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John Keel Has Heart Attack

Loren Coleman has some sad and worrying news over at Cryptomundo regarding the health of the ‘legendary’ John Keel (author of The Mothman Prophecies and numerous other great books and articles on UFOs, Men in Black, ‘ultraterrestrials’ etc):

I’ve learned that John A. Keel suffered a heart attack late last week, and is undergoing surgery in New York City, Monday, October 16, 2006…Word is that he is not in great shape, but hopefully he has come through post-op recovery fine. I will update this information, as soon as I can.

All at TDG wish John Keel the best hopes for a speedy recovery. Big thanks to Loren Coleman for passing on the news.

Update: Loren now has more information about Keel’s oparation, and says that the prognosis is good.

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