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News Briefs 22-07-2014

Congrats to Daily Grail contributing editor Cat Vincent on writing the cover feature for this month’s Fortean Times!

Quote of the Day:

You gotta be continually revising your map of the world.

Robert Anton Wilson

  1. Black County
    There is a complete lack, however, of werewolf sightings according to that chart. So, since wolves for centuries before they were seen as the bad guys were believes to protect people from witches, vampires, etc., maybe you should….well…get some wolves 😛

  2. MH17
    As it turns out the hokiest MH17 conspiracy theory of all – that Russia shot it down – turns out to have been the one promoted by Western media. Now watch what happens as Putin insists that all of the data be followed. If the US doesn’t attempt to quash any further investigation I will be surprised and pleasantly so.


    “US satellites saw everything that happened, so the idea that an investigation is needed to determine the cause is a bad joke.”

    1. Brain Decoder
      The brain decoder is a wonderful tool and developing idea. It may turn out to be much more valuable as a tool for sensing states of being currently considered to be “placebic” at least by the more conservative scientific establishment. The decoder sounds much more nuanced than say an EEG machine. When I used to work with ormus and now orgonite there was then and still is a sore need for empirical verifications that at least show a change of brain state. There were EEG experiments that did show such changes of state after ingesting ormus, but what the states were was more nebulous. Same with orgonite – for those of us who feel the delightful change of state when in proximity to orgonite it would be very fun to have a complex decoding of brain state that resonated outwards with known associations that have already been accumulated by the decoders when in “teaching” mode. The known imagery associations might give us clues about what parts of the brain are being stimulated and what those images and sensation are appealing to in our minds. Damn, I want one of the machines to play with.

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