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News Briefs 07-09-2004

Today’s menu includes plenty of space and a hot serving of french flies. No, that’s not a typo…

  • Forget flying cars…just get some wings and a pair of jet engines, and fly like this French rocketeer. Some video of this flight would rock.
  • Fact-checking Dan Brown’s research. No, not the Davinci book – takes a look at his astrobiology novel Deception Point (Amazon US only).
  • More background on the controversial SETI signal. And just to fill in the empty corners of your brain, revisit the original Wow signal from around thirty years ago.
  • The question is: is there anybody out there? I prefer to be comfortably numb.
  • Linda Moulton Howe finds high strangeness in soil and plants at an Ohio crop formation.
  • Mysterious cattle mutilations – do they still happen? Apparently so. I wouldn’t be a cow for quids.
  • Explanation of an alleged UFO video.
  • Conversely, what about the failure of UFO skepticism.
  • It may be required, when we start talking about photographs of orbs.
  • Struggling farmers note – forget the crops and cattle and just build yourself a UFO watchtower.
  • Mystery sky sausages were probably just a school project.
  • NASA’s Starship 2040 may be coming to your town soon.
  • Speaking of, instellar travel is just an antimatter of time.
  • Get a grip on the distances involved in space travel with this website.
  • Genesis ‘sun-catcher’ spacecraft on schedule for a Wednesday re-entry.
  • Space News celebrates its 15th anniversary by compiling a Top 10 of the most influential people in space over the last decade and a half.
  • A replica of the Kon-Tiki is set to sail and study the Pacific in 2005.
  • New study finds that European gypsies came out of India around 1000 years ago.

  • If that sounds like big news, what about the first Americans coming from Australia? I claim dominion on behalf of my country.
  • French ‘amateur’ archaeologists defend their secret chamber theory. With requisite Hawass hyperbole. I’d say the smart money would be on an exclusive National Geographic ‘discovery’ in about 2006.
  • Gordon Rugg, the apparent cracker of the Voynich Manuscript, is the scientific method man.
  • How did hundreds of bronze coins end up at the bottom of the Dead Sea?
  • King Solomon persists at Armageddon dig site.
  • Honolulu businessman’s bid to search for Noah’s Ark foiled by Turkish authorities.
  • Phaistos disk is a menu? Probably doubled as a lazy susan as well.
  • More British ghost-busters wise up and go to the local hotel to check for ghosts. A good rort that one.
  • Miracles draw crowds to the Lady of Beshwat.
  • Humans and parrots may share sharp tongues.
  • Hair analysis could reveal your recent travels. Expect a wave of bald terrorists.
  • The deep sea visionary who opened the world’s eyes to the strange world beneath the water.
  • Images of hurricanes from space look impressive, but at least we don’t live on Saturn.
  • Historians plead case for Tacoma’s ‘little Stonehenge‘.
  • North Korea ‘bred spies using former US soldiers‘.
  • Ireland’s first floating church explodes, then sinks. Bishop heard yelling “Ah, to the shore, to the shore”.
  • 1st Space Elevator competition set for mid-2005. Let’s hope it fares better than the floating Irish church.

Thanks Pam and Bill.

Quote of the Day:

Truth and technology will triumph over bullshit and bureaucracy

Rene Anselmo

  1. Zahi’s Refusal
    What’s the matter Zahi? Are Jean and Gilles getting too close to some facts which may alter current documented history?

    One would assume that if there was nothing to hide, then why the refusal? Could it be the case that a certain group of pyramid cleaners have already looked there and found something that could not be “cleaned”.???

    How certain are you Zahi, that it will be Egyptian blood that will be damaged, if this exploration was allowed to continue?


    1. His Holiness the Pharoah Zahi
      No doubt our friend is peering through the gaps in the Queen’s Chamber right now with his Egyptian sponsored radar (the one that obviously causes far less ‘untold’ damage to the pyramids than anyone else’s radar).

      If he finds nothing then he is proved right in not allowing people to ‘damage the blood of Egyptians’ – if he does find something on the other hand expect a National Geographic special in about 2015 revealing yet another of the great archeologist’s fantastic discoveries. Whichever way, His Holiness will win again.

      Archeologists take note: when the Pharoah wants and needs you to work with the Council on his ‘pet’ projects he’s your bestest buddy – just be very careful not to actually ‘discover’ anything or you will be labelled an amateur instantly! ‘Discovering’ anything is Zahi’s job – and nobody, but nobody, best stand in his way!

      Take care one and all.

      1. With his tightness of explora
        With his tightness of exploration one can only imagine that he’s already found secrets that he doesn’t want exposed, or doesn’t want to look like the fool when other people discover things right under his nose. I tend to think both. I am all jittery about the nex National Geographic ‘Special.’

      2. His Holiness Zahi
        How true! What is it that makes this man so certain that everyone else in the world can be so wrong and he can be the only true finder of “THE TRUTH” behind the doors or under the sands if the Giza plateaux! More to the point how much has been found in the past that has been cast aside or hidden from view becasue it confirms the ideas and scientific findings of other “less qualified” people! We can only hope that Zahi can find his way to the afterlife without the help of the pyramid star tunnels to guide him.
        Such a neglected child he must have been as nobody can now play with his toys or he sulks and calls them names!!

    2. Ahh, Zahi, Zahi, Zahi…
      It just makes me tired all over to continually find his hineyness standing in the way of intuition and credible evidence once again. Methinks we are flagellating a deceased equine quadruped here.

      Zahi will discover what he sets out to discover, and you can bet it will always illuminate his precious ancestors with nationalistic pride and pomp. No outsiders welcome, only Star-bellied Sneetches need apply. Sigh.


      “You’ve got to be f–king kidding me.” R.J. McReady
      “You’ve got to be fr–king kidding me.” R.J. McReady (sensored)

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