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News Briefs 06-11-2007

More deception comes your way.

  • Operation begins on Indian girl with eight limbs.
  • Scientists baffled by Indonesian volcano.
  • More artificial ruins on the moon.
  • On possible electric phenomena in solar systems and nebulae.
  • Gene links breastfeeding to IQ. If you are happy you perform better on tests.
  • Volcanoes may have swallowed early Earth’s oxygen.
  • Comet draws scientific and amateur interest.
  • Extinction theory falls from favour.
  • Stonehenge’s huge support settlement.
  • Life in 2020.
  • The Salzburg cube.
  • Thought police: how brain scans could invade your private life.
  • Proposals to terraform Mars about, but are any of them feasible?
  • UK climate bill’s 60% emission cut.

Quote of the Day:

The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly, terribly deceived.

Oscar Wilde

  1. Hoagland on the moon
    Enormous glass objects on the moon? Apparently Hoagland doesn’t believe in Occam’s Razor. What makes him think that, since the blue spot on the photo may not be a lens flare due to the angle of the sun, and that extra processing of the image shows odd blobs, that these can’t be some other visual artifact, or the result of some imperfection during the development process of the negatives or the prints? The other supposed evidence on his web site fits in the same category. He rummages around in his head, can’t find an explanation among the facts he already knows, won’t take other possibilities into account since they’re not exciting, and then makes the leap to assume it’s enormous glass objects.

    If you’ll look at the photo in the lower right corner, of the first block of four on his web page, you’ll clearly see two horizontal white objects. These are reflections of the fluorescent lights used in the studio where the moon walks were filmed.

    1. Well…
      The chinese probe is surveilling the Moon right one.

      Should they find something odd, wound’t they be the first to denounce this “cover-up” to the entire World?

      Let’s see what happens…

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. Roddy and the Queen Mary was better
        When Ticky Dick was saying that Roddy’s robot head from Starwars was on the moon and the Queen Mary was parked too there -that was best! He could prove this by a speck on an image that was “covered ” up you see, it is all conspired to keep info from us, they are really out there watching us…we just do not know, but, he does…………good grief…….he has gone past Pluto.every year he is farther and farther out there.
        He is like a little boy who never grew up that wants to be a commander of a spaceship…you know of course this is not reality, no one really believes this stuff do they? I hope not. He was a key speaker at the wonderful “rewriting history” (because our own scientists can’t figure it out) conference CPAK… this really what history is all about? I do not think so…..

        I could not access the article about the medical issues with the 8 limbs….did any one read it?
        Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
        Circular Times

        1. I read it
          Luckily the doctors will be able to help this poor girl, so she can have a normal life. The cost of the operation will be 100,000 pounds!

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

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