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News Briefs 02-03-2006

Buenos tardes amigo…

Quote of the Day:

Roswell, in my opinion, is a blind alley. It is a major tactical mistake to base the argument for UFOs entirely on a case that has so little scientific evidence and so much ambiguous and conflicting testimony surrounding it.

Dr Jacques Vallee

  1. Da Vinci Code Road Apples
    Hi All

    The Code is bogus and bad plagarism too. We all know it was cribbed straight from “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” so that it should be proven bogus in court will be a ‘win’ for the writers of that pot-boiler.

    As for the supposed Mother Goddess BS in Gnosticism I must say that it’s a very odd way of somehow affirming femininity when the Gnostics nearly Universally consider female sexuality to be the cause of the whole sorry mess we call a world. Divine Sophia sweat-drops of passion became the trapped souls in this cosmic clockwork/torture machine – really says it all, if you’re a misogynist encratite holed up in some bare cave trying not to polish one’s knob.

    qraal, the Despiser

    The Universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine.

    1. Breathe
      A couple thoughts after reading your post:

      Take some deep breaths of fresh air (get outdoors more).

      Don’t forget while you’re dissing the Mother Goddess, that this game we’re playing is cyclical. Dudes had their turn at the helm in two of the four 5,200-year cycles comprising the 26,000-year Great Year. There’s one more cycle ahead – let’s get it right this time.

      Ever wonder who HBHG authors lifted the “complete architecture” of HBHG from? HBHG was first published in 1982, so possible ‘lifted’ authors could include: Wolfram von Eschenbach (“Parzival”); G.A. Schiffmann (“die Entstehung der Rittergrade in der Freimauerer um die Mitte des XVIII Jahrhunderts, 1882);Victor Emile Michelet (Le secret de la Chevalerie, 1930); and many, many others.

      I’ll leave you with this thought from Umberto Eco, “ . . . even in the most commonplace text I will find a spark, if not of truth, at least of bizarre falsehood, and often the extremes meet.” ‘Foucault’s Pendulum’

    2. Re: Da Vinci Code Road Apples
      [quote=qraal]Hi All

      The Code is bogus and bad plagarism too. We all know it was cribbed straight from “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” so that it should be proven bogus in court will be a ‘win’ for the writers of that pot-boiler.[/quote]

      Er, yeah but you’re missing the point. HBHG was written as a non-fiction book, an alternative history if you want. All Dan Brown did was to take the theory that HBHG proposed, and spun it into a fictional storyline. I don’t see where the plagiarism is there.

      If I decide to write a fictional novel based on, say, Darwin’s theory of Evolution, would I be accused of plagiarising Darwin? I don’t think so.

      [quote=qraal]As for the supposed Mother Goddess BS in Gnosticism I must say that it’s a very odd way of somehow affirming femininity when the Gnostics nearly Universally consider female sexuality to be the cause of the whole sorry mess we call a world.[/quote]

      Hmm, I always thought that religion was the cause of the whole sorry mess the world’s in.

      yer ol’ pal,


  2. South Texas Chupacabra
    Being a native of South Texas, sightings of a chupacabra do not surprise me. The image of Jesus was once reported to having been seen on the floor of a service station bathroom there (I kid you not). Often these visions are facilitated by a copious consumption of tequila or like beverage.

    It seems that lately Texas has been popping up a lot on the net with paranormal news.

    All the best,

    – Hal

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