nobody wants panic. If Yellowstone erupts, the power of its eruption could be a single vent or a super eruption. If it is a single vent, we will be the luckiest things on three wheels with a horn. But, it will probably a super eruption on the scale of the Toba super volcanic erruption about 74,000 years ago. Furthermore, the eruption will probably last for about a week. After the immediate damage, which Dr. Kaku minimizes, the gases from it will probably, almost definitely, encircle the planet and creat a volcanic winter that will last for about 5 to 7 years. During atleast the first part of this volcanic winter, probably most of it, the air will be very polluted! My point is that, unless we get very lucky, Yellowstone is going to be our problem!

          1. It’s ok
            I can’t talk too much about other peoples sleep schedule. Personally, I’ve been getting around 3-4 hours of sleep everyday for the past year and a half, sometimes however, no sleep at all, other times, 14hrs straight.

  2. Egyptian cultural treasures
    The last 50 years or so have seen a significant increase in information flow for ordinary people in many parts of the world. This is basically due to electronic communications and cheap air travel, and to some extent from cheap shipping of goods. Social web services are just the latest example of this.

    Even those people who cannot afford the cheap air travel see increased information flow from this source, by their contact with those who can afford it, both from their own culture and from abroad. The cheapness doesn’t benefit those below a certain economic level in the sense that they can afford travel of shipping or communication. But it does affect them by the sheer volume of people, goods and information flowing around them.

    There are of course the usual Luddite types who say all this is bad. If you wanted to write that this is all terrible and the fault of someone or other, don’t waste your electrons, it is not relevant.

    What is relevant is that this is happening, and has been for quite a while. People in Egypt and Tunisia see that they have been treated unfairly by their ruling groups, and they are tired of it.

    Now some of the Europeans and Americans are afraid of the scary Islamicists supposedly just waiting for this opportunity. Israel is afraid that whatever government follows Mubarak will not adhere to their peace treaty. That would indeed be a problem for Israel, and a new war would not exactly be good for Egypt either.

    I myself am not overly optimistic about the next system in Egypt being better than the currently collapsing system. Re-forming a country is a difficult problem. I hope I am wrong with my pessimism. However I personally estimate the likelyhood of a positive outcome, I think it is obvious that the Egyptians are right in throwing out a totalitarian ruler.

    But what seems to be fundamentally new here is that there are genuine popular uprisings in Arabian societies. Not the next palace putsch renting crowds, not some religious leaders inflaming their flocks’ emotions. No, we have actual citizens telling their governments they won’t stand for the same old abusive system any longer.

    I have thought for some years that this massive increase in information flow will some day bring major change. Not silly revelations that diplomats don’t really mean everything in their diplomatic speeches. And not the next famous journalist who gets portrayed by the next Robert Redford in the next movie praising Independent Journalism.

    What I expect, eventually, is a change as substantial as the Reformation. Assange might think he is the next Bob Woodward. I expect that relatively soon we will see the next Martin Luther and John Calvin.

    Perhaps there is an overly optimistic part of me that thinks what we see now could be the start of an Arabian Reformation. As I said, it seems unlikely.

    But it would be a cultural treasure.

    1. Reformation

      I have thought for some years that this massive increase in information flow will some day bring major change. Not silly revelations that diplomats don’t really mean everything in their diplomatic speeches. And not the next famous journalist who gets portrayed by the next Robert Redford in the next movie praising Independent Journalism.

      What I expect, eventually, is a change as substantial as the Reformation. Assange might think he is the next Bob Woodward. I expect that relatively soon we will see the next Martin Luther and John Calvin.

      I don’t think I could agree with you more, actually. I hardly think I’ll tire to write this, but IMO the Internet is the greatest social achievement in the history of Man. The Internet helps empowering the common citizens that are now seizing the opportunity to try to bring about a much needed change in their local societies. My heart goes to my brothers and sisters in the Middle East, and my spirit yearns that this “sea of change” will cross the sea and arrives to nations like Venezuela, Cuba… and Mexico too.

      My intro today was meant to start a discussion about archeology and “ante-deluvian” civilizations in light of the recent events in Egypt. People who dismiss notions about Atlantis or Lemuria demand that physical evidence be presented; well, why do they dismiss the fact that what’s happening in Egypt right now has not been repeated again and again in ages past? Why do they forget about Alexandria’s library, or the burning of the Mayan codexes?

  3. Egypt’s ancient treasures
    Let’s be clear about who is endangering Egypt’s ancient treasures: Mubarak’s regime.

    From the blog Sandmonkey (with my bold)

    Egypt, right now!
    Feb. 3, 2011

    You watched on TV as “Pro-Mubarak Protesters” – thugs who were paid money by NDP members by admission of High NDP officials- started attacking the peaceful unarmed protesters in Tahrir square. They attacked them with sticks, threw stones at them, brought in men riding horses and camels- in what must be the most surreal scene ever shown on TV- and carrying whips to beat up the protesters. And then the Bullets started getting fired and Molotov cocktails started getting thrown at the Anti-Mubarak Protesters as the Army standing idly by, allowing it all to happen and not doing anything about it. Dozens were killed, hundreds injured, and there was no help sent by ambulances. The Police never showed up to stop those attacking because the ones who were captured by the Anti-mubarak people had police ID’s on them. They were the police and they were there to shoot and kill people and even tried to set the Egyptian Museum on Fire.

    I recommend you click to read the whole post. Sandmonkey was arrested shortly after this was posted, and his blog account was suspended. He was roughed up, was released about an hour later, and is currently in hiding. Supposedly his blog is down due to technical problems — caused by massive hacker attacks coming from both Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

    The best photos I’ve seen, as well as one of the most accurate headlines:

    Secret police blamed as peace protesters are gunned down in the siege of Cairo.

    Audio: Pajamas Media’s exclusive interview with sandmonkey on Feb. 2nd.

      1. on youtube
        I decided to watch the whole thing because it is on Youtube in English, and let me tell you, it’s not a good kid’s story! It is very sad and talks about God way too much for my tastes 😛

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