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News Briefs 02-02-2010

Homeopathy is taking a bashing. Anyone remember Benveniste?

  • Global warming science implodes overseas: American media silent.
  • Mythical temple found in Peru.
  • Smart Dust? Not quite, but we’re getting there.
  • How Paulson’s people colluded with Goldman to destroy AIG and get a backdoor bailout.
  • Obama cancels moon project.
  • Twins’ different DNA sparks parents’ divorce.
  • Sceptics stage homeopathy overdose. More here.
  • Bloom and bust: how volcanoes suffocated ocean life.
  • The Grasping Hand: The modern democratic state pillages its productive citizens.
  • A skeptic’s skeptic.
  • What to get the man who has everything? An underwater plane of course.
  • Paying zero for public services.
  • Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes.
  • DNA testing on 2000 year-old bones in Italy reveal East Asian ancestry.
  • Fetid fish revise understanding of fossil formation.

Quote of the Day:

I have learned to use the word ‘impossible’ with the greatest caution.

Wernher von Braun

  1. smart dust
    It sounds great to instrument the world, so we can have a clean healthy environment. We would have warning of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, if we had more data from little sensors in the ground.

    People could be healthier as explained in the article:
    STILL another is a Twitter application for self-reported data on one’s daily life (, which can be assembled into small graphs that show a person’s behavior over time. The most common use since the site went up last fall, says Nathan Yau, a graduate student who created the application, has been to track personal health — eating habits, weight, blood pressure, glucose and sleep times.

    The cellphone is a constant companion — immediate and intimate, always there to inform, remind and prompt. “The killer app for this is personalized health and wellness,” Ms. Estrin says. “The potential to help people make behavior changes and lead healthier lives is tremendous.”

    And your insurance company, or your insurance goverment, will know which details of your life make it necessary to charge you extra. In the interest of your health of course.

    Detailed knowledge of your daily habits also would make consumption taxes much more fair. Since you can be watched actually consuming, your taxes can be micro-managed.

    And you could be gently reminded every now and then when your consumption deviates from the norm. It is important to be average.

    Won’t that be wonderful?

  2. climate problems
    It sucks when reality is complicated. It is much more convenient when we can combat deforestation by reducing CO2 emissions from people who travel by airplane. Considerably more convenient than to stop cutting down trees.

  3. climate money
    Here is another small piece of information about why we don’t want to upset the mood in the climate market.

    Greenhouse gas emissions trade volume is somewhere near $130 billion this year. If the value of the product fluctuates to much, this market will be very confused.

    1. this market….
      …should never exist. It’s a fabricated market built on lies. The upper end totally misjudged the intelligents of the average person. Now they will pay for a change…….
      Unless they can swing the momentum the other way with some kind of catastrophy. ????????

      1. oh but its beautiful
        The beauty of this market is that the effect, namely the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, is very hard to check. With trees, or houses, cars, shoes you can see if there are more of them in your neighbourhood. Try checking for the CO2 level in different layers of the atmosphere. They can keep this up forever.

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