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News Briefs 21-08-2009

Where’s Flash Gordon when we need him? He *is* king of the impossible and saviour of the universe. Hawkmen diiiive!

  • Will warming oceans change the Earth’s tilt? 23.5 is such a nice degree…
  • Contrary to popular belief, plastic does quickly decompose in the ocean – into smaller, more potentially damaging derivatives.
  • New theory questions the existence of dark energy.
  • Who needs dark energy when you’ve got the big wave?
  • Scientists witness active transition between quantum states for the first time.
  • Inflatable mushrooms in space.
  • Feeling sleepy? Ever wonder why?
  • Scientists equate exercise with heroin addiction. Within seconds, gamers and couch potatoes around the world claim the study as gospel.
  • The black hole at the center of M87 is twice as big as previously believed.
  • New study (secretly funded by Jeremy Piven) finds mercury in every fish tested in the U.S.
  • A gallery of Berthold Steinhilber’s amazing images of Göbekli Tepe.
  • Dr. Dean Radin ponders in the present about the future.
  • X-ray vision solves artistic mystery without the benefit of Superman.
  • Twenty-five logos with hidden messages.
  • New solar-powered aircraft guaranteed to fuel UFO sightings for years to come.
  • Lost? Then you’re probably walking in circles. And Billy Preston fades in on the radio…
  • Newt with wolverine-like abilities uses its ribs as weapons. Meanwhile, newly discovered undersea glow worms drop ’glow bombs’ to keep the predators at bay in the bay.
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering asks, when an autonomous robot (or a replicant) kills a human, who is responsible? Somebody get me Rick Deckard!
  • Mind-bending light bending: How quantum astronomy might change history (literally).
  • A universal vaccine to cure all flus?
  • New trailer for James Cameron’s Avatar is online.
  • And finally, in this week’s news of the coming robot apocalypse… So-called ’evolving robots’ learn to lie.

Many thanks to Sir Greg of Taylor

Quote of the Day:

“We human beings consider ourselves to be made up of solid matter. Actually, the physical body is the end product of the subtle information fields which mold our body as well as all physical matter. These fields are holograms which change in time and are outside the reach of our normal senses – what clairvoyants perceive as colorful, egg-shaped auras…”

Itzhak Bentov, Stalking the Wild Pendulum

  1. The (OK, some) Answers
    Some Answers, some of them even new.

    Where’s Flash Gordon when we need him?
    He was sighted by 350,000 flying over Ukraine. Or maybe it was Doctor Brian Zarkov.
    Sight for yourself.

    Catch the Big Wave
    Not at all far fetched. The inflationary big bang is more accepted than dark energy, but nobody can explain why it should only happen once. It was a wave in spacetime. What happens with any wave in a physical medium? It bounces, including secondary waves heading outward. They use the rock-in-a-pond analogy for inflation, use the whole analogy.

    Why sleep?
    Because we aren’t as evolved as dolphins. They ‘sleep’ one brain hemisphere at a time. If we did that, we wouldn’t be able to talk half the time. This might be a good thing.

    Exercise = Addiction?
    “Scientists discover”? About time. They could have just read some time in the last 33 years. Same author as the 1965 book that revolutionized behavioral therapy and put the final nail in the coffin of keeping non-sane but functional people locked up:

    Solar Powered Aircraft?
    That one’s a concept on paper. This one is being built:

    When an autonomous robot (or a replicant) kills a human, who is responsible?
    Asked and answered out of necessity in one of the earliest issues of OMNI. An automated warehouse’s carrier bot in Japan was involved in a fatal hit and run. The bot is eligible for parole in 2010 (see below).

    So-called ’evolving robots’ learn to lie.
    A lie implies intent and/or internal control. The program simply produces consistent inaccuracies in the output. It is independent of the mechanism. “He was told to lie, by men who find it easy to lie.”

    No, I am not the brain specialist…..
    YES. Yes I AM the brain specialist.

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