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New Poll – Weeping and Bleeding Statues

Mexican UFOs

We bring our “Mexican UFOs” survey to a close with 346-votes. 41% believe that the UFOs were ‘Alien Craft’, while 30% perferred
‘Other Intelligent Phenomenon’ as an explanation. 15% believed those IR images were ‘Other Natural Phenomenon’, but 13% suspected ‘Government Trickery’. Only 1% of TDG voters bought the ‘Atmospheric Gases’ explanation. Grailers are Believers, but not in swamp gas.

Weeping Icons

What’s up with weeping and bleeding religious icons?

The latest occurrence of religious icons that weep and/or bleed is in a Vietnamese Catholic community chapel in the Brisbane suburb of Inala. The mystery began over a week ago when rose-scented oil began leaking from a statue of Mary and a crucifix which were kept in the priest’s chambers. But things really escalated when blood reportedly flowed from statues and a crucifix above the altar during mass. the Church has dispatched a team to investigate the incident. The story was reported in TDG on Tuesday, 25/05/2004, by Greg.

But the Brisbane weeping/bleeding episode is not a unique event. Unexplained accounts of religious icons that weep and bleed have been observed on many occasions. From, here’s a short list:

What’s your opinion on weeping and bleeding religious icons? Hoaxes and frauds, pranks, messages, miracles? Is it some sort of mass hallucination? Is it completely bogus, or is some of it genuine? Does faith have the mental force to cause the event? Your opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. Participate in the survey, cast your vote, and make your comment.

  1. Weeping Icons
    It’s possible that if enough people concentrate on a particular idea, they can bring it into reality, ala the powers of “Mass Mind.”
    If you suscribe to the Hindu, or Vedic view that everything exists in the imagination/construct of one conciousness, then a portion of that conciousness (several people?) can change reality.

    1. weeping statue
      a weeping statue can be made with a hollow skull or head and tiny holes at the tear ducts… fill the skull with calcium chloride; the salt substitute. it is very moisture sensistive, abosrbing humidity from the atmoshpere or a group of hot crowded praying folks and will drain out moisture later. if you ever try mixing salt and cal. chloride for table use it becomes all stuck together from humidity in the summer and will release water later. perhaps many chemicals would do this ‘miracle’.

      1. ?
        Hi Friend
        How do you explain if all the religious icons brough to the alter from different owners have produced oil at the same time, same scent of rose whatever they were made by solid wood from Vietnam, by ciment from Australia, by hollow plastic from Italia ??? watting for your comment. Thanks

  2. Weepers
    This is a job for ‘the greatest Eygptologist ever’. Lets fly the Pharoh Zahi to the land down under and maybe he could construct a 12 foot high brick fence around the statue. This would prevent any alternate theories escaping without being subjected to suitable censoring.


  3. Share the happiness
    We, members of the Friend of Holy Suffering Souls, about 10 Vietnamese families. We are used to taking turn to organise a pray on every Friday at 8.00pm at each places. During the last four weeks from 29.10 to 19.11. 2004 all of the icons on the alter (from the places we visited) have wept oil in different ways (just before, during, 10′ later.. a pray) The last Friday, 26.11.2004 we were invited to pray for the sick who could not attend our regular praying. Yes, two statues of Jesus dying on the cross, The Jesus Scared Heart including baby Jesus, Mary on the Christmas set were wept oil. All these icons were displayed on the small table by the family we visited. We do not know what happen on the next Friday, 3rd 12.2004. However, we strongly believe that Jesus and Mary are attending with us on every Friday. You are invited to come whereever you are we will arrange the accomodation for you to stay freely. Contact me at From the day we have witnessed the phenomenon we just want to talk about this not else so just want to share the happiness we have now to anyone.

    1. weeping statues
      Hi Nguyen,

      Thank you for your kind invitation to pray and be with you.I am happy for you that you feel you have witnessed a miracle.

      However did you know that the Catholic Church is embarrassed by the event of the weeping statues at Inala?
      It appears that someone drilled a hole near the eyes of the statues and placed oil in there.
      The oil was analysed and found to be ordinary rose oil.
      There was no blood found in the analysis.

      I am not saying that miracles don’t happen; I am saying that in this instance a miracle did not happen.

      It is well known that money was needed to fix the church roof,there is a motive for doing it, and from that you can see who would have had the motive.

      Now I feel like James Randi for doing this, but I hate it when people fool other people for money.
      I am sure however that your group feels itself blessed with your closeness and the world certainly needs your prayers.

      BTW you are the first person I have seen to have used the word “icon” correctly for the last 15 years.



