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News Briefs 20-11-2014

Where’s our Mexican Mockingjay? We’ve had it with the seagulls!

Thanks to Katniss.

Quote of the Day:

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

~John F. Kennedy

  1. STEM Culture
    The engineering agency I used to work for came out with a dress code policy for giving briefings. It stated that presenters shall not wear a tie and tennis shoes at the same time. That was it! About five years ago I actually bought a shirt that was quite similar to the one in question. But after several years I realized that I never found an “appropriate” occasion to wear it, so ended up just tossing it.

    Matt Taylor is a British male, which explains a lot. Still, you might think that one of Taylor’s colleagues would have casually pulled him aside and prevented this scandal. But, no one did and now he’s famous! I find it most interesting that so many people are defending Taylor. That wouldn’t have happened even a year ago. We’ve come a long way, baby! Personally, I may have forgiven Taylor if his probe would have gotten passed first base with the comet. (He’s probably reading the story about the secret lives of action figures right now.)

    In other news … the Mockingjay is dead RPJ. The team from Killing Bigfoot took it out last week. Viewers had grown impatient with the lack of results. Keep a close watch on your seagulls bubba. It has also just been confirmed that the gods brought in Mexican contractors to build the Great Pyramid.

    1. Mexican contractors
      LOL Lord knows Mexican presidents and their families consider themselves to be modern pharaohs –if only they remembered what happened to Osiris’ manhood 😛

  2. A lovely selection of neeeeewwwws 😛
    Redskins: The owner really needs to go watch the South Park episode of this and see how the world views them. For further reference:

    20 mosques: The wet dreams of fractal lovers everywhere. I wonder what lens/camera they used to get the super wide shots.

    Actin figures: This is pretty awesome. I once did this in the snow with a bunch of plastic wolves, took a photo of their shadows and at a distance, everyone thought I went to in Yellowstone. If I can find them I will post them later.

    Satellite killer: And what do you think the US would do if Russia shot down one of our satellites? NOTHING! because hell they won’t even admit that Russia shot that plain out of the sky and we ALL KNOW THEY DID!

    1. well…….
      90% of Americans have no problem with the Redskins name and or emblem. I know I don’t, and neither do any of the indians I know, and I know quite a few. And yeah, they call themselves indians. The PC Zampolits need to get over it.

      Frankly, if the Washington Redskins are forced to change their name, they ought to drop the word “Washington”. Many of us find that word far more offensive than “Redskins”, especially since president mom-jeans and his clown-car posse administration have been running things.

      1. The richest is right
        The reason I decided to include the link, is because of the disquieting attitude taken by the Redskins owner –i.e. suing the Native Americans who testified before the hearing.

        What’s next? Monsanto suing scientists who investigate the harm caused by GMOs?

      2. 90%
        Well Gwedd good for them but since I don’t even care to much for sports in general I guess I automatically default to siding with the Native Americans, in this case particularly because they are being sued for actually raising a fuss. When I was but a pup, Native American groups raises hell at Crayola for having the color Indian Red, and changed it to Terracotta I think.

        1. If the Name Fits …
          I lived in the D.C. area during my footballing formative years. The team is so bad that I’ve been lobbying that Redskins be replaced with Kickapoos. Agree that the Washington part needs to go also, haha!

          1. Bigfoot At Radium Springs

            This is the most compelling thing I have seen on Bigfoot in awhile – Les Stroud of “Survivor Man” goes on expedition with a Todd Standling who has practically lived in the Radium Springs, BC wilderness and had many encounters. There is a piece of video footage that must be seen too. Could be fake, but you get the distinct impression after watching the show that there is no fakery going on. Stroud remains agnostic, but that is wearing away by degrees as he has more and more odd interactions that violate his deep knowledge of the outdoors and its known denizens.

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