The Phenomenon has landed. Years in the making, James Fox’s epic UFO documentary elevates that once kookiest of subjects—flying saucers—from...
Late last year, legendary ufologist Jacques Vallee uploaded a quite extraordinary paper to his website, with little fanfare. What makes...
Sometimes the history of esoteric research produces some wonderful anecdotes. Take for example the following diary entry of UFO research...
Earlier this month NASA officially announced they are commissioning an independent study on UAPs (the sanitized acronym replacing UFOs everyone...
When it comes to scientific ideas, most of them are forgotten almost as soon as they are published in a...
Scouring through past news linked on our website in 2023, as I was thinking on writing a tentative article about...
August of 2023 has unfortunately witnessed the departure of two important figures in the fields of UFOlogy and cattle mutilation...
The following article is a modified excerpt from Jeffrey Kripal’s Authors of the Impossible (available from Amazon US and Amazon...
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