      1. Thanks
        I thank you very much for your comment. I am so sorry for my readers because of my English level.
        I am a member of the Vietnamese Catholic Community at Inala Centre. Something you and many may not know what we known, I think. $$$$, yes we need the $$$$$ for renovation our community, however, looking back I do not think we need to raise $$$$ in this way. In 1999 when the Linda hurican spread through Vietnam, our community on one night collected # 20 thounsand to sent to Vietnam. In 2000, we sent 10,000 to Africa for ADIS patients through Sister of Mercy. In 2001, we collected 8.000 after a Mass to support a priest who visiting Australia to ask for the support young Vietnamese in rural area. You can also checked with the Brisbane Diecese to see records of most Lent season collection to know more about the contribution we have made. I known that there are some people still live their lives in poor living lifestyle (second hand beds, tv etc…) in Australia but can contribute 20,000 for renovation the centre. With the population of only 3000 Vietnamese Catholic living in Brisbane, we already save up to 1/2 mil for the revovation. We are waiting for the Brisbane Diocese but…still waiting. Raining comming means that some have to come to the centre to drain the water from the floor, to catch the rain water from the roof. Do you think we need to dishonour our faith, our Catholic Church, our community for $$$$. I just want to cry. I am sorry. After the Inala phenomenon was rejected by the church, we are suffering with misunderstanding, losing opportunities to share our faith with others. However, we know God and Mum Mary are with us. You can look through the to know more about the Inala phenomenon also from that website I known that Canberra Diocese has three statues have wept oil. Again I am sorry for many mistakes I am sure I have made with my poor English.

        Keep in touch. You are invited to come to our prayer when you can

      2. still Interested
        If you are not interested, please ignor.

        Tonight, all the statues of Mary placed in library of the Vietnamese Catholic Community have wept oil.
        To our group “Friend of Holy Sufferring Souls” To night at Dr Binh’s place, There was more than 30 people commimg. Most of statues have wept oil with scent of rose. 4 couples including organisers stayed late for more praying. Tonight, all PICTURES of Jesus have wept oil. All the words we could say were: Oh, my God! Oh my God! Oh my Mary Jesus Joseph! You were all here. In these PICTURE, Oil coming from the five holes: hands, feet, and the … (I do not know it in English)in right side of Jesus’body. In two PICTURES of Scared Heart of Jesus oil coming from his heart. Oil is very thick with scent of rose. We just do not want to challage with the love we have received from God any more. We just want to cry for the Love which was rejected. Please come, join us one day.

      3. inala phenomenon
        Do you think “a hole near the eyes” can run oil in Mary forehead and ten tiny fingers for a week, sometime, event untill now ? What about the picture that wept oil?

        1. weeping mary
          I am very interested in your weeping statues and pictures.Could you give me your email address and I will contact you and maybe I could one day come and see for myself.I live on the Sunshine Coast.
          Thank you,


          1. Welcome
            I am so sorry for let you wait so long. Yes, you are very welcome. Contact me at If you can please joint us at 104 Frangipani st Inala tomorrow, 17.12.2004. It is starting at around 8.15′, then for 1hr prayer. We certainly do not know what will happened but we have experience about the phenomenon for 7 times since 29.10.2004.

          2. There are many non believers
            There are a lot of non believers amongst us. I say let those who believe believe, and those who don’t believe continue as they please.

            Thus far reading reports from the investigation, it indicates that the elements of the oils were fetchable from stores. I say the same could be said of the Holy water – do a test and you’ll still see it as water. It’s the spiritual element that we cannot test, it’s what differentiates between a sacred element and one that is ordinary.

            Every statue made has formations of gaps in them, purely from the molding and baking processes. It’s not unnatural to find them in these statues.

            Now for my opinion on things; I am a believer as my own family are witnesses to the personal events. My father has strong gout, ie acid seeps into his bones when he drinks alcohol, eats red meat or certain seafoods like crab and prawns – a common illness in Australia as we are big drinkers and meat eaters. He’s had it for over 10 years now and has had to take medication to relieve it, otherwise he isn’t able to walk as his foot would swell up pretty nasty.

            After helping out the community centre (which he and mum still do), he hasn’t had to take any medication for it, and he is eating red meat and seafood and drinking all the alcohol that there is without a single sign of problems.

            The statues don’t only continue to have oil on them at the centre but also at people’s homes. The oils don’t originate from the eys, but are like seeping down from the top of the heads and collect into a viscous drop at the chins. Sure you can say that someone must be using an eye dropper to sprinkle the oil around, but they’d have to travel to each of the homes and do it…

            God bless everyone.

  4. Inala phenomenon
    All my family and relatives have had an experience about the phenomenon related to Inala phenomenon. Baby Jesus and Mary in my family christmas’ set have wept oil with scent of rose. Other objects (cow, sheepers. etc…) made by the same material were not weeping oil.
    Access to http://www.phenomenontoday to know more about the Inala phenomenon.
    BIG thank

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