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News Briefs 16-04-2007

Hello again.

  • Loren Coleman reports on an alarming number of deaths and near-misses among Mothman researchers and museum staff in West Virginia.
  • How Carlos Castaneda fooled the world. Wish I knew that last month when I bought Castaneda’s The Teachings of don Juan (Amazon US or UK or for free in the Nagual).
  • Jason Bellows leads an interesting discussion about lucid dreaming. I bet Greg dreams about TDG every night.
  • Michael Prescott ponders reality in his latest blog that may have been written while in the lavatory or shower, locations very conducive to big ideas.
  • Thinking too much about hallucinations and reality is a sure way to dream of electric sheep like a Philip K Dick novel, but Anthony North gives it a go.
  • Paul Kimball calls for balanced, open-minds — the excluded middle majority — to reassert themselves in UFOlogy. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
  • Take a trip down Nevada’s Extraterrestrial Highway with Joerg Arnu, but this is a drive where you don’t keep your eyes on the road.
  • A radiant UFO was observed for more than half an hour in western Iran last Wednesday night.
  • The UFO Iconoclast(s) believe the Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory in New Jersey is a front for the study of UFOs and other esoteric phenomena for military applications.
  • NASA plans to probe mysterious ice clouds that hover around the edge of space in the Earth’s polar regions.
  • Forget the Aurora Borealis/Australis, Jupiter has auroras bigger than our entire planet. Mindblowing pic.
  • Excellent analysis of video and photographs capturing twin black triangle UFOs over Pascoe Vale, Melbourne Australia, which isn’t very far from where I live, but that’s a coincidence …
  • Forget Roswell, the UFO incident on Maury Island 60 years ago is still a mystery that’s no closer to being solved.
  • One man says three red ships can be seen every night patrolling a portal near the Big Dipper constellation.
  • A Malaysian museum has been forced to cancel a popular exhibition on supernatural beings after a fatwa was issued.
  • Like the plot of Takashi Miike’s One Missed Call, (Amazon US), residents of Karachi fear receiving a phonecall that damages the central nervous system and splatters your brain. I highly recommend Koji Suzuki’s Ringu (Amazon US or UK) for a similar plot.
  • Scientists claim mobile phones are to blame for the alarming disappearance of bees.
  • Birds too are disappearing, with fewer songbirds visiting British gardens.
  • No more birds and the bees? If a new technique to create human sperm cells from bone marrow gets the green light, will I get my wish of death by snu snu?
  • Britain’s fight against drugs — namely cocaine and cannabis — is a total failure according to a scathing report.
  • Some researchers, with (no surprise) the US government’s blessing, want to scrap the internet and start again. That’s what I say about human evolution.
  • In a new book, Feast: Why Humans Share Food (Amazon US or UK), Prof Martin Jones says families who eat in front of the televison are a natural consequence of evolution. What about TDG news editors who eat in front of their computer?
  • Exposure to friendly soil bacteria could improve mood by boosting the immune system just as effectively as antidepressant drugs. I wonder if Greg’s mood improves when the Taylor kids track dirt into the house?
  • Another article discusses the increasing number of children diagnosed with food allergies.
  • Thank the Gods I’m not allergic to chocolate, but kids continue to slave on cocoa farms in West Africa (where more than half the world’s chocolate is produced) despite a pledge by companies to stop the practice.
  • A white cat, nicknamed after TS Elliot’s poem Macavity The Mystery Cat, catches the No 331 bus several mornings a week from the same stop, and jumps off near a fish and chip shop. There’s a cat in my neighbourhood I’ve nicknamed David Bowie, because he has one blue eye and one green eye.

Thanks to Loren Coleman, Baldrick (no relation) and Greg.

Quote of the Day:

Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.

Aldous Huxley

  1. Today’s Quote
    Thanks Rick, that is one of Huxley’s better quotes.

    However……Being a writer, Huxley was being a bit of a narcissist as he implies that a man who can’t read does not have this ability.

    When I was in college I, for some bizarre reason, took several philosophy classes. One of my favorite exercises was the examination of famous quotes. Especially those by humanists. Today’s Huxley quote, in my opinion, is far more profound and universal if given this simple change:

    Every man who knows how to empathize has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.

    1. I empathise!
      That’s an excellent point, Anon, I agree, and I love the “empathize” substitution. “Learn” would also work well.

      Think with the heart, feel with the mind, as the ancient Egyptians said. “Wiser is he who knows he does not know,” Socrates advised. Lotsa good quotes.

  2. re :-Castaneda

    He is well worth the read, in fact in the series of
    books on the nagual Don Juan- he reveals himself
    to be quite repressed and freaked out. So the books are
    a warts and all kind of thing.

    Juan and Genaro may be composite characters- or whatever
    but some of the use of and preparations of the smoke
    are very detailed and may get up the noses of people
    who may seek to undermine the teachings.

    The books can be read from an anthropological
    viewpoint, but they are damn good.

    you have to be able to suspend reality and change your
    view- some people need help with that. (like Castaneda)

    Read the series if ye can.

    1. re: carlos c

      I never saw any reason to be a “follower” of Carlos–he makes it clear that he has “feet of clay”

      That salon article never mentions the word “Toltec” —and I didn’t read all of the comments. But there are some contemporary folks working that tradition including Don Miguel Ruiz (4 agreements) and Susan Gregg.

      There’s even “the complete idiots guide to Toltec wisdom.” I’ve heard Wayne Dyer quote Castaneda—plus he obviously got lotsa chicks.

      1. Doesn’t it bother you that
        Doesn’t it bother you that Castaneda obviously fabricated a lot of facts, and got many of them wrong? The Yaqui have never used peyote, for example. I just don’t trust the guy, and trust is the number one ingredient in walking anyone’s path.

  3. JFK
    So Greg, now that we have all had plenty of time to watch the Garrison doco, I hope You are now going to post the Jfk II the Bush connection video on YouTube? Then how about some more Alex Jones?

    Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
    John 8:32

    1. Sure
      Certainly, I’ll add that one down the track. I’m sure people would like something else than JFK first though. Thanks for the suggestion.

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

  4. re: castaneda
    well, its seems like the sub-title of that first book (a yaqui way of knowledge) is mis-leading because he later says that the teachings are not yaqui at all but rather from the “toltec” tradtion. I do agree that carlos is quite the spinner of yarns but I don’t really agree with de mille’s debunking attempts either.

    The books are not an attempt at serious anthropology and maybe they ARE mostly inspiring fiction —- with anything spiritual or metaphysical I always warn people to “bring the salt-shaker” I like the later books too but the one with the whole group of apprentices is one of my least favorites.

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