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News Briefs 20-07-2015

Mic check – say g’day in the comments if you’re a regular reader!

Quote of the Day:

The web was not envisioned as a form of television when it was invented. But, like it or not, it is rapidly resembling TV: linear, passive, programmed and inward-looking.

Hossein Derakhshan (“The Web We Have to Save“)

  1. news
    …hmmmmm g’morning…*pours coffee* *looks at news*

    Pluto conspiracies: I always get sad when I see things likes this. To simply dismiss it away (the first post they showed was obvious trolling) and take all this hard work these scientists did and piss on it in the comment section. I’ve seen how saying the moon landing is fake really hurt John Glenn and the others. Why can’t conspiracy theorists actually believe that humanity can advance in ten years enough to get this far? Is it really that hard to take off the tinfoil hat and get a life?

    Santa: I would totally read that graphic novel.

    2000 spirals: Has…has none of the researchers ever worked with metals before? They look like shavings. My guess is they shaved a hunk of gold as an offering or maybe used it as payment. Maybe the shaving are too precious to throw away and would kept for melting down later.

    Wiccan: $200 an hour? What techie has that kind of cash? Who has that kind of cash in general?! This isn’t suspicious at all! I wonder if other Wiccans think she makes the religion look bad because it seems like a scam.

    *yawns* shit…it’s still Monday

    1. Hi!
      [quote=archdake mkII]Er, ok?

      Still here ha ha…

      Don’t be fooled by the 2012 date, been a regular grailer since 2000![/quote]

      Thanks for checking in, original gangsta! 😉

    1. Yo yo!
      [quote=tobadzistsini]g’day mate, i rarely comment on stuff since comments rarely amount to much[/quote]

      Too true. We do have some very good commenters here though. Perhaps because we take bad commenters out back and give them a good whipping… 😉

    1. G’day!
      [quote=gughunter]> say g’day in the comments if you’re a regular reader


      Hi there, thanks for checking in! Good to hear readers’ voices every now and then, to reassure me that I’m not just shouting into the void.

      BTW, have now added your username to the ‘trusted user’ group, so you shouldn’t have to fill out any anti-spam captchas if you want to post in future!

    1. Nice!
      [quote=jrakowski79]Longtime reader here from Virginia![/quote]

      Awesome, love hearing from readers across the globe!

      *runs off to check a map to find out where Virginia is*

    1. Glacial member
      [quote=kaltvatn]Góðan daginn vinur….
      (G´day mate)[/quote]

      G’day to you, and please do tell me how to pronounce that, so I can screw with everyone’s heads over here!

      Thanks for the news tip! And I see you’ve been a member for 11 years, but aren’t actually on the ‘trusted users’ list – have remedied that, so that our anti-spam bots won’t try to zap you when posting in future.

    1. Hiya!
      [quote=Serpentio]Still here and showing up every day for years. ‘Love this site.[/quote]

      Thanks for checking in! Also see that your username isn’t currently on our ‘trusted user’ list, so have now added it (circumvents the anti-spam measures on the site, such as captchas). Look forward to hearing from you more in future!

    1. Hello!
      [quote=Robin_Shadowes]Australia, Australia! We love you! Amen!

      Monty Python nerd from Scandinavia checks in. ;)[/quote]

      Now I know you’re a Grailer from waaaay back – thanks for checking in! We seem to have a lot of readers from your part of the world for some reason. Maybe because you’re all awesome people.

      And in case you ever have trouble understanding what I’m saying…

      1. Thanks, mate. I don’t
        Thanks, mate. I don’t remember how I found the site. Probably because I’m interested in fringe topics since childhood. When internet came along it become like a virtual smörgåsbord for me. Easier to do research into these topics. before I was restricted to the loccal library more or less.

        I have realized in later years that the aussie accent is not conformed over the continent. Some are thick and some are not. I love to listen to Barry Eaton’s radio Out There. But I guess the thicker version is funnier to parody though. Every time I hear it I get a flashback back to the Bruce’s sketch. LOL

    1. G’day to you!
      [quote=RonB]G’day! I don’t often comment, but I’m here almost every day.[/quote]

      Love it, another long time Grailer – thanks for checking in! Always good to hear people’s voices periodically, lest I go a bit bonkers (okay, a bit *more* bonkers).

