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News Briefs 17-11-2011

“May you be alive at the end of the world”
(Old Irish proverb)

Thanks Greg & Rick.

Quote of the Day:

“It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America’s direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.”

Paul Krugman

  1. Paul Krugman?
    You guys actually quote that miserable excuse for an economist?

    Paul Krugman is about as worthless a commentator as any of the filthy hippies at Occupy Whatever. That the folks who write this nice blog would add his voice to the good things you put out is amazing to me.

    You can’t even use the paper he’s printed on to line a bird cage, as that would be redundant.

    1. What about this quote, then?

      “I’m feeling great. I am feeling so energized. It’s amazing what a little pepper spray can do for you.”


      Ms. Rainey also compared the media situation in the US to what was going on in Nazi Germany when she was growing up, “I see the same thing happening here. We have really no more free media that will bring you the issues instead of just the soft fluff entertainment. The repeated stuff about some actress somewhere being pregnant and not pregnant, and wanting to go get married and not. This should be on the entertainment pages and not on the mainstream news media.”

      Dorli Rainey, BTW, is this brave old lady

    2. Schizophrenic
      Schizophrenic is likely the best way to describe you Gwedd, how else could it be that you visit this site that is geared to that which science, in it’s cowardice betrayal of the unknown or anything that frictions with it’s dogma, in order to keep their self-replicating truths within that what is permissible by those that fund.

      And here you are replicating the propaganda of a totally corrupted media, you clearly have a long way to go before you are able to discern fact from fiction, meanwhile the powers that be love morons like you.

      1. Please don’t

        And here you are replicating the propaganda of a totally corrupted media, you clearly have a long way to go before you are able to discern fact from fiction, meanwhile the powers that be love morons like you.

        All comments and opinions are acceptable in this site, provided we keep an amicable tone and respect those who don’t agree with us.

        Please, let it be the last time I write this reminder.



        1. Calling a spade a spade
          I suppose filthy hippies is ok then Red ? In this case here i wanted to qualify Gwedd as an idiot i toned it down to moron, obviously still not enough for the PC brigade who seem to prefer on singing all the way to the slaughter. Calling a spade a spade ain’t for everyone, but to wave your finger at me here rather irritates me.

          1. There’s a difference
            I didn’t like Gwedd’s choice of words either. But they weren’t directed at a particular TDG member, like you did.

            You can refute Gwedd’s argument with another argument, or we can just devolve into an insult competition as is customary in other sites, like Pharyngula for example. Your choice.

            It isn’t wave fingering; just a friendly remark 🙂



  2. Occupy . . .
    Gwedd, in my city, which contains a major university, the protesters are primarily several classes of graduates from that university who’ve not been able to find anything other than menial part-time jobs since they received their degrees. Meanwhile, they are now responsible for and struggling with paying back the loans they took out to receive those worthless degrees.

    It’s a generation that’s been screwed over by just about every institution in the US, but primarily by the universities that lured them with lies about the value of a college education. They’re the generation starting out in life with the realization they were set up as patsies by the generations that went before them. And, they’re the ones who will change our world over the next few years. Whether you or I like it or not.

    They’re our future and they won’t put up with our crap.

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