I need a chiropractor…anybody good with their hands?
- Paranormal investigators earn their keep at Royal Navy hangman’s cell.
- Conman’s role in IVF prayer-power miracle exposed.
- Supernatural tourism a lucrative niche market for tour operators.
- THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW – why the world’s press are wrong and Whitley Strieber is right.
- The Bear Lake Monster has returned from the depths.
- Killer rash breaks out in New York City. I feel itchy already, and I’m half a world away.
- The strange life of self-declared genius, panty-fetishist and esoteric author Colin Wilson. DREAMING TO SOME PURPOSE: The Autobiography of Colin Wilson is available from Amazon US and UK.
- MacBeth’s castle unearthed in Inverness? Not good enough, I want to see an archaeologist saying “This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself, unto our gentle senses.”
- Mel Gibson guaranteed to be panned for his proposed movie on Britain’s warrior queen Boudicca, say experts. Just like that little film about Jesus I suppose, gosh what a disaster that was for his bank balance.
- Mitochondrial mutations blamed for aging. And here I was thinking it was time.
- Astronomers discover youngest planet, only just turned one (million).
- Get yer weeping Mary, hurry before they sell out.
- Global winter followed dino impact. Jump on the bandwagon…
- Campaigners gather in fight to save Silbury Hill.
- Archaeologists discover World War II plane that crashed near Buckingham Palace.
- The Genesis Mission sounds kooky – collect the solar wind, fall to Earth and be caught in mid-air during descent by a helicopter. Sounds like good television, bidders please.
Quote of the Day:
The mind has exactly the same power as the hands: not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.
Colin Wilson