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Radio 15-06-2007

Here’s the rundown on the radio schedules for the second half of the week:

Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland: This week’s guest is Jerry E. Smith, who discusses the shocking truth about weather wars, weather modification, and the way countries are secretly using weather modification without regard for the long term consequences.

Coast to Coast AM: On Friday guest host John B. Wells will interview distinguished author Ray Bradbury, followed by open lines. Early show Saturday Ian welcomes medical anthropologist Sydney Ross Singer, who’ll discuss the many ways our culture is making us sick, including new information on an obesity germ. Afterwards, Art Bell chats with Lynne McTaggart about the results of the world’s largest mind-over-matter experiment. Sunday’s guest is Professor of Electronic Engineering at USC, Bart Kosko, who will discuss the phenomenon of noise including its significance in such places as the ocean and Guantanamo Bay.

More details including relevant websites are available at the linked pages above. Remember also that while Coast to Coast is subscription, Dreamland is free. Dreamland also now offers a podcast of the most recent show.

  1. Last Saturday’s Dreamland
    The Wand and The Ring was on last week and wasn’t even mentioned so I’ll quickly relate that it was a very informative show by William Henry who does host on Dreamland at times.

    Here are my notes, they aren’t very good but will cover the many points made.
    The Wand and The Ring of Jesus, The Lost Secrets of the Osirion Temple (10,000 – 12,000 years old) one of the most mysterious places on earth.

    The most likely resting place of Osirus. Seti’s temple at Abydos shows glyphs – The Tower which is the bond between heaven and earth. Christianity before the Council of Nicea – Primitive Christianity
    a group of researchers essentially

    How an ordinary mortal becomes a being of light
    The ladder/Staircase to Heaven
    Tehuti, Key of Life, Caduceus Wands, Raising of Osirus from the dead

    Jesus takes over the mastery of the dead

    Is Lazerus = John = Jen metaphorical initiation – awaken from the “dead” sleeping state as all are
    The Seamless Garment

    KRAST Robe Garment of many colors Ancient Egyptians Lord of The Blessed
    an antenna Ark of the covenant
    Osirus device was used for a peaceful purpose to knit heaven and earth together – The Field/Dimension of the Blessed

    An other worldly realm a parallel dimension

    Super collider CERN large circular dimension what happened at the moment of creation or the Big Bang Linear or Circular The wand and the ring (Higgs-Boson Particle)???

    What was taken and changed in Christianity?

    Fermi Lab Rod type accelerator

    Osirus is not a person but a device and is played by a woman, the enabling element.

    Ishtar Isis Mary Magdalene Eve
    Kundalini Energy
    Ark Energy
    Tet Pillars 2 tablets with a serpent levitating
    Tree of Knowledge
    Incredible energy
    A person and a device, tones and vibrations brings about a peaceful state of being

    In 1914 something happened on this planet June 14 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed by Bosnian (Nth) Blackhand

    Christian Moslem The dark energy Sirius – Walter Crittendon

    Periods of light and darkness Cycles of time
    Preserve the antenna of tuning Attunement
    Stream of enlightenment, or of particles. Triggers of wars – Nuclear attacks The season of prophecy 2012 Elijah will lay the rod at the feet of the messiah, rebuild the Temple of Soloman.
    How to do something Recover the Ark of the covenant
    Love of Power
    Power of Love
    Misdirected from the true goal

    The pictures of Jesus with a wand on a basrelief dated 150-170 AD raising Lazarus from the dead Mastery over the elemental plane of existence and saying yes to your spiritual growth. Greater protection and prosperity for all. Seti ohmseti moved between the realms/dimensions

    Overhill Cherokee Madisonville TN CHOTA triangle points to the west. This location, Ice House Bottom, dating before 9000 BP
    Celtic Cross pattern mound building culture The Knobs (the hills/ mountains) a frequent sighting of unusual lights 35 eyewitnesses saw 7 1/2 foot tall Birdman. Thunderbird – Sumerian God Mesopotamia
    Cherokee – Friends of The Thunderbird
    Clay pipes found in digs before the Hopewell Period
    Circle of 9 Groups of 3

    OK that’s it, sorry for the crappy notes, I’m not such a good note taker so go on and listen to the program for June 9 as it’s much better than me trying to tell you about it.

    Got to go and cook supper, later taters. Love, Pam —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

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