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News Briefs 01-12-2010

I almost made the news entirely Wikileaks free. Almost…

Thanks RPJ.

Quote of the Day:

To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not…[and we] must use these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective action.

Julian Assange

  1. Consciousness
    [quote=Alison Gopnik]
    The scientific organizers of one of the principal consciousness conferences, in fact, deliberately let in woo-woo stuff about altered states and past lives …[/quote]

    Not much doubt about the prevailing tone of that article, eh? It then goes on to quote Pat Churchland – one of the pair of Churchlands out on the extreme fringes of the materialist camp.


  2. *Real Evil*
    Of course that Aussie bastard is the real baddie here. Were it for him, we might actually find out one day who actually killed those Iranian scientists *knock on wood*

    1. The Model Millionaire
      From Oscar Wilde’s short story:

      Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a charming fellow. Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. The poor should be practical and prosaic. It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. These are the great truths of modern life which Hughie Erskine never realised.

      Mr. Moore might downsize his charity by saying “It’s not a lot that we are giving and it won’t sort out their lives, but at this time of year a lot of people get blue and I think this might be a little boost for them.” But considering the high rate of suicide during the holidays, lifting a stranger’s spirit, if only for one night, is probably a more powerful action than he gives himself credit for.

          1. Assange
            Assange is a real hero. None of the stuff being released by Wikileaks is compromising national security. Do you really think that Russia didn’t know about the 200 nuclear missile installations in Europe for instance? What Assange is doing is letting the populace back into the discourse from which they have slowly been shut out over the past few decades. Remeber when the My Lai Massacre was a hotly discussed story on major news networks? You don’t see that stuff anymore in the MSM nowadays. Remember when The History Channel would run stuff like The Men Who Killed Kennedy?” You never see that sort of thing in the MSM anymore. Wilileaks is just reclaiming much of what was already ours. It had just been stolem from us especially since the clamp down of 911.
            Whether or not Wikileaks is a hall or mirrors CIA or Mossad operation is still not determined. There is one thing I am looking for that I have not yet seen. Surely Wiki has some incriminating stuff about the 911 false flag attack – some of the stuff that Sibel Edmonds has been gagged from revealing under the state secrets act. Now that folks would be some earth shaking stuff. If Assange is really serious about what he says we will be treated to some of the incriminating evidence of who and what was actually behind the 911 stage piece. That will be the acid test.

          2. On the other hand, what are
            On the other hand, what are the odds that any juicy material Assange has on 911 is not being held as a trump card to keep him from being seriously hunted down? I can’t beleive that he would not be caught by now unless he had a trump card. Highly likely that this card concerns the grand illusion of our times – 911.

          3. Who knows?
            He clearly has an ace under his sleeve. What that ace actually is it’s anyone’s guess.

            Let’s face, it: I support Assange and the latest release from Wikileaks. But this latest batch of reports have been —so far— more of an embarrassment than an actual “slam dunk”.

            Are the newspapers that received the info waiting and “sanitizing” the juicest stuff? I hope so; I’ve been eagerly waiting the reports from Mexico, and so far there’s been nada

          4. the enemy
            I’m not so sure who Assange’s main enemy is. Maybe it’s the US, maybe it’s the main stream media. Maybe it’s governments. Maybe he doesn’t narrow it down to anyone in particular.

          5. The 911 material is very
            The 911 material is very probably Assange’s ultimate trump card which he can play to keep himself alive and unmolested with instructions to the effect that if he is captured all the Sibel Edmonds intercepts and such as that wil be released to Wikileaks and the public domain. That propect would cause real terror in the hearts of the perpetrators. They would do anything to keep that stuff away fromn the public. Very likely it would cause world wide civil disturbance. Can you imagine the effect such information would have on the parents of chidren who died in Iraq and Afghanistan? Can you imagine the effect such information would have on the Arab world? That is real power, folks. Assange has the world by the balls which is nice for a change since the people who run the world have had us by the balls for the past decade. Assange is the most powerful man in the world.

          6. No Fear
            I don’t buy the 9.11 OS but… I have already seen what happens to people who leak supposed truths on things like JFK, UFOs and 9.11. There is a very efficient mechanism in place to route unwanted talk.

            We call it debunking and they are damned good at their jobs. Truth has far less impact than perception. Our society has been so groomed as to embrace those who yell the loudest, insult the deepest and make them laugh at their own expense.

            Mr. Leaker could have the entire episode of 9.11 fact in hand but… no one would worry because if it was released, he could be so discredited and the debunkers so rip the issue to shreds that the truth would be indistinguishable from a kindergarten fairy tale. The media would, of course, follow the director’s commands an distribute to the public whatever story was approved.

            In fact, that is exactly what has already happened with the cases of JFK, UFOs and 9.11.

            Mr. Wiki could know the hour and minute of the rapture and still be helpless to do a thing with that knowledge that would mean a thing to anyone.

          7. I used to think that way, but
            I used to think that way, but recent polls indicate that 100 million Americans doubt the official story, and The History Channel and the National Geographic Channel are frantically running 911 documentaries lately feverishly attempting to cement in place the official story. It looks to me very much like “they” have lost control of their story and are becoming desperate. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I think the real false flag attack is now suspected by many. many people and that this is slowly having an effect on consciouness and how people view the government we have been saddled with. There is also a steady fall off in MSM viewership, and I have always suspected that the Great Lie of 911 has been one of the great motivators for disdaining the hired talking heads – that and the other Great Lie of the middle east wars.
            The world is changing and doing so quickly though of course not quickly enough to suit us. Patience will be required. It may not turn out the way we want, but it is not likely that the world we knew will survive.

      1. Indeed….
        ….If more of these big time billionaires who are swindling money would dress up as Santa and give gifts out to kids or whatever, it would be quite a model…

        …to be rich, one only needs the spirit to give…

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