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News Briefs 31-1-07

  • The mystery of Chaco Canyon.
  • Stroke of insight.
  • What we don’t know.
  • Stonehenge builders’ houses found.
  • Is philosophy progressive?
  • Hobbit human is a new species.
  • Who runs the world and controls the value of assets?
  • How the moon rules your life.
  • Hunt for ancient medicine secrets.
  • Ancient Mayan ruins to be studied.
  • Cancer treatment happy end for more patients.
  • Deep space explosion baffles astronomers.
  • Biblical natural cures.
  • Life on Mars may lie dormant in frozen seas.
  • Endless universe made possible by new model.
  • Apocalypse never? Science could yet save the day.
  • Scientists rethink causes of Mad Cow.
  • Bacteria and viruses alter evolution’s speed.
  • Neptune may have thousands of escorts.
  • Undersea vent blows blue.

Quote of the Day:

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.

Albert Camus

  1. We don’t know more than that
    I liked the article on what we don’t know. I would add to the list the History of Our Planet. There are too many unexplained events and anomalies in the history of the world for us to claim to even approach a complete understanding.

    But the list is a good start to the stuff we don’t know. For the most part, I’ll say we never will.


    1. True
      There is also the nature of consciousness and the nature of life even.

      What we see everyday is taken for granted although what it really is still escapes science even if dictionary definitions exist.

      I think one problem is that we don’t make a difference between a description and an explanation and scientist tend to believe that because they have described a phenomena, they have captured the nature of that phenomena.

      In my book, nature and life are much more intelligent than we are but we act as if we could dominate it in our current state.

      Our psychology did not produce nature and life, did it?

  2. cancer treatment
    The Russian article was a little obscure. It never gave us any of the treatments being used.

    I am surprised that TDG has linked to this article especially considering that just recently TDG linked to another article mentioning the cancer cure discovered by Dr Michelakis of the University of Alberta, namely dichloroacetate or DCA. I was inspired by that discovery and I did a little bit of research. In the last few weeks I have discovered that there are several powerful antioxidants that repair the mitochondria, especially the amino acids carnitine, arginine and taurine. I have also heard mention of capsaicin, curcumin, and intravenous vitamin C. There is also the very cheap and popular flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese, which gives the cells the essential fatty acids they need to transport oxygen into the cells. Then there is serrapeptase, which I mentioned here on TDG a few months ago.

    1. all interesting but you…..
      ….forgot to mention, laetril, apricot kernels, apple seeds and virgin olive oil. O and dandilion roots. And also dark grapes. All are excelent sorces of cancer combatants.

      “While contemplating on their life, anyone who says they have no regrets and would do it all the same again, have not learn’t anything.”

    2. The opinions of this site,….etc etc
      Whilst not an “official” of the TDG staff, I would like to point out that just because TDG links to a site, does not necessarily mean that they endorse the opinion or ideas of that linked story.

      TDG doesn’t bring you the news directly, it just acts as a useful central hub from which interesting stories from around the web are collected and linked.

      Maybe I misunderstood your opening words, if so, apologies from me, and perhaps you could clarify what you meant.

      yer ol’ pal,

      (This post was brought to you by “Realm of the Dead”)

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