      Have added your username to our ‘trusted users’ list. I’m guessing you haven’t been waiting 10 years to lull me into a false sense of security… 😉

    1. 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111
      [quote=RabbitDawg]My Robot Overlords and I visit here daily. Sometimes twice daily.

      01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 to you and your robot overlords (twice)!

      Thanks for checking in RD – here’s some music you might like:

  2. G’day!
    Good day, eh!

    I’ve been following TDG regularly for longer than I can remember, probably close to 15 years. I have found it to be the perfect mix of Tool and the Fortean.

    Looking forward to many more years.


    1. O.G Grailer
      [quote=mcmxlv]Good day, eh!

      I’ve been following TDG regularly for longer than I can remember, probably close to 15 years. I have found it to be the perfect mix of Tool and the Fortean.

      Looking forward to many more years.


      Another original gangsta Grailer not on our trusted user list! Fixed now, hopefully posting is nice and easy in future as a result and we’ll hear from you all the time… 😉

      Thanks for checking in!

  3. Mic check – say g’day in the comments if you’re a regular reader
    G’day Greg,et al.

    I’ve been a regular reader since I was running the Windows ’95 software on a dial up connection!

    I used to go online, click to your pages, log off and then, and only then, read them. (cheapskate)

    I love what you do here, and I check in every day too.

    Thanks for your tireless work, and thanks for the brilliant daily articles.

    Also, thanks for introducing me to Cog, who are awesome!


    1. Hiiiii!
      Another reader from way back in the day! It’s almost like we provide a cool service that people enjoy – thanks for checking in, and appreciate the kind words…the best kind of payment there is!

    1. Cheers!
      [quote=soylenth]g’day! I follow your RSS feed and look forward to the daily link round-up.[/quote]

      Hiya, good to see you made it over here from social media land – thanks for checking in! 😀

  4. I do take a look
    I do take a look every day or so, more often if I have a deadline I’m avoiding. I don’t comment much, I’m afraid. Thanks for all your work!

    1. Thanks!
      [quote=Doug Skinner]I do take a look every day or so, more often if I have a deadline I’m avoiding. I don’t comment much, I’m afraid. Thanks for all your work![/quote]

      Cheers Doug, thanks for checking in! And thanks to you too for the fantastic, which I regularly check in on…great stuff.

  5. eons and eons…G’day!
    G’day! mates. I am also a regular reader and post or comment if applicable and or I have the time, at least for me the older I get the less time I seem to have for anything. TDG is my 2nd most favorite bookmark (sry greg :P) although depending on my “mood” can be my 1st. Thanks for all the wonderful reading I have enjoyed here throughout the eons? (feels like it! :D)

  6. If you must
    I kinda figured someone would axe that 😉 (sneaky I am) so if you must know…* I must,I must* Drum roll please! Ta da! www.
    But like I said on another thread; Sometimes the realities of life are just too much and I get a bit depressed so my answer to that is TDG…a “pick me up” so to spake 😀

    1. Just too much
      I totally get that. I think I discussed that with Tim Binnall the other day, and how we who are into this kind of stuff –conspiracies, the paranormal and whatnot– need to find the proper ‘sweet spot’ so that those obsessions don’t overwhelm us to the point of consuming us utterly.

      Then again, not devoting time to our real passions in life can result to be much more damaging to our spirit 😉

  7. 100k Buffer
    I agree compadre, one has to tread a fine line between being informed/enlightened and obsessed which could be damaging to a persons psyche/spirit, IMO a well rounded knowledge is preferable to specialization where as with specialization your driving with blinders on (tunnel vision) and could become obsessed with the small part perceived, and as a well rounded you get a bigger picture of all the things in life…kinda like a buffer IMO, of course there is so much knowledge that it can also become overwhelming at times but it is not damaging IMO, also a side hobby can be very help full as it takes your mind off of all the realities and focuses on the more mundane which is like taking a vacation from everything, but then this is, or should be, common knowledge, at least in my world it is 😉

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