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News Briefs 13-10-2009

Magical u-turns…

  • The collider, the particle and a theory about fate.
  • The BBCs amazing U-turn on climate change.
  • Out of your head: leaving the body behind.
  • Mayan elder: 2012 is not the end of the world.
  • Veggie spider shuns meat.
  • Where does science end and magic begin?
  • Surprising ship contrails seen from space.
  • Ancient herbal remedy beats hayfever.
  • Closing gaps in our knowledge.
  • Subterranean vibration blues.
  • What prevented the rise of modern science in Asia?
  • Nanoparticles plus stem cells equals faster healing wounds.

Quote of the Day:

Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.

Aldous Huxley

  1. This could be fun!
    There has been a quite a lot recently about why we should NOT be concerned about 2012. In a word, it is quite depressing.

    Humanity has lived a mostly boring life on a boring planet in a standard-rate solar system, situated in a blah-sort of galaxy. It is the perfect place for the Randi-types… who would prefer an otherwise unremarkable existence.

    But you know what? You don’t have to be cockroaches.

    I intend to begin a ‘2012 Tailgate Party’ group (or blog or… something).

    The idea is to have a bunch of folks from various parts of both this nation and the world, ready to herald in the END of that world.

    Here, I am envisioning ribs and steaks and beer and margaritas!

    Those within a day’s drive of my spot in east Alabama will be invited to join.

    What we need is other tailgate parties in other regions.

    Anyone interested?

    Please reply here and/or to sincityq-at-gmail-dot-com

    1. 2012.. Old News…
      The way I see it, our calendar is set to a mark point for year “0” as Jesus’ birth. Problem is that the dating was off by about 4 years or so, Jesus being born in what we would see as 4BC.

      That being the case, after making the adjustment, 2012 has already come and gone.

      Nothing different that I can see.

      1. “The way I see it, our

        “The way I see it, our calendar is set to a mark point for year “0” as Jesus’ birth. Problem is that the dating was off by about 4 years or so, Jesus being born in what we would see as 4BC.

        That being the case, after making the adjustment, 2012 has already come and gone.

        Nothing different that I can see.

        I agree with much of that but… the world is so doggone screwed up, why not try and have a little fun with the ridiculousness?

        If at all slams shut on 12.21.2012, then there really isn’t anything we can do anyway. What we believe as individuals seems irrelevant compared to how we live that day… last or not.

        The idea of a world tailgate party to see it all behind us, one way or t’other, is one that I personally like.

        What say yall?


    2. Sounds delicious
      If I’m back in the Southeast by Dec. 2012, you can count me in.

      Since those rednecks (takes one to know one) who live around the Georgia Guidestones don’t particularly want us there anyway, east Alabama is fine by me. For one thing, it would be a shorter drive. 😉

      Got enough space for camping?


  2. Hayfever Treatment
    I’m glad to see the main character in the article on butterbur is also the first name to appear in a PubMed search on the subject. Correct or not, he’s doing it right. Check the varying results for yourself by putting “butterbur” and “hayfever” into

    My own treatment comes from Dr. Andy Weil. I moved to an area of the Appalachians known for giving people with no previous allergies a decent case of hayfever, of which I never had before but got one. Dr. Andy’s prescription is stinging nettle, or “itch weed”, the kind that raises welts that look like mosquito bites if you touch the very much glass-like needles on the leaves. It can be picked and boiled to remove defuse the sting. Or you can go the instant innoculation route and roll in a good sized stand of it. I did the latter. Mine was gone the next day and stayed gone all year. Every spring if I needed it, I took it again and it worked. Stinging nettle/hayfever has only 6 references in PubMed whereas butterbur/hayfever has 15, but the first nettle reference is over a decade older.

    Also of note from the article, common butterbur should not be used as it contains toxins. A specific strain was grown and used in the experiments. No such treatment was ever mentioned for nettle. Nettle is also mentioned 3 times in relation to asthma, and butterbur 22.

    There are a few rather sour assessments of complimentary/alternative medicine that are included in the above results. Often mentioned is “adverse effects”. I can tell you for dead damn certain that you roll in a stand of nettle you’re going to have an adverse effect. But that goes down in a few hours, and the main effect doesn’t.

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