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News Briefs 28-01-2016

The Truth has still got it!

Thanks to Fox and Dana.

Quote of the Day:

“A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.”

~Italo Calvino

  1. Conspiracies Again
    The quantitative approach to “conspiracies” leaves out what is perhaps the biggest factor of all – revelation. If most of the major disseminators of popular “news” are a monobloc interested in quelling certain conspiracies then it matters not if someone “outs” a conspiracy – it will never be allowed into the mainstream consciousness where a clamoring population significant enough to demand “action” will ever be mustered.

    There is a hilarious example of this on MSNBC when Tucker Carlson kept dodging Prof. Steven Jone’s desire to show collapse footage of WTC7:

    1. Monoblock
      But do people REALLY behave like a monoblock? That is the question.

      That said, I don’t think he factored in what you might call “deterrent coefficient.” Snitching on your coworker who arrived 5 minutes late has certainly a deterrent coefficient way lower than whistling the blow on illegal activities perpetrated by the government –your coworker might be mad at you, and stop inviting you to have a beer after work, but he probably wouldn’t threaten you with life in prison or death 😉

      1. Media corporations now behave
        Media corporations now behave like a monobloc, and since corporations have now been deemed to be “persons” then one could say with great irony that “people” sure as heck can behave like a monoblock.

  2. exotic and free
    I don’t think I’d freak out if a cute fuzzy animal was next to me. I’d probably go down stairs and grab it a banana off the counter. I’m weird like that.

    As for the potato, well it’s a form of art so it sold for an art price. In a way it kind of mocks how rich people are. If they think it’s from someone special or famous they will pay a lot for it. If this photography can get a million for just one of his photos then he has figured out how to do it right. He is also in Silicone Valley. That’s literally like selling milk at a cereal party.

    1. fuzzy animal
      Man you could have a freaking CARE BEAR smelling like candy pop-corn, but if *I* wasn’t expecting him to be snuggling on my chest when I woke up in the morning, *I* would still kick his care-bearish face off for startling me! 😛

  3. pentagram
    Do you or does anyone here watch “What on Earth?” on the Science Channel? It’s a show that looks at satellite images like this and tries to figure out what they are without using the “because aliens” theme of other shows.

    1. That “fractal” NDE was really
      That “fractal” NDE was really well put and cut to the chase. You have to have been there – the experience escapes the net of words and concepts. Don’t you get the feeling that we will someday soon be able to simulate this experience on demand? That will be the true singularity.
      I nominate Dick Cheney to be the first to go into the NDE-TRON.

      1. NDE on VR
        Now THAT is an interesting concept.

        I guess for it to work it would require, aside from a very sophisticated VR interface, also some way to gather very intimate data about the user, in order to customize the experience.

        But the reason I’m not sure it could ever be achieved is because the people who report the NDE account say the experience was “hyperreal” –i.e. more ‘real’ than waking life. VR still has a long way to go in order to simulate ‘normal’ reality; it remains to be seen if it will ever be powerful enough to surpass it 😉

  4. “Upright Canine”
    This is one of my favorite “Dogman” encounter stories not just because it happened in my neighborhood,Beaver Lake, but also because it is convincing. When I was a member of Sasquatch Chronicles I followed “Pam Purple Rose” (the narrator) closely on the now extinct forum because I wanted to assess her personality in general. She appears to be a genuine person telling a genuine story, and her entire family were witnesses also. The town to which they fled in the middle of the night is Rogers, AR.

    1. Listening to this story again
      Listening to this story again I was reminded of how much this was a “perfect storm” for a fortean happening. The narrator’s husband almost drowns in the lake because he swam too near the intake of the dam. He had to be taken to a hospital to be assessed and treated. Then there is the dam itself with the huge electromagnetic field of the generators which were going full bore because of recent flooding. Then there was all that limestone the camping family was perched on.

      The actual interview starts at about the 12 minute mark.

      Pam Purple Rose’s personal page on SQ:


      Here is a Google Earth snapshot of the area in which they were camping. I am pretty sure the “horseshoe” she references is just southwest of the dam. This is a recent satellite photo while the narrated experience happened in the early 1970’s not very long after the lake had been filled. It appears that now the area where they camped is off limits to public camping;

    2. Thanks…
      …for the link. I’m not sure I buy into the upright canine theory. I don’t discount the sightings, but I just think something weirder is happening 🙂

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