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News Briefs 13-11-2007

So, it was the dinosaurs that shot JFK. I knew it.

  • The dinosaur conspiracy theory.
  • Placenta has parasitic-like properties.
  • Argentinian police encounter UFO and aliens.
  • Daniel Tammet the amazing savant.
  • Galactic nuclei and cosmic rays have a connection.
  • Why are better educated, more advan­taged individuals more likely than others to join terrorist groups? Ask any War President.
  • So you want to live forever?
  • Fire from the sky.
  • Tree man who grew roots may be cured. Photos may upset some people.
  • Rare great ape fossil challenges evolutionary theory. Just make them descendents of humans.
  • Comet Holmes bigger than the sun.
  • Comets: the loose thread.

Quote of the Day:

I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.

Poul Anderson

  1. Dinosaur conspiracy theory
    I always knew the culprit was that T. Rex hiding over the grassy knoll 😉

    Now seriously. What if all those massive extinctions were… programmed in a way? Because of the dinos going bye bye is that we hairless apes got to keep the playground.

    So what do you think: Was that a random accident, or was [insert your favorite deity, demiurge or omnipotent aliens here] behind all that?

    Or maybe we perceive it as a programmed event just because currently, our species is the main beneficiary of that evolutionary process. But if a killer asteroid were to hit us tomorrow and wipe us out to kingdom come, wouldn’t the new ruling species (My money is on mutant cockroaches) think exactly the same of OUR demise?

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. Flies
      I reckon it’s the flies. They always thrive and survive everything. 🙂
      How do you kill something that thrives on death?

      I’m fanatical about moderation

      Anthony North

    2. rather than programmed…
      … what about deliberate? if humans were around and about, but not on earth, they might have come to the conclusion that they could not live with dinosaurs, and then used mass drivers to clear the way for a later colonisation.

      we’ll just have to watch out for those cockroaches.

      1. Why not?
        Especially if you consider humanity prior even to their psychic insemination in an animal body.

        When talking about Lemurian legends, These were ill fitted to survive on this planet, had not animal sense of survival and neither did they have any aggressiveness, being brought into stabilized chemical body. It made it way too hard for them and had to go back or stay in caves waiting for the nasty critters to move pn.

        Getting into an animal body fixed that problem, provided all the aggressiveness and strength necessary for physical survival, but cut him off from his essence making him a sex beast.

        Of course though, systemic intelligences knew better then than just drop them in the middle of a Jurassic picnic feast and would have taken the necessary steps.

        So far as I am concerned, there is nothing that is not deliberate that happens. It is all driven by rule, be it conscious or hidden.

    3. The concept of randomness
      That concept is only proof that not knowing we like to keep a wildcard that fits all.

      Randomness has been to science what god was to religion.

      Two human extrapolations based ignorance, nothing more.

      They are both fundamental and flawed.

      There is nothing random in atomic interaction, there is nothing random in energy organization. What makes it seem that way is the impossible amount of data to figure it out by intellectual means.

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